Chapter 212 It seems to be seamless, but it is full of loopholes!

A hint of surprise flashed across Li Wenjing’s heroic face.

As she stretched out her hand, she said with a smile: “So, you were talking about the police officer Lin Nan that my second aunt always talked about.”

“It’s our first time meeting, it’s a pleasure to meet you.

There was also a flash of strangeness in Lin Nan’s eyes.

When he saw the other party’s movements, he also stretched out his hand to give a shallow shake, and at the same time quickly analyzed: “Officer Li Wenjing is the niece of Auntie Li of the Logistics Department of Beining Branch!”

“I always listened to Aunt Li, but I didn’t expect that we would meet for the first time under such circumstances.”

Li Wenjing raised the corners of her mouth, raised her eyebrows, and said with a small smile, “Officer Lin’s analytical skills are indeed very strong, and he immediately guessed my identity.”

“As expected of the star of Beining who has broken major cases in a row.”

“Sure enough, there is no virtuous person under the reputation.

Lin Nan twitched the corners of his eyes, feeling a little helpless.

Where did this Beining Star come from?

How do you feel during this time.

Suddenly you have countless nicknames with a high degree of shame?

What kind of bastard is this with no publicity?

Record in a small book.

I will definitely get my revenge when I have time.

at the same time.

It is strong enough to get along with the little girl 12 in the conference room.

Suddenly my nose felt itchy.

He couldn’t help standing up, turned his back to the child, and sneezed fiercely.

After the fight, he muttered to himself: “I think about two or three colds, who is talking about me thinking about me behind my back?”

When the little girl saw this scene, she obediently took out two tissues from the paper drawer not far away.

One hand pulled the bear’s sturdy trousers, and the other held it up.

Can Zhuang looked back, grinned, and gently squeezed the banknotes with his thick hands.

the other side.

Although Lin Nan complained wildly about the title of Beining Star in his heart, he did not forget to reply to the other party’s words.

“Officer Li is very polite, you made the prompt so obvious, how could I not guess it?”

Li Wenjing’s eyes flashed, and she asked with a smile, “I believe that Officer Lin also understands the basic situation of the case. I wonder what you think of the current situation of the case?”

With a slight smile on his face, Lin Nan replied sarcastically: “Human evidence, physical evidence, and oral confessions seem to be seamless and logical, but in fact they are full of loopholes.

“Seven days ago, Sun Yuan had a conflict with Tao Huanzhu, the hostess of the villa. Why would he call Sun Yuan again seven days later?”

“The villa’s male owner Zheng Xiuxian couldn’t beat Sun Yuan, but he was stunned by a weak woman in Wen Leying, a servant, with a vase.”

“Even if Sun Yuan is deaf and can’t hear voices, this statement is too ridiculous.”

“Since I can remember that Sun Yuan couldn’t hear the movement, why did the servant Wen Leying take a huge risk to sneak and stun him instead of leaving the villa and calling the police or looking for community security for help?”

“Sun Yuan’s coat has bloodstains, it’s sputtering bloodstains, but the clothes inside just don’t have any bloodstains, and there’s also no bloodstains on the skin, so coincidentally?

“It is clearly said that Sun Yuan and the villa’s male owner had fought, but there is no trace of the struggle on them.”

“Also, the hostess of the villa, Tao Huanzhu, has both knives at the crucial point.

“And the knife from Zheng Xiuxian, the man of the villa, just avoided the key point, it just seemed to be seriously injured.”

“There are too many flaws like this.

“As long as we find out the relationship between Tao Huanzhu, Zheng Xiuxian, and Wen Lexuan, there will naturally be some different directions.”

After this speech is over.

Li Wenjing said with a smile: “Officer Lin really lives up to his reputation. He found so many flaws in such a short period of time.”

Team Liu also nodded and said in a deep voice, “Indeed, we agree very much with you.

“There seems to be no problem with this case, but it is actually a mystery. As long as the communication with Sun Yuan is finished, there will naturally be some other results.”

“We are also investigating the relationship between the three you mentioned, and I believe the truth will soon come to light.”

Lin Nan also nodded in agreement.

At this time, another criminal police colleague appeared.

“Liu team, the person in charge of assistance sent by the Sign Language Association has arrived.”

“Okay, take the person to the interrogation room and let him perform sign language interpretation.


Hearing this conversation, Lin Nan said: “Liu team, I happened to take Sun Yuan’s child to the interrogation room!

“Just to help calm him down.

Captain Liu thought about it and nodded in agreement.

Seeing this, Lin Nan turned around to find Neng Zhuangshi and Song Ruyan who were coaxing the children in the conference room.

Part of the situation is explained.

The little girl also listened attentively. When she heard that she wanted to see her father, she trotted and hugged Lin Nan’s leg, expressing her desire with her eyes.

Lin Nan picked him up, walked towards the interrogation room, and whispered in his ear: “Little guy, the policeman knows you are smart, remember what your father said later, and tell me personally when you come back. OK?”

The little girl’s eyes flashed with hesitation, and her expression was a little hesitant.

This scene was greeted by Lin Nan.

He thought for a while, and said softly again thoughtfully: “Brother Police knows why you don’t want to talk, and understands your thoughts.”

“But your dad has a hard time communicating with us.”

“Now he’s been implicated in a very big thing.”

“If you can’t communicate effectively, you probably won’t have a way to see him again for a long, long time.”

“He can’t speak, would you like to be his voice and speak for him?

The little girl’s eyes were still very hesitant, as if she was a little shaken, and she seemed to be holding on to something.

Lin Nan smiled and did not continue to persuade.

Some things are too much, and it is not advisable to use too much force.

After a moment.

Interrogation room.

When Lin Nan appeared with the little girl in his arms, Sun Yuan was very excited, and he kept gesticulating in sign language, as if asking, expressing, and uttering silent words.

The little girl also gestured with tearful sign language, and had a silent dialogue and exchange with her father.

As the two communicated.

Sun Yuan seems to have learned something.

Anxiety, regret, and anger flashed in his eyes.

His expression also changed.

Words of the heart.

Heartfelt words.

Obviously it’s ready to go.

Can’t tell, can’t express.

Watching Sun Yuan’s expression change.

The criminal policemen of the East China Sea Branch, whether they were in the interrogation room or outside the interrogation room, watched the scene of the interrogation, and they all felt a sense of pity.

Unspeakable suffering.

Can’t be angry.

Only in a silent world, a person can bear it alone.

This is probably the most painful loneliness in life.

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