Chapter 222 Hot weapon control, three master-level abilities!

After seeing the prompt, Lin Nan was full of surprises.

Is this a normal ability upgrade path?

It finally appeared.

Master Level Ability Upgrade Card!

Unlimited upgrade of professional-level abilities to master level.

It was amazing.

At this time, before Lin Nan continued to surprise.

Another surprise came.

[[Upgrade]?) is a middle-level justice star, and the reward is 10% off and a lottery draw. ”

One-off raffle?

Another discount raffle!

The last time I got this reward was when I just moved to 100 justice points and upgraded to a primary justice star!

Unexpectedly, the upgrade to the intermediate justice star will be sent again.

And so on, the next time, the upgrade to a high-level justice star may also be given away.

Although this reward actually only saves 900 justice points.

But Lin Nan feels that every lottery draw will bring unexpected surprises.

Looking back on the last two lottery draws, I once won the handed down ability that has helped me the most so far ~ the mind memory palace.

The other time, he also got the expert-level cold weapon control.

This time.

What will it be?

Thinking of this, Lin Nan couldn’t wait, and directly used 12,100 points of justice for a 10% discount.


[Get ~ Hot Weapon Control (Expert Level)]

The knowledge related to various thermal weapons was instilled in Lin Nan’s mind, along with the various experiences and memories of each thermal weapon as if shooting for more than ten years.

Pistols, submachine guns, howitzers, sniper rifles, rockets, submarine missiles…

How to use, operating steps, performance of various thermal weapon models, how powerful they are…  

Countless related knowledge was stuffed into Lin Nan’s mind.

For a time, my head felt a little dizzy.


This is not the first time that Lin Nan has encountered such a situation, the handed down ability ~ the memory palace of thinking, immediately played its due role.

The memories of various hot weapons form books in the memory palace, which are stored in a place similar to a thinking library in an orderly manner.

After a moment.

Lin Nan was no longer dizzy and returned to normal, the corners of his mouth rose and a smile appeared.

It’s just too late for this ability.

At least it can be considered to make up for a shortcoming.

The weapon’s long-range firing capability.

It may play a very important role in the next time.

In this country, the ban on guns is very strict, and most of the criminals encountered in this country have no way to obtain guns.

But the enemies Lin Nan will face are not just domestic criminals.

There are also vicious foreign organizations. God knows if the poker organization will use some means to send people to retaliate with guns next time.

Now with this new ability, Lin Nan is more confident.

After finishing the memory.

Lin Nan sensed the property page in his mind and began to study how to choose the next step.

【Lin Nan: Intermediate Justice Star (One Star)】

[Ability; trace inspection (expert level), on-site investigation (expert level), criminal psychology (expert level), psychological profile drawing (expert level), forensic science (expert level), driving control (expert level), micro-expression analysis ( Expert level), cold weapon control (expert level), hot weapon control (expert level), sixth sense (palace level), thinking memory palace

(handed down class)][Justice Value: 806/2006]

Except for the sixth sense and the thinking and memory labyrinth, the other 9 abilities are expert-level.

There are now two options.

The first is to improve 3 of the 9 abilities.

The second is to make another call and wait until you get another master-level ability upgrade card.

Dial up 4 master-level ability upgrade cards, use 3 of them to synthesize a hall-level ability upgrade card, and then upgrade a skill to hall-level in one go.

both ways.

The first focuses on being more comprehensive.

The other focuses on making the best use of one ability.

How should we choose?

Lin Nan felt a bit of a dilemma, as if he had made a difficult choice.

Whichever option you choose, it actually feels pretty good.

Think left and right.

Lin Nan finally made a decision.

A thousand birds in the forest is worse than a bird in the hand.

Don’t tear it down.

According to speculation, the next level must be at least 5000 justice value.

It’s been too long.

It is better to upgrade the three abilities to the master level first.

Choose, choose, choose.

Lin Nan finally made a choice.

Improve the three abilities of on-site investigation, micro-expression analysis, and psychological profile drawing.

As for the reason!

Mainly because these three abilities can cooperate with each other to maximize the effect.

The on-site investigation can describe and analyze the specific situation of the crime scene with the fastest speed and the greatest possibility.

The psychological profile, also known as the criminal mind portrait, is also known as the criminal mind profile.

Mainly based on the crime scene and the analysis of the offender’s behavior.

To infer the offender’s psychological characteristics, personality, living environment, occupation, growth background and personality traits.

As for the micro-expression analysis, it is based on the suspect’s facial expression to analyze the results to determine whether it is the real murderer.

First, according to the scene investigation situation, use the psychological portrait to confirm the scope of the criminal suspect.

Finally, use the micro-543 expression analysis to analyze all the suspects to find the final result and confirm the murderer.

This is the fast-track case-solving process conceived by Lin Nan.

The three abilities increase in turn.

A large amount of relevant memory knowledge appeared out of thin air in Lin Nan’s mind.

The memory palace of the mind is running at full speed.

After a long time.

Lin Nan’s eyes recovered.

He finally understood the difference between master and expert.

If the expert level is to study this academic knowledge for decades, it is pure passion for the application of academic knowledge.


The master level can be described as the group of people with the deepest and most comprehensive knowledge in relevant academic knowledge.

If there are dozens of academic experts in a university, then dozens of universities do not necessarily have a master of this academic.

never expected.

Between silence.

Lin Nan has become a master in three fields.

If this is exposed, it may cause a sensation in the world.

Not because his abilities exceed human limits, but because Lin Nan is too young, he is only in his 20s this year.

Of course, he is still slightly inferior to some of the scientists and artists in history.

Sometimes, Lin Nan really suspects that those people also have a system for them.

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