Chapter 180 The child had a high fever and was rushed to the hospital.

This is a warehouse built next to a bungalow of a farmhouse. The slight coolness of the transition from autumn to winter makes Lin Nan feel a little cold as an adult.

On the cold floor of the warehouse, two children were lying on old straw mats.

Their eyes were closed, and only their chests were heaving, indicating the fact that the child was still alive.

But judging from the dry lips and pale faces of the two children, they were not doing well.

See this behind the scenes.

Lin Nan hurriedly took off his coat and put it over the older children.


Picking up the younger child, he ran to the master bedroom in the house.

10 seconds later.

Lin Nan put the child on the warm soil pit and hurriedly ran to the warehouse again.

Another 20 seconds passed.

Appeared again holding another child.

Li Yanran checked and said with frowning: “These two children were also abducted and sold?”

“They were malnourished and looked like they had been given some sort of sleeping pill.

“Moreover, one of the children still has a low-grade fever, and the other has a high fever with a very hot head. They should be rushed to the hospital for treatment.”

“If it’s too late, there may be sequelae.”

Lin Nan reported the situation to Captain Zhang Hai while pressing the earphone, while searching inside and outside the house to find out if there was any medicine such as cold medicine.

After a moment.

Captain Zhang Hai rushed to the scene and immediately divided them into two groups to assign work respectively. The colleagues of the criminal investigation team were responsible for detaining the four wanted criminals in the branch for emergency interrogation.

The other group, Lin Nan and others, and Captain Zhang Hai drove two police cars and rushed the three children to the hospital.

And Xiong Zhuangshi turned out to be very witty this time. He called the traffic police team of the General Administration in advance and asked them to provide emergency support and help open the way.

The traffic police team also cooperated extremely well and made every effort to help open a life-and-death line.

The two police cars drove all the way to the nearest hospital with three children.

After about twenty minutes.

The three children were sent to the hospital and began to receive comprehensive examinations and emergency treatment.

Time passed little by little.

Lin Nan, Neng Zhuangshi and other four stayed in the emergency room waiting for the results.

Captain Zhang Hai left early and returned to the sub-bureau for the next step.

Thirty minutes passed.

“Fortunately, you delivered it in time.” The doctor appeared and said, “There was no major problem.”

“The fever of the two children has subsided, but they are malnourished and weak, and their stomachs are not very good. They need to rest for a while.”

“The other one just took sleeping pills, and it’ll be fine after a nap.

Then, the three children were sent to a ward.

Lin Nan and others were waiting in the ward.

Probably soon after.

ta ta ta ta tao~

The sound of footsteps came faintly from outside the door of the ward.


The ward door opened.

Fang Fang’s parents and grandma, who had just met a few hours ago, appeared one after another.

Among them, Fang Fang’s mother, Ms. Weng, as soon as she entered the ward, only her son was left in her eyes.

“Fang Fang! My son, what’s wrong with you?” Ms. Weng rushed to her son’s bed in a panic, and while touching her son, she shouted loudly, “Look at mother! Open your eyes! !”

And Fang Fang’s grandmother looked at her grandson excitedly.

to this scene.

Lin Nan said in a low voice: “Everyone, please be quiet! This is the hospital.”

“Fang Fang is just sleeping, he is not injured, he will wake up in a while!!

“There are two sick children in this ward!”

keep quiet.”

After Fang Fang’s father heard it, he also hurriedly discouraged his excited wife and mother.

In less than a moment.

The ward was quiet again.

However, when Lin Nan saw the hesitant expressions of the family members several times, he seemed to have thought of something.

He made a casual gesture, then walked out of the ward and walked to a corner of the hospital.

Fang Fang’s father immediately followed after seeing this, while Fang Fang’s mother and grandmother remained by the child’s side.

“Officer Lin, thank you so much.” Fang Fang’s father held Lin Nan’s hand with a grateful expression on his face, and said excitedly, “If you hadn’t found the child for us, the family would have ended.”

“Thank you so much.

Lin Nan smiled implicitly and replied, “In the future, you must pay more attention to the situation when you go out.”

“Don’t give some criminals another chance.”

“The child is fine, he will probably be fine after a nap.”


“The child may also have been frightened. You can spend more time with the child these days. After a while, it should be fine.”

ask for flowers…

Of course, “if there is any problem, you’d better see a psychiatrist, and always pay attention to psychological problems.

Fang Fang’s father nodded again and again and said, “Yes, yes! I will remember what you said.

“By the way, who are the other two children in the ward just now?”

Lin Nan sighed and said, “That’s the other two abducted children we found together in the process of saving Fang Fang and arresting the criminal suspect.”

“It looks like they may have been abducted for some time.”

“I didn’t eat well, I didn’t wear warm clothes, and I got sick. Fortunately, we arrived in time this time, and there were no sequelae.”

“We are also actively confirming their identities.”


It is estimated that “after a while, they will be able to contact their parents.”

Hear this.

Fang Fang’s father’s eyes flashed with fear and happiness.

He was glad that the child was fortunately found back faster.


God knows how those human traffickers who kill thousands of knives will abuse their sons.

Thinking of this.

He couldn’t help but be more grateful to Lin Nan in front of him.

“Officer Lin, I really don’t know how to thank you!”

Lin Nan waved his hand and said with a smile, “No thanks, this is our duty and belief.”

“Let’s go! Let’s go back!”

“By the way, remember to buy some liquid food such as porridge for the child later. Although Fang Fang is fine, it is better to be careful as much as possible.”

Fang Fang’s father nodded in agreement.


The two walked to the ward again.


When I was just about to reach the door of the ward.

Fang Fang’s father seemed to have thought of something, and he said quickly, “Officer Lin, tell my wife and mother first, I’m going to buy food.”

After saying this.

Fang Fang’s father left in a hurry, as if he was afraid of being stopped too late.

This scene.

It made Lin Nan a little baffled.

Standing at the door of the ward, he looked suspiciously at the distant figure of the other party, and muttered to himself:

“What, what’s the situation? Are you in such a hurry?”

“Aren’t they all at the door of the ward?”

“Wouldn’t it be over if you go in and say it yourself?” Eight

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