Chapter 158 I Can’t Kill, But I Can Punish My Heart!

At this moment, Li Yiming was angered by Lin Nan’s words and attitude, his face was hideous, he gritted his teeth and roared:

“You, you bastard! What did you say?”

“Get out! Get out of here! Otherwise, you won’t say anything if you die.”

Lin Nan said with a sneer, “If you don’t say it, I’ll tell it for you!”

“Your name is Li Yiming, and you think you love a girl named Tang An’an.

Li Yiming retorted fiercely: “I don’t think I just love her very much. You don’t know how much I love her.”

“She was kind, innocent and the best girl in the world.

Lin Nan gave him a disdainful glance and said, “But in my opinion, her biggest mistake was that she once fell in love with you.”

“I have already investigated your past experience.

“Four years ago, your parents had a car accident. It was Tang An’an who encouraged you when you needed help the most and helped you out of the predicament. You regarded it as a spiritual pillar.

“But three years ago, because of something, you had some arguments on the road.

“In the end, Tang An’an suffered a car accident and died of brain death.

“It can be said that her death has something to do with you.”

Li Yiming’s expression was painful and protective, and he shouted angrily: “No! It has nothing to do with me, the cause of all that is because of her parents, they look down on me, and it is because of them that we quarrel and An An meets. car accident.”

“Moreover, they even sold An An’s body and organs for money, making An An unable to live in peace after her death. They are the most hateful. They are not worthy of being An An’s parents at all.”

dong dong dong~

Song Ruyan probed and said, “Lin Nan, I have already printed all the materials you asked me to print.

Lin Nan got up and walked over, took the information, flipped through it twice, and said with satisfaction, “This information is just right.”

After that, he waved his hand to let Song Ruyan leave.

He turned around and walked to Li Yiming’s side, and took out one of the documents.


Shot in front of Li Yiming.

This “is a consent agreement for voluntary donation of remains after death signed by Tang An’an a long time ago.”

“She donated voluntarily and has nothing to do with her parents.”

“Still selling organs? Have you watched too many TV shows!”

“Organ sales that are not one’s own will are illegal, don’t you know that?”

“I still hate my parents!”

“Where do you have the face to hate someone’s parents?”

Li Yiming picked up the posthumous body donation voluntary letter and glanced at it, suddenly tore it into pieces, and roared: “This is fake, don’t try to lie to me.”

“I lied to you? What are you doing to cheat?” Lin Nan mocked: “You treat this kind of application form, wouldn’t you be able to carry out handwriting identification before your death?”

“It’s not my signature, my own will, do you think the hospital dares to take risks in organ transplants?”

“As for why you murdered, I also know.”

“After Tang An’an’s death, instead of reflecting on yourself, you blindly hated An’an’s parents and attributed all the faults to them.”

“And he also hates those who survived Tang An’an’s organ transplant.”

“Later, like a psychopath, you went to the hospital and worked as a handyman for a while, and found out who was the target of the organ transplant operation.”

“Then, as if ill, followed three people who had undergone organ transplants.

“And the real reason that prompted you to kill should be that you discovered Su Minmin, who had received a heart transplant, her special work.”

“You don’t think she deserves Tang An’an’s heart.

“So, you have planned for a long time, secretly ambushed her on the path that she must pass, stunned her with the ethanol you had stolen from the hospital, brutally killed her, swept 360,000 on her body, and dug out the heart, Go home and make a specimen.”

“Then, you did the same trick the next day, killing another dancer, Song Wei, who you thought was also undeserving of Tang An’an’s kidneys, that’s right!

Li Yiming looked complicated, panting heavily, and roared: “So what?”

“I did it right!”

“The two of them don’t deserve to live at all.”

“An An is so kind, they are too dirty to have her organs at all.

Why “after the kind-hearted An An dies, let those two disgusting things live because of her?”

“Damn them!

Lin Nan said coldly: “So, you decided to let Yunmengyu go?”

“Do you think Yunmengyu is suitable?”

Li Yiming flashed a sick smile on his face, nodded and said:

“That’s right! That little girl is not bad, she looks like An An, and she barely deserves it.

Lin Nan got up and looked down at the other party, and threw the dozens of thick documents in his hand in front of Li Yiming, sarcastically: “Whether others deserve to live, you make the choice?”

“You too?”

“Pick up these materials and see for yourself.

“Xiao Minmin, who you think is dirty.”

“Since three years ago, I have been visiting Tang An’an’s parents from time to time.”

“Later, she became the goddaughter of Tang’s father and mother.

“Finished the duty of filial piety to parents for Tang An’an.”

“Another dancer Song Wei who you think is equally dirty.”

“Because of my gratitude for the free organ donation, I will give Tang’s father and Tang’s mother a portion of the money every month as alimony.”

“,” Completed the responsibility of supporting his parents for Tang An’an. ”

“And you?”

“what have you done?

“Destroy your most beloved woman and leave the last good fruit in the world?”


“What I hate the most is the garbage you shirk your responsibilities and like to do evil things and do evil things in the name of love.

Li Yiming picked up the document with a gloomy face, looked at the content above, and muttered to himself in disbelief: “No! No way!”

“How can this be?”

“Am I wrong?”


“I’m not wrong! These must be made up by the other party to deceive me.

“I’m not wrong, they’re so dirty, they don’t deserve it, I’m not wrong…  

Just when Li Yiming was trying to hypnotize himself and make up lies to comfort himself.

Lin Nan ruthlessly dealt him a fatal blow, throwing out the last document that he had left in his hand, and said yin and yang strangely:

“Oh! There is one more, I forgot to remember it for you.”

“This is a physical examination that Tang Anan had done before she died. She was pregnant at the time, just a month ago, but she should have been in a car accident before she could tell you.”

“What a human tragedy!”

“One corpse and two lives, before it came to the world, it was miserable. It’s really tragic.”

Encountering “you, Tang An’an has really suffered from blood mold for eight lifetimes.

The voice just fell.

Li Yiming looked at the document with a dull gaze, and his memory seemed to return to that painful memory.

He finally knew why An An quarreled with him at that time.

Turns out she was pregnant.


Why didn’t you tell me sooner!

At this moment.

Li Yiming’s whole body collapsed.

Lin Nan let out a sigh of relief.

Pick up your beloved thermos mug.

Take brisk little steps.

Get out of the interrogation room.

I can’t kill, but I can kill. .

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