Chapter 182 The daughter lost, he didn’t cry, the daughter came back, he burst into tears!


When Captain Zhang Hai saw Lin Nan and Neng Strong, he squeezed a slightly ugly smile on his face.

“Xiao Lin, you guys are back! How are the children?”

Nengzhuang sighed and said, “Old Zhang, as soon as I hear your words, I will understand.”

“When you come back, will you go straight into the interrogation room and start interrogating them?”

“I don’t even have time to look at my phone!”

“We have sent you all the information about the child’s situation.”

“The children are fine. Now Ma Ran and Ruyan are with them.”

It’s just “, depending on the situation, they seem to be a little frightened and can’t do without people.

“By the way, what’s the status of their identities? Have you found the information of their parents, family members and relatives?”

Captain Zhang Hai sighed: “I haven’t gotten a reply yet, and the DNA is still being compared. I’ve already contacted the criminal investigation team in Nanwu City, where their household registration is located, and I’m still waiting for news.”

“Also, I got bad news from the Nanbu City Criminal Investigation Team.

“These four wanted criminals, and there are other lines.”

“According to the data and information, during the two years they absconded all the way, they never stopped their activities of abducting and selling 12 children.”

“They absolutely have some kind of channel in their hands to quickly sell abducted children.

Lin Nan said thoughtfully: “So, behind the four of them is a network of trafficking organizations that spans several provinces.”

Captain Zhang Hai nodded solemnly and said, “Not bad!

“But these guys may know that their guilt is unforgivable, clench their teeth and refuse to admit it or say anything, and refuse to cooperate.”

“It’s really Damn it!

“Me and Mingming have been interrogated for 2 hours, but we haven’t been able to break through.”

“Xiao Lin, you came back just in time.

“Next, in addition to malicious and violent means, I want you to use all means to break through their psychological defenses.”

“We must dig out this heinous network of trafficking organizations.”

“Also, ask them where the children they once abducted and sold were sold to.”

Lin Nan frowned slightly, but nodded and said, “Any way? I understand.

“Does Nanbu City have detailed identities of the four of them?”

“I need more detailed information to be able to break through their psychological defenses more specifically.

Captain Zhang Hai nodded and said in a serious tone: “Yes! It’s all ready!”

“But remember, you can’t use violence, you can only talk, not hands.”

Although Lin Nan was a little strange why Captain Zhang Hai emphasized this point, he nodded and agreed.

At this moment.

Forensic doctors Tan Xiaotong, Tan Xiaoxiao, Lin Youwei, Han Sen and other four people in charge of DNA identification and information comparison hurried over to report the situation.

“Team Zhang, Team Zhang, the DNA information about the two children has come out, and they have successfully found the case filing information reported by their parents.”

“That little girl, called Sun Tuantuan, is 5 years old this year, and the case was opened at the Donghai Branch of Donghai District in this city 7 days ago.

“The other boy, Miao Zhiyong, is 6 years old this year, and the case was opened at the Jianghai City General Administration half a month ago.”

With a smile on his face, Captain Zhang Hai said loudly, “Okay! That’s great!”

“Hurry up and notify the family members of these two families to go to the hospital!”

“By the way, let Li Yanran and Song Ruyan remember to verify their identities before handing over the child to them with confidence.”

“Also, in order to prevent these parents from being impatient, they need to check their WeChat accounts and ask Li Yanran and Song Ruyan to add them and contact them for a video, so as to prevent them from being too impatient on the road and accidents.

When Lin Nan heard these words, he couldn’t help but look sideways.

I secretly sighed in my heart that Captain Zhang Hai was really thoughtful and thoughtful.

Not only the parent’s mood, but also the child’s mood.


These things are destined to have nothing to do with Lin Nan.

At this moment.

For him, the most important task is to pry open the mouths of those four people.

after all.

There are still many children who were abducted and trafficked by their four wanted criminals, waiting for them to rescue and hope to be reunited with their parents!

Donghai District, Longming City.

A three-bedroom house in a neighborhood.

Sitting on the sofa was a woman who couldn’t stop crying, sobbing and crying, her eyes red with bloodshot eyes, and there were tissues wet with tears beside her.

There was also a man in his 30s nearby.

The man was sitting on the sofa on one side, frowning, frowning tightly, and his eyes were full of sadness.

Smoking one cigarette after another in his mouth, it tasted like chewing wax, without the slightest enjoyment.

The whole room was filled with depression and sadness.

Right now.

bell bell lingling~

“Go home, go home, go home…”

This mobile phone ringtone music seems to have some kind of wish.

The man glanced at the caller ID.

His eyes narrowed, and the corners of his mouth pursed.

Breathing suddenly quickened.

East China Sea Branch Criminal Investigation Team…  

A certain hope flashed in his eyes, and he answered the phone as quickly as possible.

Even though, I have received this number many times in the past seven days.

Every time, he failed to bring the good news he was most looking forward to.

But he still never gave up.


This represented his last ray of hope.

And the last straw.

070 after connecting.

The man licked his dry lips and said tremblingly:

“Hey! I’m Sun Tuantuan’s father.

That’s right.

Since the disappearance of her daughter Tuantuan.

When the man answered the phone, he never said his name immediately, but claimed to be Sun Tuantuan’s father.

After about 30 seconds.

The man was panting for breath, his eyes widened, and tears streamed down like a spring.


The man cried out in a sobbing voice.

“Good good! Thank you, thank you, thank you so much.”

After hanging up the phone.

The man hugged his wife frantically, burst into tears, and shouted loudly: “Wife! Wife! We have found it!”

“Our group has been found!”

this man.

When the most beloved daughter was lost.

He didn’t cry!

He fought back the pain in his heart.

Comforting his wife and both parents.

Because he is the head of the family.

He is a man.

he must be strong

Can’t cry.

But when he knew his daughter was found.

He could no longer maintain his strength.


Tears broke!

at this moment.

He is just a father who loves his children!

A father who saw despair and regained hope,

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