Chapter 226 Has it begun? It’s over!

Lin Nan took the colorless and transparent evidence bag aside, and carefully examined the tiny cotton remnants in the bag, as well as the almost invisible small mass of textile fibers.

His eyes swept away at will, and suddenly there was a flash of light.

These “…are they from towels?”

This statement came out.

Captain Zhang Hai touched his chin, nodded in agreement, and replied, “A towel?”

“It makes sense.”

“A soaked towel hanging around the nose and mouth for 3-20 minutes is enough to cause a person to suffocate to death.

“If someone does this on purpose and presses hard, the time will be shortened.”

“Collect the towels in the room, especially wet towels or slightly damp ones, and make corresponding numbers.”

“It’s October, and if it’s a wet towel that’s been soaked in water, it doesn’t dry as quickly.”

After a moment.

A full forty or fifty towels were put into the evidence bag “543”.

More than a dozen suspected towels were also stuffed into the evidence bag.

Captain Zhang Hai looked at the pile of hairs in front of him and frowned and said: “It’s really troublesome, there are 19 towels inside that are wet, how should I find out which towel?”

“Do you want to test one by one?

“Forget it, put it away first, then go back and talk about it.”

“Let’s look in other directions to see if there are any new clues!”

Lin Nan pointed to a camera in the living room aimed at the door and said, “Team Zhang, the camera opposite the door in the living room can just capture the sink, bathroom and kitchen.”

“The video footage inside may have clues.”

“If the crime was committed with a wet towel, it would definitely go to these three places to get water to get wet.”

“Of course, the possibility of getting wet with mineral water is not ruled out.

The group came downstairs again.

at this time.

The downstairs of the crime scene was overcrowded.

Outside the cordon, there were onlookers watching the excitement, and there were nearby residents asking for news.

Among them, in a separate area, there are more than 30 people who rent beds.

As soon as they came downstairs, Captain Zhang Hai called Song Mingming over.

“Mingming, how are you asking?”

Song Mingming held a pen and said in a deep voice: “According to the information from the second landlord, the deceased has not had any conflicts with other people recently.”

“However, the deceased had the habit of snoring, and it was very loud and noisy. Many people have told the second landlord about this.”

Captain Zhang Hai fell into deep thought.


Is it related to this?

“Apart from that?” Captain Zhang Hai continued to ask: “Did the people who lived in the same room with the deceased see anything unusual at night?”

“Or people in other rooms, haven’t they seen anything unusual?”

Song Mingming looked at the record and replied, “No, no one in the same room said anything unusual.”

“However, some people in other rooms said that it seemed that the snoring was shaking in the middle of the night, but it suddenly disappeared in the middle of the night.”

Captain Zhang Hai touched his chin and pondered.

And at the same time.

After Lin Nan went downstairs, he immediately took the memory card taken out from the camera at the crime scene and walked to the police car.

Find the laptop from the car, use the card reader, start reading the video on the spot, and watch it on the spot.


Lin Nan, who used multiple fast-forwards to quickly watch the surveillance video, had a clear look in his eyes, and he already had a goal in his heart.

The whole thing has been roughly deduced by Lin Nan.

He swept his gaze in a circle, and found the target in the team of more than 30 people.

Lin Nan strode towards that direction, stopping next to a thin figure.

He took out the handcuffs with a serious and calm expression, and said in a deep voice, “The surveillance video is very clear, please come with us! Go back and assist in the investigation.

The voice just fell.

The slender young man had a pale wry smile on his face.

“Found out so quickly!”

“Comrade police, if I say I didn’t do it on purpose, it’s just an accident, do you believe it?”

Lin Nan nodded and replied, “Trust! But even if it’s an accident, now that someone dies, you will still be judged by the law.”

“Where did you leave that wet towel?”

The skinny guy didn’t plan to struggle and argue at all, and he replied dejectedly: “Forget it!”

“Going out, passing a trash can and throwing it away.”

“I really didn’t expect that he would die.”

Lin Nan put the handcuffs on the boy and sighed: “Humans are very fragile creatures, and if you are not careful, accidents will happen.”

“The action you think is nothing, but it may bring a fatal threat to others.

“Let’s go! There are too many people here, let’s go back to the precinct and talk!”

Having said that, Lin Nan led him towards the direction of the police car.

at the same time,

Everyone who saw this scene showed a confused expression.

Especially for Xiong Zhuangshi, Li Yanran and other colleagues who were nearby and just heard this conversation, the impact was even greater.

after all.

The case has only just begun, and Lin Nan has already closed it.

There are as many as thirty or forty suspects involved in possible crimes, but the real culprit was found in minutes.

This scene… Whoever saw it and did not hesitate to force it?

Seeing Lin Nan’s disappearing figure, the first person to recover was actually strong.

“Yanran, go and report the situation to Team Zhang.

“I’ll start the car first. Lin Nan doesn’t have a driver’s license, so it’s up to me now.”

Saying that, Xiong Zhuangzhuang walked towards the police car.

And the other side.

in a location far from here.

Captain Zhang Hai and Song Mingming are still discussing the case.

They were so involved that they didn’t notice the scene just now.

Just as the two were constantly arguing and discussing.

Li Yanran walked behind the two and suddenly said, “Team Zhang! The case has been solved.

“Lin Nan has identified a major suspect.

“The other party seems to have admitted what they have done.

“The person has been escorted into the car and is about to be escorted back to the precinct.”

“What to do next.

Captain Zhang Hai;”???”

Song Mingming: “???”

At this moment.

The two were a little suspicious of life and couldn’t believe what they heard.

Captain Zhang 3.8 Hai asked hesitantly, “Xiao Yanran, you, what did you say? The case has been solved? Lin Nan found the suspect?”

Li Yanran nodded.

“Yes! Everyone has admitted it and has been taken away.”

Captain Zhang Hai:

No hallucinations, it’s true.

a time.

His expression was a little complicated.


I also discussed the case with Song Mingming and the two over there!

look back!

The case was solved by Lin Nan.

Has it started yet?

It has ended!

Captain Zhang Hai looked up at the sky and muttered to himself: “It’s really the back waves of the Yangtze River pushing the front waves, but the back waves are too big.”

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand and said, “Temporarily seal the room at the scene of the crime, and bring the body of the deceased back together.”

“Prepare to close the team and return to the precinct together.

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