Chapter 100 DNA test results, the identity of the deceased surfaced.

Bac Ninh Branch Criminal Investigation Team.

Everyone was busy, and Captain Zhang Hai took Song Mingming to interrogate the young man who committed suicide.

Forensic doctors Tan Xiaotong and Tan Xiaoxiao sisters are still doing various autopsies on the corpse, and by the way, they also do DNA testing on the drop of blood.

And Lin Nan is studying the video on the phone of the dead young man yesterday.

Research and analyze over and over again.

But the good news is that, at least in this video, features like height and basic body shape can be discerned.

After lunch time.

Criminal investigation team meeting room.

All the criminal police were present, and Captain Zhang Hai presided over the meeting to analyze and discuss the case information of the 928 Abandoned Factory Incineration Case.

“Comrades, let me say a few words first.”

“Now our problem is very serious. Everyone should know that today is September 29th. In two days, it is self-evident what day it will be.” Captain Zhang Hai said solemnly:

“On the eve of this annual national celebration, on September 28, an extremely cruel and vicious case of murder and burning of corpses occurred.

“We must solve this case as soon as possible before the National Day.

“Minimize the negative social impact of this case.

“Okay! Not much nonsense, I believe everyone should understand what I mean.”

“Now, summarize the basic information of the case, brainstorm ideas, and solve the case as soon as possible!”

“Xiaotong, did the DNA test results compare the identity of the deceased?”

Tan Xiaotong replied: “Come out, the identity of the deceased has been checked.”

Captain Zhang Hai nodded and said:

“Very good! Xiaotong, please explain the identity of the deceased and the detailed results of the body test on the deceased!”

Tan Xiaotong heard the words and replied sternly: “Okay!”

“The deceased Jiang Song, male, 35 years old, 1.81 meters tall, weighed about 183 jins, was unemployed, single, had a history of fighting, gambling, stealing and whoring in previous years, and was detained many times.”

Before his death, “he suffered a severe blow to the head and was bound by nylon ropes.

The death “was caused by inhalation of excess carbon monoxide and smoke followed by gasoline burning.”

“Little bastard?” Captain Zhang Hai frowned and said, “It’s really hard to handle!”

“The social background network is complicated and difficult to investigate!”

“However, it is necessary to investigate if it is not easy to investigate!

“Lin Youwei and Han Lin, the two of you will mainly check the social network of the deceased Jiang Song in a while, and list all the criminal suspects who have hatred and grievances with him and who have murder motives.”

“Next, Han Sen, please explain, what are the results of the search on the traces of the scene and the surveillance video around the abandoned factory? Are there any new clues.

Han Lin replied: “It’s still the same judgment result. There are at least five different people’s footprints around the scene, and all of them are the shading of old-fashioned canvas shoes.”

“The indentation of the footprints is light before and heavy, and there are traces of scratches, push marks, inspection marks, etc., and it is judged that all the footprints are left by the elderly at least fifty or sixty years old, and at least one or two of them are suffering from serious diseases. ”

“As for the surveillance video, the surveillance cameras near the abandoned factory are still of the old-fashioned type, and cannot have night vision at all. At night, the video content is black, and there is no clue at all.

“Yeah! Combining the two existing clues!” Captain Zhang Hai calmly analyzed: “If the suspect is really an elderly person, it is likely that an acquaintance committed the crime.”

“After all, if you want to successfully bring down Jiang Song, a gangster who is 1.81 meters tall and weighs about 183 pounds, who is good at fighting, there is absolutely no way for him to be attacked by an unsuspecting sneak.

The key point is to “check Jiang Song’s acquaintances, especially the elderly.”

“By the way, are there any other clues?”

The criminal policemen shook their heads one after another, saying that there were no other clues.

During this period, Lin Nan did not speak, but just acted as a little transparent next to him, thinking and analyzing silently, while drinking tea to refresh himself.

For Lin Nan, who has maintained a regular life for a long time.

Hot night!

really tired.

If it weren’t for the fear that going to bed now would disrupt the biological clock, Lin Nan really wanted to fall asleep now.


Although Lin Nan wants to be a little transparent, his strength does not allow it.

…for flowers…  

After he successively solved various difficult cases such as serial killings, painting skins, disappearances on pedestrian streets, etc., Captain Zhang Hai attached great importance to him.

“Xiao Lin, do you have any different views on the 928 Abandoned Factory Incineration Case?”

“Team Zhang, not yet!” Lin Nan shook his head and said, “There are still too few clues, at least until the suspects are listed before the official investigation can begin!”

“However, I plan to go to the deceased’s house to check the situation and see if there are any other clues.”

“That’s good!” Captain Zhang Hai said, “Then you three criminal investigation teams go to the deceased Jiang Song’s house to conduct on-site investigations!”

“By the way, by the way, let’s confirm whether there is the first scene where Jiang Song was attacked.


“Okay, let’s get started!”

On the way to Jiang Song’s house.

The car was still the same, Xiong Zhuangshi drove, Lin Nan sat in the co-pilot, Li Yanran and Song Ruyan sat behind.

“I always feel that I’m not your beloved team leader, but your professional driver and royal bodyguard! Neng Zhuangshi complained while driving: “Lin Nan, didn’t you say you wanted to get a driver’s license last time?”

“When are you going to take the exam?”

“Brother Neng, what nonsense are you talking about?” Lin Nan breathed and complained sleepily, “Isn’t there Xiao Yanran as the imperial bodyguard? Isn’t yours just a professional driver?”

Hurry up and “work on developing some other skills!”

“Otherwise, after a period of time, Ruyan may take away your driver’s seat.”

Song Ruyan smiled and made up a knife in the back seat at the right time.

“That’s right! My driving skills are also great! I can be a driver too.”

“Brother Xiong, welcome to challenge the position of the imperial bodyguard.” Li Yanran said energetically: “After the case is finished, we can go to the martial arts hall to discuss and learn from each other. My brother has been wanting to kiss you every day recently!

When Nang Zhuang thought about the last time he had a discussion with Li Yanran, his scalp felt numb and his muscles trembled.


He repeatedly refused: “I’m not in good health recently, so I won’t go to the martial arts hall for now. Let’s talk about it after a while!” Eight

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