Chapter 129 The Language Arts of Lin Nan, Desperate Doctor Wilder.

“This foreigner, James Wilder, is extremely uncooperative and has an extremely bad attitude.” Captain Qiu sighed and said, “I have been using various shouting devices in the interrogation room, swearing in foreign languages ​​from time to time.”

“If it weren’t for our implementation of civilized law enforcement and principled behaviors that cannot be touched, I really want to beat him up so he can understand the facts.

“Beat him? Let me do this.” Li Yanran’s expression was slightly excited, she raised her hand full of energy and said, “I like to beat scum the most.

“Promise him to see the truth.”

Hearing Li Ma Ran’s remarks, Lin Nan immediately turned around and gave her a fierce look.

When Li Yanran saw this scene, she also knew that she had gone too far, and immediately changed her mind with a smile: “But I can only think about it now, I can’t do this.”

“After all, it is against the principle to do so.

The surrounding criminal police colleagues smiled kindly, and didn’t care about Li Yanran’s indiscretion.

“Team Qiu, why don’t I have a try?” Lin Nan considered the language and said, “After all, I arrested him myself.”

“I’m still a little bit dabble in interrogation and speech, so I might be able to gain something.

“Also, I also have some questions that I want to ask him.”

“Okay! I agree!” Captain Qiu waved his hand and said, “Go to the interrogation room now!

“Just do your best, relax, and don’t care too much about the result.” “Anyway, with the existing evidence, it is enough to convict him.”


West Lake Branch Interrogation Room.

Lin Nan and Neng Zhuangzhuang gently knocked on the door of the interrogation room, and said to Team Leader Zhou Lihai who came to open the door:

“Team Leader Zhou, Team Qiu asked you and another colleague to rest for a while, and the next round of interrogation can be handed over to Brother Xiong and me.

“Okay, no problem!” Zhou Lihai said with a smile, “Xiao Song, let’s go.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Song Gaoming rubbed his temples and walked out. Before leaving, he reminded Lin Nan:

“His heart is very vigilant, and what he says is true or false, and it is very difficult to deal with. The rest will be left to you.”

For this kind reminder, Lin Nan smiled and thanked him.

After a moment.

When James Wilder saw Lin Nan, he immediately cursed loudly in a foreign language: “You damn bastard, despicable, despicable to the extreme, without a bit of chivalry at all, you even made a sneak attack…

And a series of various abusive words beginning with B and F. ”

In response, Lin Nan just showed a mocking smile and said clearly:

“Brother Xiong, record it.”

“During the interrogation, the criminal suspect James Wilder was extremely uncooperative, and deliberately abused the police many times in foreign languages, provoked law enforcement agencies many times, and repeatedly involved racial discrimination, terrorism and other related remarks in his speech. Penalty standards.

Xiong Zhuangshi cooperated and said tacitly: “No problem, with this, plus the previous evidence, life imprisonment is impossible, and the death penalty is his only destination.”

“Maybe, he will get the final judgment faster than that Lan Xiner last time.”

James Wilder immediately stopped swearing in foreign languages, but said angrily in Chinese: “You just created something out of nothing and deliberately made up a crime.”

“Also, you have no right to judge me, I am a foreigner.”

“I’m asking for the embassy to intervene, I’m going for extradition, I’m going to see my lawyer, I’m asking for human rights.”

There are monitoring facilities in the interrogation room, do you still have no idea if you scolded someone just now?” Lin Nan said casually: “As for the embassy’s intervention and application for extradition, you may have thought too much. ”

“People of different nationalities are involved in extradition, but the premise of extradition is that both parties have joined relevant international treaties or there are extradition clauses between the governments.

“Unfortunately, your country and our country do not have extradition clauses.”

“So, the extradition is just a dream.”

However, after Lin Nan finished these words.

James Wilder was not discouraged by this, but still shouted arrogantly:

“What if there is no extradition bill?”

“I am a professor of psychology at Newharts University and a famous psychologist. If you don’t extradite me back, it will definitely cause a diplomatic incident.”

“You can’t afford this consequence.”

“So, you have to extradite me back to my country so that it won’t affect diplomacy.”

There is a sense of arrogance inside and outside the words.

Hahaha Lin Nan “sneered and stood up, leaned over and looked at James Wilder with contempt and said, “Is that all you want to say?”

“That’s it? Do you think my motherland would be afraid?”

“Just you? A psychology professor, what’s the value (bcaij) to cause a diplomatic incident?”

“If you use the evidence casually, your motherland will be punished because of you.

“And, do you think it’s still a hundred years ago?”

“My motherland has stood up long ago, but you still put on such a disgusting attitude, do you really think that foreigners can do whatever they want?

“I’m scared!

“I think you’ve been brainwashed into an idiot by your country’s rhetoric.”

“I will tell you plainly.”

“As long as you break the law in our country, you will definitely be tried in our country.”

“No one, no organization, no country can stop it.

“Don’t say you are a foreign psychologist? Even if you are God, if you break the law in our country, you will still be tried.”

“No! You lied to me!” James Wilder snarled hysterically with red eyes: “I am not convinced, I cannot and will not die here, my motherland and my organization will definitely save me.

Lin Nan picked up the transparent evidence bag with a sneer, shook the 10 of spades with a golden edge inside, and said sarcastically:

“The trash organization behind you?”

“What can save you?”

“Just a bunch of rats in the gutter!”

“I can’t see the sun all day long, and I’m trying to survive.

“How to save you? Who will save you?

After James Wilder saw the card, he immediately recovered a lot of his senses, but he still couldn’t help gasping for Lin Nan’s sarcastic remarks, and retorted through gritted teeth: “You are just a little policeman, you don’t understand at all. The power of organization.

“I’m not worth mentioning at all in it.


“You will surely die before me.”

“And it’s the kind of death that beats everything, and it’s a painful death.

“You will be a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times worse than me.”

Hearing these vicious curses, Lin Nan not only did not get angry, but revealed a happy smile.

He danced and laughed like a sly fox that stole a chicken, and said with a smile: “Thank you very much, Mr. James Wilder.

With “what you said, about the organization you belong to, when I report to the higher-level organization, it will definitely attract great attention.”

“I believe that soon, your organization will usher in the most severe official blow in history because of your words.

“Don’t hold on to it anymore, the organization you belong to will let you go out.”

“After all, you’re just a little bastard, because your remarks caused huge losses to your organization. I believe they hate you more than we do.”

“Enjoy your last moments!

“Goodbye, Mr. James Wilder!”

“Late! Wrong!”

“It should never be seen again!”

Having said that, Lin Nan left the interrogation room with a smile.

Seeing this, they also left with a smile.

Before leaving, he also made up a knife.

“Never see you again!”

at the same time.

After hearing this, James Wilder widened his eyes, trembling with anger, and pointed to the closed door of the interrogation room.

“You…you despicable bastard, you are a devil!

When he finished speaking tremblingly, he rolled his eyes and fell softly to the ground.

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