Chapter 199 We are going to take the children away, who dares to stop them?

The old lady Lan had no intention of making a mistake, and said disapprovingly, “I beat the man, and I broke the leg, but so what?”

“I bought her back, and I spent the money to fight her as much as I wanted.

“With a broken leg, she can’t run, isn’t that what it should be!

The rest of the villagers also shouted:

: “That’s right! It’s bought with money. Life is our village’s person, and death is our village’s ghost.”

: “You foreigners, get out of our Linshui Village!”

“I want to leave people behind. Grandma Lan promised to let her be my son’s daughter-in-law.”


Lin Nan let out a deep breath and looked at the group of law blinds in front of him with cold eyes.

The ignorant are fearless, and the fearless are fearless.

The scary thing isn’t that they don’t know what they’ve done.

But they have no reverence for the law at all.

Lin Nan laughed at himself silently in his heart.

You really play the piano to the cow, what have you got to say to this group of people?

Do it according to the law!

Since they don’t understand, let the law teach them to be human.

Lin Nan took out his criminal police certificate, and in front of everyone, he said loudly to himself:

“My name is Lin Nan, I’m the leader of the third group of the criminal investigation team of Beining District, Longming City, 087. I’m currently on a mission to rescue the kidnapped child Xin Xiaoxia. Anyone who forcibly blocks them will be punished as obstructing official duties.

“In addition, Lan was arrested on the charge of maliciously harming others, and he was detained, awaiting trial by law, and anyone who forcibly obstructed them would also be punished as obstructing public affairs.”

“Don’t say it’s unpredictable.

Having said that, Lin Nan doesn’t care whether they can understand the documents in their hands, let alone whether they can understand the meaning of their words.

He directly chose to ignore the dozens of villagers who were holding farm implements and pretending to be on the opposite side.

He took the initiative to take several steps forward in a row.


He took out the handcuffs from his waist.

Split between.

Just before the old lady Lan could react.

He held his hands tightly together.

The whole set of actions is like running clouds and flowing water.

All in one go.

By this time.

It was only when the villagers realized what had just happened, they all shouted loudly.

: “You…what are you doing?”

: “Take things away, do you still want to arrest people?”

: “These foreigners are dishonest, everyone!”

: “Open things up.”

Of course, despite the clamor, none of the villagers took the initiative to attack Lin Nan first.

After all, it is human instinct to seek advantage and avoid disadvantage.

Although they don’t know too much, they also know the truth of the gun.


Although no one dared to go up first, they still surrounded the place, eyeing Lin Nan and the others, and yelling loudly.

One voice is louder than the other, as if thinking that this will make Lin Nan and others subdue.

And at the same time.

Lin Nan found out through observation.

The facial expressions of these villagers contained the most expectation and waiting.

So far.

Lin Nan already understands that things are far from over, but they are almost over.

From the expressions of the villagers, a conclusion can be drawn.

That is, there is still a heavyweight in the village who did not appear.

This person is their backbone or the most influential person in the entire village.

After drawing this inference.

Instead, Lin Nan left in less hurry.

He decided to wait and see the man.

If possible, Lin Nan doesn’t mind killing chickens as an example, using this person to establish the authority of the law, and by the way, in the hearts of these villagers, a sense of awe for the law is erected.

Time passed little by little under the swearing and intimidation of a group of villagers and the slapstick of old lady Lan.


That person didn’t make Lin Nan and others wait too long.

About 5 minutes passed.

From the courtyard to the big iron gate, the densely packed villagers gave way.

At the same time, a middle-aged peasant man with slightly dark skin, strong muscles, and the loess facing the sky, called Han Yan, and walked over slowly.

(The bcaij strong man came all the way.

The villagers on both sides, as if they had the backbone, complained, complained, and reprimanded Lin Nan and others.

: “Mynah, it’s great that you are here!”

: “Old eight, someone came to our Linshui Village to look for trouble.”

: “Mynah, the people from the outer village are calling at the door.

: “Old eighth, someone came to our village to rob the child! You can take care of it, we will listen to you.”

The strong farmer walked over aggressively, stretched out his fingers, and shouted at Lin Nan, “Is it your kid who led people to make trouble in our village?”


“I think you’re a fake cop!”

“How do you prove you’re a real cop?”

“Today, it has been proved, we will let you go, but people still want to stay with us.

“But if you can’t prove it, none of you want to leave the village.

These words seemed to make all the villagers find a vent, and they all followed suit.

: “That’s right, that’s right, don’t even think about leaving if you can’t prove it.”

: “If you stay, apologize, and beg for mercy, you can leave.”

: “Myling is right, they are fake.”

a time.

There is quite a feeling of excitement.

Zhuang Zhuang, the bear in front of the warehouse door, frowned, feeling a little bad.

Li Ma secretly clenched her fists, gritted her teeth, and suppressed her urge to shoot.

As for Mo Ruyan, who had seen this scene for the first time, his face turned pale, a little panicked, and he didn’t know what to do.

at this moment.

Lin Nan laughed angrily and replied with a sneer, “Prove it?”

“I just proved it!”

“My last warning, obstructing official business is a felony.”

“If you take the law without blaming the public, then you are thinking wrong!”

“Everyone is equal before the law, and if you break the law, you will be judged.

“Last warning.”

“Let? Or not?

The strong farmer replied arrogantly: “Linshui Village is our Linshui Village!”

We “just don’t let it, what can you do with us?”

Lin Nan raised his eyebrows and said with a cold smile, “You will naturally know in a while!”

With that said, Lin Nan held the old lady Lan without any scruples, turned her head and said, “Let’s go! Whoever dares to stop them will be escorted back together.

Xiong Zhuangshi nodded expressionlessly, but there was a twitch at the corner of his mouth.

He already had a feeling, and this time he was afraid that he would play a lot.

Seeing Lin Nan’s unbelievable performance.

The strong farmer waved his hands angrily and said, “Everyone, come with me and grab the people back.”

After he finished speaking, he took the lead in punching Lin Nan.

The villagers were also inspired by it, and they raised all kinds of farm implements in their hands, and rushed over in a turbulent manner.

While screaming, waving farm implements indiscriminately.

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