Chapter 153 New breakthrough, heart transplant, her name.

“What about the identity of the deceased?

“As before, there are no mobile phones or ID documents that can prove identity, and the specifics have not been found out.”

“What about the surveillance near the crime scene?”

“Han Lin and Youweilin should have them there. They may be investigating now.”

“Okay! I see, I’ll go take a look now.”

Finish saying this.

Lin Nan turned and left the autopsy room, walked quickly to the monitoring room, and found the two people who were very busy.

Second, “Where is the surveillance video of the crime scene?” Lin Nan asked directly.

“I’ve been busy just now, and I didn’t even know you were here.” Lin Youwei said in surprise, “You’re here at the right time.”

“I’ll adjust the surveillance video for you right now.”

After finishing speaking, Lin Youwei did not wait for Lin Nan’s instructions, directly connected to the projection, and called up the surveillance video near the scene of the second case.

Without further ado.

Play the 4 surveillance videos on a small screen.

Directly adjust to 36 times speed, and accelerate the playback of surveillance video.

On the projection, a video screen jumped rapidly.

Lin Nan raised his head slightly, everything reflected in his eyes and memories in his mind.

3 minutes later.

“Stop! Top left, play backwards for 13 seconds; top right, play backwards for 36 seconds.”

“In the lower left corner, play it backwards for 1 minute and 18 seconds; in the lower right corner, play it backwards for 3 seconds.”

Lin Youwei immediately followed Lin Nan’s instructions and started the operation.

After a moment.

In the surveillance video of the four screens, the same woman appeared at the same time.

She was wearing a small white bag, a loose top, a pleated skirt, and high heels.

“It’s her!” Lin Nan said firmly: “The clothes, hairstyle, height, and weight basically match the situation of the second victim.”

“Check her ID!

Lin Youwei carried out a face recognition check to find out the identity of the woman in the surveillance video, and boasted full of praise: “Team Leader Lin, your trick is really amazing!”

“No matter how many times I’ve seen it, I think it’s really amazing.”

“You don’t know, when we used to watch the surveillance for clues, we needed to pay full attention to the surveillance video before we could find a clue from the long surveillance video.

“And now, now it’s enough for you alone, and it’s done in a few minutes.”

Lin Nan smiled and continued: “Is the surveillance video at the crime scene of the second case only these four?”

“Anything else?”

“No more!” Lin Youwei shook his head and said, “There are only these four!”

“Okay!” Lin Nan nodded and said, “Then first check the identity information of the second deceased, as well as her social network.”

Lin Youwei said: “Okay! No problem! I’ll let you know after I check it out.

woohoo “..”

As soon as he walked out of the monitoring room, there were bursts of choked crying in Lin Nan’s ears.


I saw that a middle-aged couple about 40-50 years old appeared in the office of the criminal investigation team.


The old aunt was choking and crying.

The middle-aged man had a sad expression on his face.

But pretending to be strong, he followed his wife’s shoulders and encouraged her.

In front of them were the two women Song Ruyan and Li Yanran.

At this moment.

The two women were whispering words of comfort to the middle-aged couple.

“People cannot be resurrected from the dead, please mourn..

We “will definitely bring the murderer to justice!”

“Please, two policemen, be sure to find out the truth! Poor Minmin! It’s really a good man who didn’t report well, the woman cried.

“Okay! Stop crying!” the middle-aged man advised: “The police comrade will definitely find out the truth.

“Let’s go! Let’s go back first and wait for the news!

Saying that, the middle-aged man said goodbye again, then took his wife’s shoulder and left the office.

Seeing this, Lin Nan walked over and asked the two women, “Who were the middle-aged couple just now?”

Xiong Zhuangshi slid for a while, got out of nowhere, and said with certainty, “The two just now are Man Minmin’s parents.”

Lin Nan raised his eyebrows and asked suspiciously:

Xiao Minmin “Isn’t the information on the information shows that both parents are dead?”

“Where are the parents?”

Xiong Zhuangzhuang said, “It’s not the kind in person, godfather and godmother, you understand!”

“The proper kind.”

Lin Nan rolled his eyes and complained, “Have you ever seen one that is not serious?”

“However, godfather? godmother? I really didn’t expect that.”

“,” With the special nature of Xiao Minmin’s work, and her behavioral style of always making enemies with all kinds of people, she actually worshipped herself as a godfather and godmother?”

“It’s just incredible.

“I think there must be a reason for this!”

“It’s not just that you didn’t think of it.” Xiong Zhuangshi said with a sigh: “I didn’t think of it before.”

“I didn’t expect that Xiao Minmin still had some bright spots.”

“According to the middle-aged couple, Man Minmin once had a heart transplant, and the source of the heart was matched after their daughter’s death.”

“And after Xiao Minmin knew about this, she didn’t know how to find them, and in order to express her gratitude, she would send gifts during New Years and holidays.”

“After a long time, the relationship deepened, and I worshipped the godfather and godmother.”

“But the middle-aged couple didn’t know Xiao Minmin’s specific work situation, and they always thought that she was an ordinary (really) white-collar worker who had a difficult life and worked hard!!


Heart again!

Heart transplant surgery!

The deceased Xiao Minmin had a heart transplant before his death?

Lin Nan felt that he had found the key point, and kept piecing together, guessing, and deducing the previous clues in his mind.

He felt like he had found a new breakthrough in the case.

Also thought of another direction to solve the case.

“Brother Xiong, what is the name of the middle-aged couple’s daughter?” Lin Nan asked in a deep voice.

“” Xiong Zhuangshi didn’t know why, scratched his head and said, “Did you listen to me?”

“Didn’t I say it! Xiao Dunmin!”

“Not this!” Lin Nan said, “I asked for the name of their biological daughter.”

“Who would ask this!” Nengzhuang shook his head and said, “Besides, this person has been dead for several years, why ask her name?”

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