Chapter 151 Eliminate 22 suspects overnight!

Inside the Bac Ninh branch office.

wow wow wow…

Lin Nan held a pen on the information and began to make constant revisions, or crossed out names, or drew circle marks.

at the same time.

Various information about the 27 people kept popping up in his mind.

Infer, judge, rule out (leave)

Li Xiaofang, a fellow practitioner, had a fight with Xiao Minmin over a customer robbing incident a month ago, and was detained together for 7 days. At 7:00 on October 8, people appeared in Xihu District…


Song Dawei, a senior old client, has been detained many times for anti-pornography. Two months ago, he had a violent conflict with Xiao Minmin because of the amount of money. On October 8, he was also detained in the police detention center.


Huo Jianjian…  


Sun Ming.


Exclude “zero forty zero”!

This person has crime time, murder motive.

Stay for now!

This person doesn’t.


that’s all.

Every time Lin Nan thinks for a while, he will move the pen, or cross out the name, or mark the name in a circle.

As time goes by.

There are more and more candidates for the crossed out name.

And there are very few names left behind.

at the same time.

Neng Zhuangshi, Lin Youwei, Song Ruyan and others were all attracted by Lin Nan’s behavior.

They watched silently, whispering to each other from time to time to discuss.

But no one dared to disturb Lin Nan.

And Lin Nan is also concentrating, trying his best to narrow the scope.

Half an hour passed.

An hour has passed.

Time passed silently.


About an hour and a half.

Lin Nan breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the five names left after the screening was completed.

After thinking about it, I picked up the pen again.

Mark the five people with serial numbers in descending order of criminal suspicion.

At this time.

He couldn’t wait to be strong, and asked excitedly: “Xiao Lin, is there a murderer among these suspects?”

Lin Nan casually finished the screened information, pushed aside, got up and stretched, moving his stiff limbs and bones.

With a slightly tired tone, he said: “I can only say that it is not necessarily.”

“But this is based on the existing information, and the most suspected criminals are these five people.”

“And the serial numbers in front of these five names are marked by me in descending order of criminal suspects.”

“No. 1 suspects the most, and No. 5 suspects the least.”

“Actually, the person needs to be brought to the sub-bureau for further interrogation before the next judgment can be made.

“Xiao Lin, you’re being humble again!” Nengzhuang said with a beaming smile, “Yezi, what you said is like this.

“Not guaranteed, not necessarily, possible!”

“But when did you say something that didn’t come true?”

“After so many times, can we still not trust your judgment?”

“I didn’t run away.”

“It’s settled!

“The murderer who took away Xiao Minmin’s heart after 36 knives in a row must be among these five people.

Lin Youwei also advocated: “Indeed, the team leader Lin has no other shortcomings, but his words are too modest.”

Song Ruyan and Zheng Hu were silently watching.

Although not speaking.

But their admiring eyes also expressed the same meaning.

Able to stretch out a strong hand.

Picking up the filtered information, he glanced at it, and said with a smile: “It’s finally our turn to show our skills.”

“Go! Lao Zheng, wake up Xiao Yanran, we will bring them back for questioning.

at this time.

In her sleep, Li Yanran seemed to vaguely hear someone calling her name.

She got up from the desk sleepily, wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth, and asked confusedly, “What? What’s wrong? Who called me?”

Lin Nan waved his hand.

First, he said to Li Yanran: “It’s okay! Sleep on yours! It’s not time yet.”


He turned to face Xiong Zhuangshi and the others, pointed out the window, and said helplessly:

“Brother Xiong, what are you talking about?

“Don’t look at what time it is?”

“It’s almost three o’clock in the morning now, and it’s not absurd to go to someone else’s house in the middle of the night and force someone back!”

“And, after a while, Captain Zhang Hai will bring another team to change shifts, why don’t you leave this to them!”

“That won’t work. This night, it’s up to you, Lin Youwei, and Tan Xiaotong to work hard.” Xiong Zhuangshi shook his head and said, “The rest of us have to show some performance.”

Lin Nan spread his hands helplessly and said:

“Okay! But I think it’s better to wait! At least after 6 o’clock, the action will start.”

During this period of time, first rest and rest to nourish the spirit.

at the same time.

Song Ruyan, who was listening to the conversation on the side, paled a bit.

She kept thinking in her mind.

In the criminal investigation team, everyone has their own position.

And what is your position?

Am I a bit redundant in the current team?


Neng Zhuangshi was the first to notice the change in Song Ruyan’s demeanor.

to this.

His response method is also very simple and clear.

“Ruyan! I’ll have to trouble you again for some related summaries, reports, and the like.

These “things, what we wrote is not as good as what you wrote.

Song Ruyan’s eyes lit up and quickly said, “Okay! The Bears can rest assured and promise to complete the mission.”

Lin Nan squinted and pouted.

good guy!

The little girl was fooled and lame again.

Brother Xiong is really not bad for being an old criminal policeman for more than ten years.


fair enough.

To save Song Ruyan from always thinking wildly.


Hope she can find her heart.

Lin Nan laughed and shook his head. He slowly sat back in his seat, picked up the 0.8 cup, and fell into deep thought.

At this moment.

Lin Nan was thinking about other questions in his mind.

Why did the murderer cut out Xiao Minmin’s heart and take it away?

Also, only the left heart in the left atrium is removed.


Is this for him.

Is there any special meaning?

Killed the victim 36 times in a row!

It shows that the murderer has a deep hatred for him.


Generally speaking, such cruelty would not be carried out at all.

The murderer cut Man Minmin’s face into a human shape.

Take away his ID.

What is the reason?

If it is to hide the identity of the deceased!

So why not use other methods to hide the body?

Or simply find a more secluded place to do it?

if not.

Why did the murderer do this?

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