Chapter 177 Unexpected situation, capture the criminal suspect Liu Song!

Linshantun, in a small bungalow.

A man in his 50s rubbed the back of his hand and walked out cursing.

“This little bastard even bit me, he’s really uneducated, if he hadn’t pointed at him to exchange money, Laozi would definitely have repaired him for fear that his face would be worthless.

at the same time.

An aunt in her 50s walked out with a gloomy face and said gloomily: “Okay! You talk a lot, aren’t you afraid of being heard?”

“It’s not easy to work, you don’t have enough to eat, and you don’t have a door on your mouth.”

“Speak carefully.

“That cargo has already taken the medicine and has calmed down.”

“Now adding him, we have moved three goods in total.”

“Quickly contact the contacts and get them all out.

Otherwise, “it’s always going to be troublesome.”

Hear this rebuke.

The man’s face was blue and white, but he didn’t refute, and said with a sullen head: “I see, sister!”

“My brother-in-law has already found a good buyer, but the bid is only 20,000 yuan.”

The aunt frowned and muttered, “20,000 yuan?

“How come the market is getting lower and lower now!”

“Come on! Better than nothing!”

“Hurry up and dispose of these goods as soon as possible. I’ve been feeling uneasy recently.”

“It seems that this Longming City can’t stay there anymore, after dealing with this order, I will hide in another place immediately.

The middle-aged man said suspiciously, “Sister, what are you muttering about?”

The aunt waved her hand and said uneasy, “Nothing!”

“Remember to go to the village entrance to look at the wind for a while, there are strangers in this village, you have to come back and tell us.”

The middle-aged man replied indifferently: “I see, I know, you are always so suspicious.

“In this remote village in the wild mountains, there are no other people at all except a few old guys in the village.”

“Their sons and daughters don’t always come back to see them, how else could anyone show up?”

The aunt glared and said angrily: “After escaping for so long, if it wasn’t for me being careful enough, we would have finished playing.”

“Stop talking nonsense, why don’t you hurry up?”

The middle-aged man waved his hand and complained, “I see! Let’s go.”

“By the way, sister, when will these days end!”

“We’ve been running away for several years, when will we be able to settle down?”

Hear this.

Aunt’s eyes dimmed, and a trace of regret flashed in the depths of her eyes.

She shuddered at the corner of her mouth and said in a depressing tone, “Safe? Don’t think about being safe in this life.”

Ever since we started doing such wicked things, there has been no way for us to be safe one day.

“If you can escape for one more day, it counts as one day! It’s all earned anyway.”

“Okay! Don’t think about these illusory things, and hurry up and look at the wind!”

The middle-aged man nodded gloomily and walked out the door without saying a word.

at the same time.

On the other side of the village.

Lin Nan and Li Yanran are passing by quickly.

I passed by several houses in a row, and I didn’t even look at it.

to this.

Li Yanran didn’t say anything at first.

But when the two passed by four or five houses in a row.

She couldn’t help but wonder in her heart, pulled Lin Nan’s cuff, and asked quietly:

“Xiao Linzi, why didn’t you even take a look at those houses just now?”

“What if I miss it?”

Lin Nan gave her a helpless look and explained in a low voice, “A player like you who has no brains, you don’t have to use your brains, you can just use your hands.”

“Did you forget they have a car?”

“There are not only no cars around the houses just now, but also no car prints. How could they be their hiding places?”

“As long as we find the car, we can find their exact location.

Li Yanran’s eyes lit up, and she suddenly realized: “Why didn’t I think of it?”

“You’re still smart!”

at this time.

Lin Nan’s expression changed slightly, and he hurriedly pulled Li Yanran to hide. The two hid in a corner behind the outer wall of a house.

Although Li Yanran has no brains most of the time.

But she also knew that this was definitely not the time to talk.

Therefore, I simply let Lin Nan lead the way, waiting for the right time to ask again.

After a moment.

ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta tao

There was a sound of footsteps from far to near.

At the same time, it was accompanied by gradually clear complaints and swearing.

“Mother’s, Laozi came to watch the wind again, and Laozi came to watch the wind every time. It’s really annoying.”

“Why don’t the two of them come over to look after the wind?”

“It’s just this broken place, someone has seen a ghost!”

The sound is from far to near.

Lin Nan secretly followed the corner and glanced at him from a distance.

It’s him!

Wanted criminal Liu Song!

After Lin Nan recognized the person, a series of information about the other party appeared simultaneously in his mind.

[Liu Song, the younger brother of Liu Guihua, a wanted criminal in Nanwu City, with a reward of 100,000 yuan, suspected of 13 child abduction cases, suspected of murder, at large for 2 years…  

Of course.

After recognizing Liu Song, Lin Nan did not act rashly, but waited quietly, and 070 observed from time to time, ready to see the follow-up situation.

After ten minutes.

Lin Nan suddenly saw Liu Song’s panicked expression, and ran over from the village entrance.

The whole person was sweating and panting, but he didn’t even dare to make a sound, and he looked embarrassed.

Lin Nan hurriedly turned his head and said, “Yanran, hurry up, take him down, don’t let him have the opportunity to make a sound.

“In order to avoid being heard by the accomplices and arousing their vigilance.”


Li Yanran didn’t look at her, like a graceful cheetah, quietly and quickly approaching the criminal suspect Liu Song.

ten seconds later.

Just heard a “click” sound.

Liu Song fell to the ground softly.

During the entire process of being struck, he didn’t even notice it.

Lin Nan frowned, and trotted over with a grim expression.

After taking a closer look at the situation of the criminal suspect Liu Song.

This was a sigh of relief.

Frightened, he said:

“People are not dead? It’s good that people are not dead! It really scared me.”

Li Ma Ran said dissatisfiedly: “You don’t trust me!

“I’m very measured. When he wakes up, he won’t have any other symptoms except dizziness.”

Between the two talking.

Nengzhuang also ran from afar.

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