Chapter 18 The stolen life, painted skin ghosts and hermit crabs!

Speaking of this, Mr. Lin’s tone was obviously low and depressed.

“This case is very bizarre. It started out as a disappearance case. The main reason was that in an urban-rural fringe in Beining District, the only daughter of the owner of a grocery store suddenly disappeared for a whole day.”

“At that time, there were not so many high-rise buildings in Beining District of Longyang City, that is, an urban-rural junction, with eight villages in ten miles, and it was very desolate.”

“A little girl in her twenties suddenly disappeared. Isn’t this killing her?”

“However, after about two days or so, the little girl suddenly went home.”

“But that little girl had just met her mother for a day, and the next day, on her way to the criminal investigation team to close the case, she suddenly disappeared mysteriously.”

“And then after about three days or so, there was a fellow in the countryside of Beining District. By chance, a body was dug up in a remote location of his own field.”

“That fellow originally thought that his watchdog barked wildly at that piece of land because he had a treasure!”

“Who would have thought that someone buried the body in his vegetable field.”

“After digging out, the fellow was frightened and rushed to the police station to report the case.”

“The police station informed us that there was a murder case, and I took my criminal investigation colleagues to the scene.”

“When I got there, I found that the corpse belonged to a little girl, naked, with a mutilated face and bloody flesh.”

“So we sent someone to call the proprietress to see if it was her daughter.”

“As expected, although the corpse has changed beyond recognition,

But the lady boss still recognized it. ”

“And then, things got here, and the most bizarre thing happened.”

“According to our past judgments and the forensic examination of the body, it has been proved that the little girl has been dead for 6 or 7 days.”

“This makes everyone strange!”

“It’s obvious that the little girl appeared three days ago, talking and laughing, and met many people.”

“Why did it suddenly become dead for almost 6 or 7 days?”

“Could it still be a ghost?”

“At that time, many people said that the little girl was revived that day, just to see her mother.”

“How can we believe this feudal superstition?”

“So we concluded that there must be a problem here.”

“At that time, we guessed that the little girl who appeared later might be the murderer. She destroyed the face of the corpse because she was afraid that the true identity of the corpse would be discovered.”

“And she disappeared after showing up, probably because the proprietress called the police, and she was guilty of being a thief and scared.”

“So she ran away again.”

“If it wasn’t for that fellow’s dog barking, he asked him to dig out the body, and in a month or so, the body would be so rotten that it would be impossible to see.”

“That can really only be handled as a disappearance case.”

Xiong Zhuangshi stared at the big eyes of the copper bell and shouted loudly:

“Huh~ good guy! This is someone who pretends to be someone else and is a daughter. What is this picture? This is it?”

“Lack of motherly love? Less mother?”

Lin Nan listened to the case and kept thinking about it in his mind.

And Mr. Lin cast an angry glance at Xiong Zhuangshi and sucked his cigarette pouch.

“Don’t interrupt, are you still listening?”

Xiong Zhuangshi was stunned immediately, and quickly said with a smile:

“Listen! You keep talking!”

Mr. Lin moistened his throat and continued:

“Because of the murder case, we attached great importance to it at the time and immediately filed an investigation. The search and investigation in Longming City was very intensive.”

“Unfortunately, before the identity of the murderer was found, a second similar case occurred.”

“The same young girl in her 20s, the same face was destroyed, but she couldn’t find her identity.”

“Because there is no suitable missing person.”

“But we found fingerprints on the girl’s body, as well as the fingerprints left by the murderer of the last disappearance case, disguised as the boss’s daughter.”

“Exactly the same.”

“At that time, we understood,”

“It’s her! It’s her again! She doesn’t hide it at all. She must be disguised as this young girl and live with her identity.”

“As long as you find out the identity of the girl, you can know the location of the murderer.”

“Unfortunately, we failed. In those days, it was harder to find out the identity of a faceless female corpse than to ascend to the sky.”

“At that time, there were no cameras in the streets, DNA technology was not perfect, and the fingerprint database was not established.”

“There isn’t even a place to start.”

“The only clue is that the killer left fingerprints.”

“Unfortunately, fingerprints are useless!”

“There is no fingerprint database, and it is impossible to use fingerprints to find out the real identity of the murderer.”

“We could only use manpower to search, compare, and find.”

“But soon, we all regretted it, maybe because we pushed too hard.”

“The second case of disappearance appears.”

“After verification and fingerprint comparison, I determined the identity of the second dead girl.”

“Unfortunately, in the face of the parents who reported the case to find their daughter, we can only tell them that your daughter is already dead, long dead.”

“Their daughter died before she disappeared.”

Mr. Lin took another puff of cigarette, his face full of bitterness.

“At that time, we didn’t know how to deal with the parents who lost their daughters.”

“However, this is not the end, but the beginning of a nightmare.”

“In the ensuing time, every once in a while, a similar case happened.”

“The same disappearance, the same fingerprints, the same murderer.”

“She is like a demon in the dark, taking the lives of young girls in bloom, taking their faces, and creating family tragedies one after another.”

“Powerlessness, pain, resentment, that’s how we were at that time.”

“As the guardian of the people, but unable to protect the people.”

“It’s a disgrace to every police officer.”

“She is like a skinny ghost in a weird story, taking the faces of one girl after another and living with their faces.”

“At that time, in order to reduce the negative impact, we could only seal this matter and make her a strange thing.”

“Let time obliterate her existence.”

“Later, with the development of science and technology and the times, the frequency of crime of painted skin ghosts has become lower and lower, and later, there have been no similar cases for more than ten consecutive years.”

“Some people think she’s dead, and some people think she’s evolved.”

“From a painted ghost who changed his identity at a moment’s notice, he evolved into a hermit crab who pretended to be an identity for a long time!”

“The former abandons their identities at will, while the latter occupies the magpie’s nest and lives under other people’s names and identities.”

“She, at this moment, may use someone else’s name and identity, disguise herself as someone else, and steal someone else’s life.”*

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