Chapter 197 Accidentally Unraveling the Mystery of Blue Butterfly’s Life Experience!

Lin Nan replied: “Okay! Don’t talk about him, it’s quite disgusting, let’s talk about the mission goal for a while!”

Song Ruyan said actively: “I know this, I know it.

“Before I came, I read the information carefully.

“The name of the child to be rescued is Xin Xiaoxia. She is a girl. She should be around 7 years old this year. She has been abducted and sold for a year. According to the records, she should have been sold to an old lady.”

“The location seems to be a small remote village called Linshui Village.

Lin Nan nodded and said, “Yes! That’s how it is recorded in the documentation.

“But some are not in those documents.

“Linshui Village is the most remote village within the entire management area of ​​Beining District, Longming City. Most of them rely on farming for a living.”

“The entire Linshui Village has only a few hundred households.

“There is no corresponding position such as village chief, and it is managed by a nearby town.”

“For various reasons, most people haven’t read much, and their awareness of the law is extremely weak.”

“This is also the difficulty and difficulty that we are about to face.

Hear this.

Song Ruyan frowned and said hesitantly, “Difficult? Difficult? I don’t quite understand.”

“How difficult can it be?”

“Wouldn’t it be better to just take the child away there 12?”

Could it be that “they dare to stop them?”

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Lin Nan’s mouth.


Maybe they really dare!

Do you really think that Lao Zhang is a random person?

Now among these four.

Its role is language negotiation.

The role of Xiong Zhuangzhuang is to intimidate Wei Shi.

Li Yanran is responsible for force.

As for Song Ruyan!


It should have been sent by Lao Zhang to see the world.

Just a pendant.

In an instant, everyone thought of another blue butterfly.

Several people looked at each other, did not continue to delve into this issue, but walked towards the old lady Lan’s house together.

when they leave.

The old men asked questions intentionally or unintentionally.

“What are you doing!

to this.

Lin Nan replied meaningfully: “We are the police, who came to pick up the disoriented children home.”

Hearing this sentence, the old men turned cold and left in a hurry.

When Lin Nan saw this scene, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.

And Xiong Zhuangzhuang, who was watching the whole process, reluctantly put a hand on his face.

The whole person has fallen into a state of speechless congealing.

He didn’t believe it was not intentional.

At this moment.

He can only pray that Xiaolin doesn’t make things too big, resulting in a bad ending in the end.

And still sighed silently in his heart.


Xiaolin is still too young and has experienced too little.

Although, usually looks calm and steady, doing things cautiously.

But as soon as the child’s temper comes up, he tends to become impulsive in doing things.

I just hope that Lao Zhang has the first debt and the owner, finds the culprit, and doesn’t use himself to vent his anger.

And a moment later.

When Lin Nan and others came near the old lady Lan’s house.

Everyone is separated by low growth.

At a glance, you can see all kinds of leather and clothing tools in the yard.


They were even more certain about the previous conjecture.

This old lady actually made a living by skinning sheepskins and making clothes.

This is enough to explain the source of Blue Butterfly’s skin removal method.

And at the same time.

The appearance of Lin Nan and his group of four also attracted the owner’s attention.

Just entered the courtyard.

An old lady with a kind face, half-squinted her eyes and hanging on crutches, walked out of the house and said cheerfully, “Who are you looking for!”

Lin Nan stepped forward, took out the photo of Xin Xiaoxia, and said in a calm tone: “Hello.

We are “the police. According to relevant information, there is intelligence that this child is with you, right?”

The old lady Lan still had a smile on her face, and said disapprovingly: “This is not my granddaughter, what’s wrong? Is there any problem?”

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