Chapter 127 The ignored person, Lin Nan, you are the traffic password.

James Wilder may not be alone, he may have an organization behind him.

This was the first thought that flashed in Lin Nan’s mind when he saw the gold-rimmed eye card that looked like 10 of spades.

But on second thought, Lin Nan felt that it was unlikely. With the current situation, it is impossible for this dark organization to have the soil to survive.


Lin Nan thought about it and felt hesitant again.

Want to know the truth behind this card.

Next, there are three pathways.

The first way is to ask Lan Xiner, who is on a reprieve and will be executed in half a year.

The second way is to ask James Wilder, a psychiatrist who has just been arrested.

The third way is to report to the organization, and there will inevitably be a higher level involved in the investigation.

Among them, the first path Lan Xiner was a reserve member, so she didn’t necessarily know that much.

The second way James Wilder knows the most, but the other party is also proficient in psychology, and it is difficult to pry his mouth open.

The third way is the most reliable and safest.

But Nan’s level is too low now, even if a higher level intervenes, he may not have the right to know the truth.

Each of the above three approaches has pros and cons.

Lin Nan thought about it.

made a decision.

Only children make choices, adults want them all.


That’s right.

Lin Nan decided to interrogate James Wilder first, then report these matters to the organization, and finally visit Lan Xiner.

Three-pronged approach, multi-faceted flowering.

At the same time, using the various information clues that can be brought by the three ways, we can put together a puzzle in our mind to splicing out the general truth.

After Lin Nan made a decision in his heart, he immediately took action.

When Lin Nan went downstairs, he happened to see two detectives taking a transcript of the questioning for the bewildered front desk lady.

A question, a note, a tacit understanding.


“Qin Yuwei”

“What is your nationality?”

“I’m from Longming City, my home is right here

“How long have you been working here?”

“Two months


Lin Nan listened to two sentences at random, and then he had a basic judgment result.

This Qin Yuwei should be a little girl who was innocently involved in the case, just looking for a job after graduation. There is nothing worth noting.

After making a judgment in his heart, Lin Nan turned around and left, preparing to meet the foreign psychologist James Wilder for a while.

Because, Lin Nan spent some time searching for evidence on it.

Therefore, when he went out, he found out that James Wilder had been escorted into a police car as soon as possible and taken to the West Lake Branch of Longming City.

Because of this, Lin Nan can only wait for the others to finish the rest of the work, and then go back together.

Fortunately, the others did not make Lin Nan wait long, about 20 minutes.

Everyone else has already stopped working.

After closing the psychotherapy clinic and putting a seal on it.

The group took all kinds of evidence into the police car and drove to the West Lake Branch of Longming City.

After everything settled, the police car got further and further away.

On the street in front of No. 409 Huixi Street.

Qin Yuwei used to be the front desk of a psychotherapy clinic.

Carrying his small red satchel in his hand.

His face was stunned, and his eyes were full of daze.

After the siren completely disappeared.

The confusion in Qin Yuwei’s eyes disappeared, and her face returned to calm.

He turned his head slightly to the direction the police car was leaving.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Brings up a hint of hilarious laughter.


returned to its original state.

Turn away.

Never look back.

All that was left was the crisp sound of high heels stomping on the ground.

“Tap on

The sound faded away.

at the same time.

Back on the highway in Longming City.

Lin Nan was sitting in the co-pilot seat, carrying a transparent evidence bag, and kept looking at the mysterious 10-eyes card of spades with a bronzing edge inside and pondering.

The driver’s seat is still responsible for driving, and the old driver of the royal family can be strong.

The two in the back seat are:

Li Yanran, a violent female detective who can try not to BB.

And Song Ruyan, a beautiful writer, who is responsible for the three groups of temporary workers in criminal investigation who are responsible for the beauty of flowers and part-time pendant functions.

“It’s so boring, this time is really a waste of time.” Li Yanran sat in the back seat and complained indignantly: “I thought I had a chance to move my muscles again!”

“The result? That’s it?”

“Before I started to act, the opponent fell.”

Lin Nan continued to study the 10 of Spades card intently, and then complained: “Come on! You can give me a few days of rest!”

“It’s only been a week since your last incident.

“Fortunately, this time I didn’t let you go in and look for evidence.

“No, according to my estimation.

“If the person bound at that time was not me, but you.”

“Then, there is a 99% chance that you will forcibly tear off the bandage used for binding.

“Then, in that room with super sound insulation, beat that James Wilder alive.”

“Wouldn’t that be better?” Li Yanran said with a hatred of hatred: “I just read the foreign language records in those notebooks, and it is really human-like and beastly. ”

“This kind of person is regarded as being beaten to death, which is his best destination.”

Lin Nan continued to complain: “You beat him to death, and finally, let us go back with you?”

“Will you be more mindful?”

“Smoke 023, what are you doing? Why haven’t I seen you say anything along the way?”

Song Ruyan held her mobile phone and clicked on the screen frantically without raising her head, while replying: “I’m full of inspiration right now, and I’m writing the beginning of the criminal investigation novel I’m going to write.”

“By the way, Lin Nan, you don’t know yet!

Since “last week our branch held two press conferences in a row, and the reason for the painted skin case.”

“Now, you are a celebrity in the online novel world.

Known as “traffic password, you are the protagonist in many new novels.”

“Protagonist? Red?” Lin Nan raised his eyebrows and said, “What do you mean?”

“Explain a little more.”

Song Ruyan stopped coding, opened the mobile browser, and went to a novel website. While reading, she said, “It’s very simple, I’ll explain it to you and you’ll understand.”

“For example, here is a novel called “Dream Back to High School, My Deskmate is Lin Nan”

“The content is mainly about the story of the protagonist who dreams of returning to high school, and who is called Lin Nan at the same table. The two finally met and fell in love with each other, and finally, regardless of secular prejudice, rushed to the palace to find true love.

“Ignoring secular prejudice?” Lin Nan frowned and asked suspiciously, “Why?”

Song Ruyan smiled darkly.

“Because the protagonist’s name is Xiong Zhuangshi.”

Lin Nan: “???”

Can be strong: “???”

Li Yanran: “???”

Three Faces Confused.jpg.

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