Chapter 30 Happy friends, dead girl, let me down!

Hear this.

Li Yanran also stopped eating with her head covered.

He raised his head and said, “Is there a clue? That’s great!”

I must beat that man hard enough to do such a thing. ”

“Who said it must be done by men?” Lin Nan said with a sideways glance at her.

“Isn’t it a man? Could it be a woman?” Li Yanran retorted: “That little girl must have been taken away by a salty and wet man, and maybe she was doing something like this… that kind of disgusting thing!”

“Apart from that, what else could be possible?”

“Humph! If you don’t have enough IQ, don’t make guesses!” Lin Nan said speechlessly: “The reality is much more absurd than imagined, and sometimes you can’t judge according to common sense.”

“Also, we are the police. If there is no evidence, don’t talk about it, and don’t fantasize about it.”

Li Yanran couldn’t defend herself, so she simply stopped defending.

He just made up his mind in his heart that he must beat the scum who kidnapped the little girl 10,000 times.

After eating and drinking, the group of three immediately started work.

Xiong Zhuangshi went to Captain Zhang Hai to report, Li Yanran was bored and looked at the relevant information about the disappearance of the 903 pedestrian street, hoping to find clues from it.

And Lin Nan clicked on the video again and started 64 times faster playback.

When working hard, time always flies by.

The 4 hours in the afternoon passed by in a flash.

After Lin Nan crossed out the last video, he closed his eyes and meditated.

My mind is constantly ingesting useful clues from the 480 hours of video content.

It’s like finding pieces of a puzzle.

Little by little piece together the truth of the disappearance.


The real truth of the case is not so easy to piece together.

Although the truth became clearer and Lin Nan was more and more certain about the absurd speculation in his heart, he still needed a few important pieces to support his speculation.

Lin Nan opened his eyes and found that Xiong Zhuangshi and Li Yanran were waiting eagerly beside him, their eyes revealing the desire for the truth.

“Xiao Lin, how is it? You’ve read it all! How about the clues?” Xiong Zhuangshi asked in a naive voice.

“It’s coming soon! It’s coming soon! Don’t worry!” Lin Nan’s peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, like a sly fox, and said mysteriously: “We have other more important things to do now!”

“The priority now is to go…”

“The most urgent task is to go to the pedestrian street scene, and to see Sun Mengmeng’s mother Song Kexin, right!” Xiong Zhuangshi answered confidently: “I understand! Leave it to me! You can see it in half an hour. .”

Lin Nan: “???”

“Brother Bear? What nonsense are you talking about?”

“Top priority! Of course, it’s time to eat!”

“I watched the video for another four hours, and I’m starving to death!”

“This 903 pedestrian street disappearance case has not been solved for three years, so there is no need to rush it for a while.”

“It’s better to eat first, so that you can have the strength to solve the case!”

After reading the documents all afternoon, Li Yanran, who was a little crazy, slapped the table angrily.

“Eat, eat, eat! What to eat? Since there are clues, don’t speed up the progress. Is it more important to find out the truth about the disappearance of 903 Pedestrian Street than to eat?”

“I can’t wait to catch this scum who has escaped trial for 3 years”

Lin Nan drank tea and said, “I heard that there is a pot of meat in a pot tonight!”

“Guobaorou!!!” Li Yanran struggled for a moment. Her nature of hatred and hatred overcame the temptation of Guobaorou, and said decisively: “Guobaorou is not important! The truth of the disappearance case on 903 Pedestrian Street is more important!”

“Let’s go! Go to find out the truth first, and then go to the pot.”

Saying that, Li Yanran held Lin Nan on her shoulder with one hand, moved her short legs like a small electric motor, and ran out like a gust of wind.

“Damn it! Damn girl, let me down! I didn’t say anything!” Lin Nan’s calm expression was instantly destroyed, and he said in a hurry, “This… what does this look like? I don’t want to lose face!”

“Slow down! Slow down! Don’t knock me in the face!”

“Ahhh! Bear…Brother, don’t forget…my thermos…cup…cup…”

“Ah this… Xiao Yanran’s strength… is a bit unscientific!” Xiong Zhuangshi stood there dumbfounded, and muttered to himself as he listened to the distant echoes:

“However, Xiao Lin is also a boy of 1.8 meters tall. Although he has lost a bit of weight, his weight is one hundred and thirty-four.”

“Running with one hand, how did Xiao Yanran do it?”

Xiong Zhuangshi felt more and more that what Lin Nan said was right!

Reality is more absurd than in movies.

After a moment.

Xiong Zhuangshi appeared outside the branch with Lin Nan’s beloved thermos cup in his left hand and the car key in his right.

He was far away and saw Lin Nan and Li Yanran in front of his car, arguing with each other like a pair of happy friends. *

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