Chapter 162 Gaining New Ability, Controlling Cold Weapons (Expert Level)

Lin Nan was even more uncomfortable, and always felt that the atmosphere in the office was strange, as if something went wrong.

At this time.

Song Ruyan leaned over mysteriously, and said with rapturous expressions, “I didn’t expect you to be this kind of person! I wish you happiness! Come on!

As she said that, Song Ruyan held a small fist and performed a cheering action.

Lin Nan: “???”

what kind of person?

Wish me happiness?

come on???

You speak clearly!

What does it mean to say half a sentence and leave a half sentence?

Right now.

Lin Nan suddenly felt a system prompt sound in his mind.


[The main force to detect 108 cases of dissection, the contribution rate is 100%, and the justice value is 20 points]


[Contribution reaches 100% for the first time, rewarding cold weapon control (expert level)

The knowledge related to various cold weapons from ancient times to the present has been instilled in Lin Nan’s mind, along with the various experiences that each weapon seems to have been wielded for more than ten years.

This knowledge is really too much, but it is countless times more than the previous knowledge.

a time.

Lin Nan felt that his head started to feel dizzy.

Some days 12 feels like it’s spinning.

There was a bad sound in my heart.

Lin Nan was lying on the desk, seemingly closing his eyes and resting, but he was actually sorting out his memory.

Time just passed by unexpectedly.

In a blink of an eye.

Several hours passed.

“Xiao Lin, don’t sleep, get up.” Nengzhuang asked in confusion: “Are you not feeling well? Why did you sleep on the desk all afternoon?”

“Otherwise, forget it today! Next time I have a chance to eat steak.”

Lin Nan opened his eyes, breathed a sigh of relief, and replied with a smile: “It’s alright, my work and rest was irregular before, maybe it needs to be slowed down. Let’s go without delaying things.”

Xiong Zhuangshi was suspicious: “Okay! Then let’s go!”

on the way.

Lin Nan sat in the co-pilot and seemed to be looking out the window, but was actually looking at his own panel.

【 Lin Nan: Primary Justice Star (Three Stars)

[Ability: Trace Inspection (Expert Level), Site Investigation (Expert Level), Criminal Psychology (Expert Level), Psychological Profile Drawing (Expert Level), Forensic Science (Expert Level), Driving Control (Expert Level), Micro-expression Analysis ( Expert Level), Cold Weapon Control (Expert Level), Thinking Memory Palace”

[Justice Value: 964/1064]

Except for the addition of 20 justice points and the addition of an expert-level cold weapon control, nothing else has changed.


This is the first time that he has achieved 100% contribution to the case, and actually gave him a new ability, which made Lin Nan a little surprised.


The effect of cold weapon mastering this skill seems to be very general for the time being.

But Lin Nan felt that every ability would have a corresponding use.


I haven’t found a suitable place to use it yet.

Of course, Lin Nan has also been thinking.

In the end what conditions are met, in order to improve the ability of the expert level.

According to Lin Nan’s guess, it may be almost the same until the next stage.

Although, it is unclear how much justice is reached to start the next stage.

But Lin Nan felt that as long as he persevered in solving the case, one day he would achieve it.

Moreover, Lin Nan felt that the acquisition speed of the justice value was not slow recently. It had only been half a month, and the justice value had soared from 100 to more than 1,000.

You must know that it took a full year to go from 0 to 100 before!

Sure enough, the initial accumulation was always the slowest.

after an hour.

Whirlson Steak upscale restaurant.

Lin Nan and Xiong Zhuang were sitting at a corner table.

A waitress with a slightly strange smile was standing by, politely holding a note.

“This tomahawk steak is cooked at 7 minutes, plus a black pepper steak… Kobayashi, what do you want to eat?” Xiong Zhuangzhuang handed over the menu carelessly.

“No need!” Lin Nan reached out his hand expressionlessly and refused, “Just give me the hottest steak on sale.

“Go faster.

“Also, don’t get me wrong, I lost a bet.”

“That’s why, I’m here to invite you to dinner, please restrain your smile.”

Nengzhuang scratched his head inexplicably, and said strangely: “Bet? What bet?”

“Did we make a bet?”

“Why don’t you understand what you’re talking about?”

“Xiao Lin, are you really sick?”

With a dark face, Lin Nan gritted his teeth and said, “Shut up, can’t eating steak stop your mouth?”

The waiter, the waitress, smiled, showing an expression that I understand, and said a word in a harmonious voice.

“Please wait a moment.


Then floated away.

“Xiao Lin, what are you trying to say?” Xiong Zhuangshi still asked suspiciously, “Why do you feel that you have become strange since the afternoon?”

Lin Nan took a deep breath, lowered his head and whispered, “Brother Xiong, you’ve been sitting here for so long.

“Haven’t you found it yet?”

Able to be strong and full of question marks, he asked bluntly: “What did you find?”

Lin Nan leaned over, motioned to the various tables outside, and explained, “Have you looked at it yourself, didn’t you find that there are all couples in this restaurant?”

“It’s all a man and a woman, and there are red wine, candles, and love on the table.”

“Don’t you understand yet?”

“This 053 Wheaton Steakhouse is a couples restaurant.”

Hearing the words, he looked around and realized that it was true, but he still said indifferently: “Xiao Lin, you think too much.”

“How can this be a couple’s restaurant? Look at the table over there. The woman is in her 20s, and the man on the other side is in her 60s. How can this be a couple?”

“A normal person will know at a glance that the table is clearly a father and a daughter.”

“Of course, the possibility of grandfather and granddaughter is not small.”

“There is a table farther away. The young man is in his 20s and he has a flattering smile. The aunt on the opposite side is in his 50s. He is as fat as a ball. How can this be a couple?”

“They must be mother and son.

“So, you really think too much, this is really a normal restaurant.”

“What couple restaurants are not couple restaurants, don’t think about it!

Lin Nan twitched the corner of his mouth.

a time.

Not sure how to explain this.

Isn’t Xiong Zhuangshi an old criminal policeman for more than ten years?

Don’t you even know the happiness of rich women and sugar daddy?

That woman and the old man are here to play you and me.

Could this be father and daughter?

That was clearly the rhythm of a gold-worshiping girl approaching her godfather.

And the young guy who smiled and was as humble as a dog.

It was clearly a little white face next to a rich woman. ,

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