Chapter 224 A new case appeared, the scene of the crime in the group rental house.

Criminal Investigation Office.

Leng Mei sat on the desk, ignoring Neng Zhuang who was beside her, holding her chin, and fell into deep contemplation.

It’s been nearly three days, why is there still no movement from Plum Blossom Q?

The airport, railway station, and Bac Ninh branch in Longming City have been under surveillance.

Why haven’t they found a trace of the other party yet?

Where is the plum blossom Q hiding?

At this moment.

Leng Mei and Lin Nan didn’t know about it yet, which made them vigilant against the poker organization Club Queen.

I have lost the direction of my life in this vast land.


Phone screen flickers.

Lin Nan opened it casually and took a closer look.

It turned out to be a message from lawyer Zhen.

He has successfully obtained the permission of Sun Yuan and his wife to become their attorney, and has been charged with a series of crimes such as intentional injury.

Zheng Xiuxian and Wen Leying who intended to use Sun Yuan as a scapegoat were brought to court.

And, because the evidence is solid, the court has already been tried, and the result will be available in a few days.

And the criminal lawsuit that Zheng Xiuxian and Wen Lexuan conspired to murder his wife and seize property has also been put on the agenda of the court trial.

It will probably take a few days to come to a conclusion. 543


There are also people who took bribes to mislead the police investigation and sign language association vice president Ma Yonggui, the doctor in the hospital who took bribes and gave Zheng Xiuxian a false certificate. . . . .

They will also be judged by the law and receive the punishment they deserve.

Lin Nan saw the information and had a big smile on his face.

There is nothing that makes a law enforcement officer more happy than that the criminals get the punishment they deserve, and the innocent get the compensation they deserve.

Time passed bit by bit.

In the blink of an eye, it was more than 4 o’clock in the afternoon, and in a few hours, it was time to get off work again.

This day seems to be another peaceful day.


Haven’t waited for a few minutes for the idea of ​​Lin Nan to exist.

Outside the office.

“Tap tap~~~

The familiar hurried footsteps.

appearing again.


“All stand up.” Captain Zhang Hai said loudly with a serious face: “There was a murder in the Sunshine Community near Xili North Street, and the scene has been temporarily controlled.”

“Because there are too many suspects involved.

“Except for Lin Youwei and Han Senyi (bcdi), who are in charge of the information, follow me and set off immediately.”

All the criminal policemen said in unison: “Yes!”

As soon as the words fell, the entire Beining Branch Criminal Investigation Team started up like a clockwork machine.

A group of more than a dozen people got into their respective police cars and rushed to the scene of the crime with the sound of sirens.

On the road, still the same.


Because of the presence of a cold plum, the location this time is also different from before.

Lin Nan sat in the middle of the back seat of the police car.

On the left is Li Yanran, and on the right is Song Ruyan, sandwiched between the two women.

The driving seat is still the same old driver Xiong Zhuangshi, and the co-pilot is occupied by the new Lengmei.

At this moment.

Lin Nan looked at the faint smile on Xiong Zhuangshi’s face through the interior mirror with a complicated expression.

Brother Xiong, licking a dog will not end well.

never expected.

I was easily replaced by Leng Mei.

at the same time.

Able to stoutly put the Lengmei beside him, the corners of his mouth raised.

It’s time for Ms. Leng to come!

Xiaolin, don’t say that brother won’t help you.


You are childhood sweethearts on the left, and beautiful women on your right.

Opportunities have been created for you.


It’s up to you.


The important tasks that Uncle Lin, Lin Na, and the old man entrusted to me have hopefully been completed.


In the end, who will Xiaolin go with?

Is it a childhood sweetheart victory?

Or the beauty of the sky to pick the fruit of victory?

Really looking forward to it!

a time.

While driving, Xiong Zhuangshi didn’t know what the hell was going on in his mind.

And Lin Nan in the back seat closed his arms in embarrassment, took out his mobile phone, and began to check the case-related information.

Captain Zhang Hai has sent most of the known information to the group chat.

As Lin Nan checked, he muttered to himself:

“Xihu North Street Sunshine Community, isn’t this Xihu North Street near where the last time the abandoned factory was cremated!”

“There was another murder.

This time “it’s a little bit special.”

“The scene of the crime was actually in a group rental house, or it was an illegal group rental house that rented beds.”

“No wonder Captain Zhang Hai said there are many suspects involved!”

After a moment.

Downstairs of Building 4, Sunshine Community, Xihubei Street.

Xiong Zhuangshi parked the car in the parking space beside him, and a group of five people got off the police car one after another.

Meet downstairs.

They happened to be the last police car to arrive at the scene.

As soon as they arrived, the criminal investigation team had already arrived.

people together.

Captain Zhang Hai immediately began to command: “If you can be strong, you will bring Li Yanran, Liu Feng, and Zheng Hu to maintain order near the crime scene.”

“The forensic team Tan Xiaotong and Tan Xiaoxiao went to conduct a simple autopsy to confirm the cause of death and the time of death.

Song Mingming “brought Song Ruyan, Li Weiwei, Leng Mei and others to conduct simple inquiries to the reporters, witnesses at the crime scene, and people living with them.”

“I took Li Ming, Han Lin, and Lin Nan at the crime scene to search for traces and investigate.

After the command was completed, a group of more than a dozen people began to carry out their own work with a clear division of labor.

After Captain Zhang Hai assigned the work, he contacted the person in charge of the scene.

“Old Chen, you are actually leading the team. You can leave it to me here. Where are the reporters and the suspects living with them?”

The person in charge of the scene, Lao Chen, pointed to a group of men in Wuyang and Wuyang downstairs and said, “The person who reported the case is the first one. He is the landlord, alright, it should be said that he is the second landlord.”

The owner of the house “has not been contacted yet!”

“As for those who lived in the same house as the victim, those are all.”

Captain Zhang Hai looked at the large group of people, and replied with some astonishment: “No, it won’t!”

“There are at least thirty people there.

“They are all?”

The person in charge of the scene, Lao Chen, nodded and said, “This is not everyone. There are still a few on their way back. The second landlord has already contacted them and will be there in a while.”

Captain Zhang Hai twitched the corner of his mouth and looked up at the old building in front of him.

“I remember that the size of the houses in this community is generally 118 square meters with three bedrooms and one living room. This second landlord actually put more than 30 people in it?”

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