Chapter 28 Special video watching tips! 64x fast forward!

Li Yanran muttered: “What! I can’t find any clues!”

“It’s really hard! There’s no way to find out!”

“Xiao Yanran, how do you feel?” Xiong Zhuangshi walked up to the neighborhood cheerfully and said, “After coming into contact with these old cases, you have been hit! Do you feel like you can’t find out?”

“This is nothing. In the Beining branch, there are still some headless cases from more than ten or twenty years ago, and the clues are even more pitiful.”

“The cases that can be solved, the cases that are easy to be solved, have already been solved, and the remaining cases are more difficult than the other.”

“Lin Nan, how are you feeling?”

“It’s a bit difficult, and the clues are incomplete. I can’t come to a conclusion until I have dealt with the whole case.” Lin Nan replied calmly.

“But all crimes can’t be flawless. For example, there are hidden information that we didn’t notice, but we just didn’t notice it!”

Xiong Zhuangshi raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

The new recruits who have just joined the job are like this. They have never been beaten by unsolved cases.

Li Yanran said weakly, “Ahhh! Oh my God! It’s really difficult! Lin Nan, what case are you looking at?”

Lin Nan said softly, “The 903 Pedestrian Street Disappearance Case!”

“The disappearance case on 903 Pedestrian Street? It should be the case with the least clues among these cases.” Xiong Zhuangshi scratched his head and said angrily: “The missing person seems to be called Sun Mengmeng, who is still a high school girl and was only 17 years old when she disappeared. ”

“I have an impression of this case, there are no clues, no one is alive, no corpse is dead.”

“The mother of that child will come to the branch every once in a while to ask about the situation.”


“Unfortunately, we criminal police are also human, not gods.”

“Some cases, without clues, we can’t solve it.”

“It’s just that every time we face the families of those victims, we… eh!”

Speaking of this, Xiong Zhuangzhuang was a little sentimental, sighing constantly, and he had a feeling that the past could not be recalled.

And at the same time.

Li Yanran, who was listening with all her ears, suddenly widened her eyes, patted the table angrily, and said with hatred:

“What? Missing 17-year-old girl? Damn it! I don’t know which goddamn bastard did such a vile thing.”

“Boss Xiong, let’s investigate this case.”

“We must find out the real murderer, and I will give him a few punches.”

“This case!” Xiong Zhuangshi said with a bit of a headache: “I also checked it three years ago, but there is really no clue at all.”

“In broad daylight, a little girl disappeared in the pedestrian street of the school. At that time, there was a lot of trouble. Later, the business of the pedestrian street was greatly affected.”

“However, since you said so, let’s check this case again.”

“Lin Nan, you have also learned about the case information. What are you going to do next?”

“Look at the surveillance!” Lin Nan said without looking back.

“The monitoring is only for more than ten minutes, and there are no clues!” Xiong Zhuangshi was confused.

“It’s all surveillance, all surveillance related to it!” Lin Nan added.

“What are you kidding?” Xiong Zhuangzhuang twitched the corners of his mouth. “Do you know how long that surveillance is related to?”

“There are 432 hours of surveillance video in 18 stores.”

“In addition to the surveillance video of the two pedestrian street intersections, there are a total of 480 hours of surveillance video content.”

“Do you know what this concept is? At the beginning, for the investigation, a lot of people were seconded from other sub-bureaus. They were divided into two groups and ten groups. It took nearly three days to watch all the surveillance videos.”

“Now, just the three of us, I’m afraid we will watch a month’s video.”

“It’s okay! I have special video-watching skills, so it doesn’t take that long.” Lin Nan replied confidently.

After a moment.

“Is this the special video-watching skill you’re talking about?” Xiong Zhuangshi’s eyes were dull, and he muttered to himself, “I feel like you’re kidding me!”

“Can you see this TM clearly? I’ll wash my hair upside down!”

And Li Yanran, another person standing behind Lin Nan, was already dazed by the dazzling images on the computer, and his brain was buzzing.

Lin Nan, on the other hand, did not hear anything outside the window, and only watched the video.

At this moment, he realized how amazing that handed down skill (Thinking Memory Palace) was.

Originally, he thought that this skill was similar to the memory palace ability of Qin Feng, the protagonist in Detective Chinatown, which he had seen in the previous movie.

So Lin Nan tried to speed up the video.

2 times!

4 was!

8 times!

But when he adjusted the video to 64 times, he still captured the picture very easily, and could completely process the received information with his brain.

At that moment, he really understood what the thought memory palace of handed down skills meant.

It is simply an ability that can be passed on to the world and endure for a long time.

Worse than the protagonist of the movie.

Of course, this is not the limit of Lin Nan.

According to his feeling, there should be no problem at all if it is doubled as fast as 128 times faster.

But in order not to behave completely inhuman.

Lin Nan still thinks it’s better to watch videos at a relatively acceptable 64x fast-forward speed.


He didn’t know that even fast-forwarding to watch videos at 64x speed was a myth of the Arabian Nights for other people. *

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