Chapter 190 Broken hands and feet, ruthless in anger, not many cruel words!

Lin Nan glanced around, ready to find something handy as a weapon.

Take a look.

Then he saw an iron rod on the iron cage beside him.

Looking at the faint red rust on the iron rod, Lin Nan’s anger grew even stronger.

This iron rod was placed on the iron cage, and it was self-evident where the little scarlet bloodstain on it came from and who left it behind.

According to the past, this iron rod should be sealed in the evidence bag as evidence.

But now that the situation is urgent, it can’t be so much.

Lin Nan picked up the sinful iron rod and walked out angrily.

There is only one idea in mind.

The instrument is innocent, and the blood of the scum will return his innocence.

Just after Lin Nan left the warehouse.

The group of people in the warehouse named Hu Ge all made fun of them.

: “Little beauty, your little man who is not good enough for you has already abandoned you, why don’t you follow my brother! I promise you are delicious and spicy!”

“Yes, yes! You don’t have to worry about following Brother Hu, and if Brother Hu is not enough to satisfy you, we can also relay!

“Something’s wrong! Brother Hu, that kid ran away, let’s not chase it! This isn’t the time to molest people. What should I do if the kid ran off to the police?”

“Don’t worry, Ah Bao has already brought someone! That kid can’t run away, let’s have a good time with this little beauty!”

: “Hahaha… Brother Hu, Gao!”


This group of people hadn’t noticed yet that Li Ma Ran had taken advantage of the other party’s speech, and quietly approached them with a cold face.

They have lost the last chance to fight back.

Strike first.

Without saying a word, hit the key.

Li Yanran used practical actions to explain what it means to be ruthless.

The first target she chose.

It is the strongest and most threatening tiger brother.

Petite stature.

In an instant, he rushed to the opponent’s body.

The body shape is protected, the right hand is clenched, and the force is exerted.

One punch hits the most vulnerable part of the opponent’s right leg joint.


Only heard a crisp sound.

The giant force exploded at the joint position.

Instantly put it into a dislocated state.

And at the same time.

The smile on Brother Hu’s face solidified, and his eyes bulged.

The expression on his face became contorted.

The pain in the right leg that hurts into the bone marrow.

He let out a heart-wrenching cry from the depths of his throat.


This is just the beginning, not the end.

Li Yanran kept moving, after breaking Brother Hu’s right leg joint with a punch.

Half squatting body, feet slammed on the ground, body up for the first trial.

Another punch.

Hit the opponent’s jaw hard.

In an instant.

Teeth fly sideways, jaws shatter.

The huge force on the fist actually knocked Brother Tiger into the air, and the entire body raced upwards by one step in the air.

Then, he fell back violently.

Although he looks thin, he has no fighting power.

But as a police officer, a special profession that has been trained to fight.

Compared with ordinary gangsters, that is not a level of combat power at all.

not to mention.

Lin Nan is also a criminal policeman. He was born in a police family since he was a child, and he also practiced unlimited self-defense.

What’s more outrageous is that he still has a system plug-in.

Some time ago, he even obtained the expert-level cold weapon mastery ability.

The iron rod can also be used as a cold weapon.

For Lin Nan, who has the mastery of cold weapons, this iron rod is equivalent to increasing his combat effectiveness several times.


With a stick in hand, people can make enemies.

In the face of Brother Leopard, several menacing men attacked first.

The corners of Lin Nan’s mouth were upturned, and a cold smile evoked.

Since it was the other party who launched the attack first, he naturally did not need to be warned. In the event of a life-threatening situation, he could naturally launch an unlimited counterattack.

Lin Nan watched the six roads, listened to all directions, and had a panoramic view of the attacks coming from the siege.

The memory palace of thinking in the mind opens.

In an instant.

Then calculate the attack route and range of the opponent’s several iron rods.

Use an iron rod in your hand.

The iron rod is like a butterfly wearing a flower.

Go through several attacks in a row.

Hit hard on the wrist of one of the besiegers.

With a crisp wrist bone fracture sound.

Followed by.

It was the scream of one of them killing a pig.

“Ah ah ah… my hand… my hand is broken!”

And this is just the beginning.

Lin Nan kept attacking, hitting one iron bar after another.

Like a martial arts master.

Face the siege of the enemy.

Self-dodge block one after another, and then move one by one.

Broken wrists, broken leg bones, broken arms…  

Lin Nan showed no mercy to anyone who attacked, breaking bones with every move.

In less than a moment.

The floor was full of little brothers holding broken bones and wrists, and screaming with broken legs and hands.

And Brother Leopard, who was watching the play at the side.

The whole person is stupid.

With dull eyes, he muttered to himself:

“This… all the martial arts in the novel are true?”

“Really TM… There are martial arts masters?” Eight

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