Chapter 170 The arrest was successful, and the 8 of Hearts was arrested!

Lin Nan turned his head and saw the bright interior structure of the hotel on the wall of the hotel lobby, and a light flashed in his eyes.

Conjectures kept running in his mind.


He thought of a whole new possibility.

And at the same time.

It was a little surprising to be strong. He looked at Lin Nan Lu Xian’s excited expression and said strangely, “Hey, hey, Xiaolin, what are you thinking?”

“Don’t really think she can fly!”

“I was just joking!”

“This hotel has 10 floors, and it stands out from the crowd when compared to the surrounding buildings.”

“What’s more, the buildings on both sides are too far apart unless the ropes are prepared in advance.

“Otherwise, it is impossible for anyone to escape.”

The voice of being able to be strong just fell.

Suddenly, a report sounded from everyone’s earphones.

“Zheng Ke, Team B reported that “Zero Five Three” found a rope prepared in advance in a hidden corner on the roof of the building, leading to the back of the hotel.

“Zheng Ke, Team C reported that they have checked the entire hotel and found nothing.

“Report, no trace of the suspect was found in the rear of the hotel.”

Everyone looked at Xiong Zhuangzhuang’s eyes, which gradually became weird.

Is this a real crow’s mouth?

After hearing a series of bad news.

Zheng Wenbin, who is monitoring the operation in the room, is in full command of the operation.

Angrily clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and there were blue veins on his forehead.

Damn it!

Damn it!

In Zheng Wenbin’s view.

The emergence of this rope.

and a string of other news.


only represents one possibility.

That is.

Action failed!

long before the encirclement was formed.

The 8 of Hearts has already escaped using the rope prepared in advance.

I never expected that the other party would be so alert and prepared so well.

Just when Zheng Wenbin’s mood was a little low, and he was about to express his failure of the action with a heavy heart.

The earphone suddenly sounded Lin Nan’s voice.

“Zheng Ke, have you checked the position of the elevator car top?”

“According to the labeling of the hotel structure map, the 10th floor of this hotel is actually vacant and has not been put into use yet, and the elevator room on this floor still exists.”

“The 8 of Hearts may use this place to avoid surveillance and enter the interior of the car top.

Zheng Wenbin was instantly refreshed when he heard the words, and hurriedly asked: “Team B, is there an elevator room on the 10th floor of the hotel.


Immediately “check the elevator car roof”


In less than a moment.

“Zheng Ke, there is really a woman hiding on the top of the elevator car, we have successfully arrested her, but now we can’t determine whether it is the 8 of Hearts.

“Okay!” Zheng Wenbin said excitedly: “Bring her to the monitor, we have here the surveillance video of her transformed image.”

After a moment.

Zheng Wenbin’s tone revealed a hint of joy.

“That’s right! She is the 8 of Hearts, arrest her.

After saying this, Zheng Wenbin hurriedly took the members of Team A in the monitoring room and left the monitoring room.

When I walk, I feel a little brisk.

This lost and found joy is not enough for outsiders.

And Lin Nan, who was downstairs in the hotel, also showed a smile on his face after getting the accurate news.

The 8 of Hearts was caught, and I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

This woman has a very strong sense of revenge.

Last time.

After she escaped.

Actually did not take the opportunity to escape.

Instead, he secretly came to Longming City and plotted against Song Gaoming, intending to achieve ulterior motives.

If she is not arrested and brought to justice as soon as possible, who will secretly shoot her next time!

This time.

The poker organization is finally coming to an end.

Soon after.

8 of Hearts with handcuffs in hand, appeared in Lin Nan’s eyes in a state of embarrassment.

It doesn’t seem a bit of the light-hearted, graceful conceit that I’ve seen before.

And behind her, is a group of burly national security personnel.

When the 8 of Hearts saw Lin Nan, he gnashed his teeth in anger.

She got to where she is today, all because of the cunning bastard Lin Nan.

I just met once today, and there is an extra monitoring device on the high heels.

In less than three hours, a large group of national security personnel came to chase and intercept.

To say it has nothing to do with Lin Nan, she wouldn’t believe it if she died.

not to mention.

When she was discovered, she vaguely heard the state security officer say something.

“This police officer Lin is really amazing, I really guessed it right, there is really someone on the top of the elevator car…

when she heard this.

Still guessing?

The reason for being discovered.

It must be because of the policeman named Lin Nan.

this moment.

8 of Hearts can’t wait to tear Lin Nan apart.


She, who has been reduced to a prisoner, can’t do it at all.

When she was being escorted past Lin Nan, she suddenly forcibly stopped.

Turning his head with resentment, he stared at Lin Nan and said, “Don’t get too complacent, this is just the beginning.”

to this.

Lin Nan just stared blankly.

Reach out quickly.

Very precise pinching to one place on the opponent’s neck.

Use a little force.

Hand use.

rip rip~

A thin, high-tech hyper-realistic mask.

It was torn off in an instant.

Lin Nan’s eyes were like water, staring at the eyes of Hearts, and replied with a chuckle, “Aah~”

“A mouse that doesn’t even dare to show its face.

“What if more comes?”

“The land here cannot tolerate the scourge of you rats.”

“The law here will also give you the final judgment.”

“You’re not the first, and you won’t be the last.”


Before waiting for the 8 of Hearts to say anything, the national security officers forcefully escorted him away.

At this time.

Zheng Wenbin also walked out with other national security personnel. When passing by Lin Nan Shenfang, he smiled and patted his shoulder.

0.8 said in a kind tone: “Good job!”

“People, we’ll take it away first!”

“Lin Nan, your proposal is very important this time, and I will ask for the credit for you at that time.”

“Let’s go!”

“Hopefully have the opportunity to fight with you again.

After finishing speaking, Zheng Wenbin left resolutely and did not stay for a moment.

However, Lin Nan and others stayed at the scene, and after finishing the follow-up work, they also left.

On the way back to the dormitory.

Xiong Zhuangshi drove the car, Lin Nan sat in the co-pilot and recalled the appearance of the 8 of Hearts.

It was a handsome and fair face, with some mixed-race feeling, between the eyebrows.

I don’t know why, but Lin Nan suddenly thought of Lan Xiner, a mixed-race child.

I feel that the two of them have similar expressions, but their real appearances are not the same.

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