Chapter 168 Surrounded, angry hearts 8!

Inside the Bac Ninh Branch Director’s Office.

“Report, cause and effect of the whole thing…that’s it.”

Lin Nan’s face was serious, and he was doing the reporting work calmly.

“Yeah! Not bad!” Zheng Wenbin said admiringly, “You guys did a great job.”

At this time.

A man in civilian clothes knocked on the door and walked in.

“The report, about the DNA extracted from the saliva residue in the goblet, was confirmed by testing and comparison, and it was consistent with the DNA comparison result of the 8 of hearts in the poker tissue in the record.”

“Very good!” Zheng Wenbin nodded and said to the crowd in a serious tone: “This person, 8 of Hearts, is not the first time to commit a crime. Long ago, there were many hypnosis cases related to it. How many times have you passed the law.”

It’s just, “she has been hiding her whereabouts in recent years and no longer commits crimes, so we have not obtained any traces or clues about her.

“After you reported it for the first time, we did not find any trace of her after our investigation, and thought she had shipped abroad again!”

“I didn’t expect that she would dare to hide near Longming City.

“This time, she must not be given another chance to escape.

After hearing this, Lin Nan thought to himself.

Sure enough.

People from overseas organizations like this have long since known how many devious things they have done, so how could they not be targeted?

Guoan even has a record of each other’s DNA.

That means they already have evidence of each other’s crimes.

I didn’t know it before, I couldn’t find it.

In fact, it’s just because his level is not enough.

Reporting directly is the best solution.

Relying on the strength of the organization group is the best way.


You don’t have to worry about how to find the other party’s criminal evidence, you just need to cooperate with the national security department to arrest the 8 of Hearts.

after all.

The evidence is already there.

Then, what Zheng Wenbin said next was really not what Lin Nan expected.

Zheng Wenbin said in a deep voice:

“Director Zheng, we have already obtained relevant evidence that the other party has violated the law.”

“Next, you still need to transfer some of your backbone to cooperate with and assist us in our work, and immediately surround and arrest the 8 of Hearts.”

“Unstable factors like this have a negative impact on social stability, as long as traces are found.

“Then it will never be tolerated, and she will never be allowed to go unpunished again.”

“No problem.” Zheng Aiguo, director of the Beining branch, replied, “We will do our best to assist you.

A sharp edge flashed in Zheng Wenbin’s eyes, and he said righteously:

“Thank you!

“The details of this operation are as follows:

In a slightly luxurious hotel room.

The 8 of Hearts sat in front of the dressing mirror with a gloomy expression, frowning tightly, thinking constantly.

She never expected that the plan was just beginning, and unexpectedly bumped into Lin Nan head-on.

Moreover, she kept recalling the previous conversation at the high-end steak restaurant in Whilton, and there was always a feeling that she had been seen through.

da da da~

Bai Zhe’s fingers tapped the wooden tabletop on the dressing table, making a burst of percussion sounds.

The 8 of Hearts is faintly felt, and the ominous premonition is getting stronger and stronger.

Is it?


Just met once and had a conversation.

Got caught on your own?

After thinking about it, 8 of Hearts decided to temporarily transfer, give up the current position, and change to another place.


When she just walked to the window, she immediately noticed something that terrified her.


surrounded by silence.

A few hundred meters away from the hotel window, on both sides of the street, there are several figures approaching.

Although they were dressed in civilian clothes, they were like ordinary people.

But the 8 of Hearts still observed the fierce temperament, posture, and vigilant movements of the opponent.

this style.

National Security!!!

At this moment.

The face of the 8 of Hearts changed greatly, and the whole person looked very flustered.

She never thought that she would be targeted by Guoan in such a short period of time, and she was also surrounded by groups.

Hiding in the shadows, hiding in the dark, she is fearless.

But on the bright side, head to head?

That is really courting death.


at this time.

The encrypted phone flashed on and off.

The 8 of hearts swipe at a very high speed.

Countless complicated garbled characters on text messages.


Write down the numbers and translate them against the codebook in your memory.

[Rescue Lan Xiner as soon as possible…  

Seeing the content of 8, Hearts clenched her silver teeth with anger, and almost yelled.

Are all the intelligence personnel in this organization trash?

Guoan surrounded me, and I didn’t get any news in advance.

And let me save people?

Do I take my head to the rescue?

The 8 of hearts on top of the anger, regardless of it, typed out a few words on the phone with the fastest speed and went back to the past.

[Damn spam information, go to hell…)

Although, the intelligence officers of these information organizations simply do not receive it.

But the 8 of Hearts felt like he had at least breathed a sigh of relief.

Even now, she doesn’t know where she has made a major mistake, so that she is deeply surrounded.


At this moment of despair.

The 8 of Hearts still did not give up the struggle, she turned out a small password box with the fastest speed, and took out a high-tech ultra-high simulation mask from it.

This is her secret weapon, given by the organization, and it is said to be the latest product developed.

It is several times stronger than all simulation masks on the market.

But there are also many disadvantages.

For example, it can only be used once, and after taking it off, it cannot be reused for the second time.

For example, it can only disguise the face, but cannot disguise the pupil, and cannot disguise the fingerprint.

But for the current crisis situation, 8 of Hearts feels enough.

If she is given enough time, she can use other methods to cover up her shortcomings and make a more perfect disguise.


(Li Hao) The 8 of Hearts lacks the most is time.

After putting on the mask, 8 of Hearts used the high heels, changed to flat shoes, and wrapped a black coat directly on the outside.


Her eyes narrowed and her eyes narrowed, as if she had seen something incredible.

I saw that there was a small black mechanical product in the suspended position at the bottom of the high-heeled shoes, which was firmly attached.

8 of Hearts – The eye recognized this thing.

This is… a tracking chip.

this moment.

She wanted to understand the cause and effect.

“Lin Nan! It’s him!! Damn it!! What!”


At this moment, 8 of Hearts doesn’t have any time to waste abusing Lin Nan.

She silently vowed in her heart that if she could escape, she would make Lin Nan pay the price.

While rushing out of the door, rushed to the corner of the corridor.

Quickly press the fire alarm.

Start to create chaos, with the intention of running away.

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