Chapter 23 A Sherlock Holmes with two Watsons.

Lin Nan felt that the third group took jujube pills.

Look at the configuration of the first criminal investigation group and the second criminal investigation group.

In groups of four, one person is proficient in four aspects: interrogation, case scene, information, and combat.

Plus the support of the forensic team.

It can directly form a complete criminal investigation team from beginning to end, which is enough to ensure that the team can independently complete the detection of criminal investigation cases.

Let’s take a look at the three temporarily formed criminal investigation teams.

Now there are only three people in total, and compared with the complete group of four, the combat power is less than a quarter at the beginning.

The one who is missing, God knows when it will be replenished.

That’s fine.

Look at the two teammates around you.

The leader of the third criminal investigation team, Xiong Zhuangzhuang, has a body like a giant bear, can stop the crying of children, and has an outstanding fighting ability. He has extremely strong fighting ability and outstanding shooting ability.

He used to be the vice-captain of the criminal investigation team. A year ago, he was grievously complained about taking too much action on criminal suspects. He was finally demoted and transferred to work in the civil department.

In one year of working in the civil department, he mediated 23 civil disputes and was complained 24 times.

According to Lin Nan’s understanding, saying that he has no brains is to praise him.


Look at the second.

Childhood sweetheart Li Yanran: a flat-panel violent girl, nicknamed Li Dali.

Appearance, words and deeds look like a delicate and petite vitality girl.

But in fact, her strength is somewhat unscientific, and she is a veritable powerful girl.

He is proficient in various fighting techniques, grappling techniques… and various martial arts such as Wing Chun, Baguazhang, etc. He is a veritable fighting genius.

It’s a pity that her bonus points are a bit crooked, and only her talent for close combat is lit up.

In addition, the learning is general, and the long-range shooting is sloppy.

And since childhood, Li Yanran wanted to compare with Lin Nan in everything.

It’s a pity that she doesn’t have enough brains and is always played around by Lin Nan.

In the words of Lin Nan.

This is mental retardation.


To be precise, it is a mental retardation with a sturdy fighting ability.


Although the combat effectiveness of these two teammates is strong, it is useless!

This is the Criminal Investigation Team, not the Anti-Black Team!

What is needed here is to solve the case! Solve the case! Solve the case!

Why do you need so much fighting power?

The most important thing is to use your brain! ! !

And the brain thing.

It is clear.

My two teammates don’t have this.

One God brings two pits!

In the end, he took it all by himself.

Lin Nan silently sighed in his heart.

They come, the security!

I hope that Captain Zhang Hai can keep his word and add another smart person to the third group as soon as possible.

Playing with fools every day will lower your IQ.

However, although Lin Nan felt a lot of pressure.

But it’s not without benefits.

At least when solving the case, his contribution to the team will definitely occupy the majority, and the justice points obtained will be relatively more.

Sherlock Holmes also has a powerful Watson!

It’s like having two Watsons.

Thinking about it this way, Lin Nan suddenly felt much better.

The entire department of the Criminal Investigation Team occupies the entire third floor of the Bac Ninh Branch, with more than ten rooms of various sizes.

In addition to the main office, there are many other rooms with different functions, such as the archives, autopsy room, interrogation room, etc.

in the entire criminal investigation team.

Xiong Zhuangshi turned out to be a member of the criminal investigation team, and Li Yanran also practiced in the criminal investigation team for a whole year. The two of them were very familiar with this place.

Only Lin Nan is a complete newcomer to the criminal investigation team.

Under the suggestion of Xiong Zhuangshi, and the second opinion of all other criminal investigation colleagues.

In the end, it was decided that Li Yanran would bring Lin Nan to get acquainted with the environment.

Lin Nan glanced at it and almost wrote all the colleagues who were knocking CP on his face.


so tired!

We are not!

How could I possibly be mentally handicapped?


“This is the file room of the criminal investigation team, which contains all the paper documents of criminal cases that have occurred in Beining District.” Li Yanran pointed to a room with three characters written on the file room and explained:

“Of course, now we have entered the era of paperless information, and these materials can also be found in the national public security case archive system.”

“However, if you want to use a computer to enter the archives system to query case information, you can only log in on the intranet of each branch, and you need a certain level of viewing authority.”

“Newcomers like us, at the level of first-level police officers and second-level police officers, can’t find too many things on the intranet.”

“A lot of the cases are kept secret from us.”

“But the paper version does not have so many restrictions. As long as the criminal police of the criminal investigation department can enter the file room to inquire about the paper materials, they only need to register.”

“Of course, in principle, it is not allowed to bring these materials out.”

Lin Nan held the thermos cup calmly and said while drinking tea, “That is to say, there is no paper case data from other provinces, or even the case data from the other three districts of Longyang City, all of which are under the jurisdiction of our sub-bureau. Criminal case information within the scope!”

“Then the archives of other sub-bureaus have paper versions of criminal case materials, which are also only within their own jurisdiction!”

“Yes! That’s right!” Li Yanran nodded.

“That’s not very useful.” Lin Nan cast a disgusting glance at her, and said with a poisonous tongue, “It’s faster to log in to the intranet and directly check the information.”

“Although I don’t have the authority, I am familiar with seniors from other departments in many branches. This restriction is of little use to me.”

Li Yanran’s eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she clenched her fists full of energy and said, “Yes! Why didn’t I think of this?”

“If you don’t have enough authority, then you can find someone with authority to check it on the intranet!”

“As expected of my lifelong rival.”

“By the way! This time, I took advantage of you for my merit and promotion, and you won again.”

“But wait, I’ll definitely beat you.”

Confusion was written all over Lin Nan’s face.

? ? ?


Why did you take advantage of me?

What the hell is going on with this flat violent woman?

The mentally retarded mind is incomprehensible.

But well!

Want to beat me?

I’m afraid you’re thinking about ass!

Since childhood, when did you beat me? *

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