Chapter 10 Peel off the cocoon, identify the real murderer, think carefully!

“Indeed! The evidence is overwhelming, the evidence is conclusive, is it interesting to say this?”

“Huh? A scapegoat? Xiaolin, do you think it’s a TV series? How come there are so many scapegoats?”

“That’s right! The fingerprints on the murder weapon can’t be faked!”

Lin Nan didn’t get angry when he heard these questions, and picked up the evidence in the evidence bag on the desk not far away.

“Evidence? That’s it?”

“No problem yet?”

“It is not false that Liu Ming’s fingerprints are on the hilt of the murder weapon, and it is not false that the blood of the three members of the victim’s family is on the knife.”

“But there is no trace of the victim’s blood on the handle of the knife, is that right?”

“This hilt should not belong to the blade.”

“Look carefully for scratches at the joints, there are signs of exchange.”

“The handle of the knife should have been attached to the body of the knife.”

“It’s just a product of framing.”

Putting down this evidence, Lin Nan slowly began to tell:

“In the murder case that happened early this morning, in room 601 of the crime scene, not only the victim’s family of three and Liu Ming’s four people, but also a real murderer was at the scene.”

“In other words, there should have been five people at the scene at the time, but Liu Ming always thought he was the only one, and he didn’t find any of the other four.”

“On this point, there is a faint shoe print on the wall on the south side of the side bed, which should be enough to prove the existence of the fifth person.”

“Captain Zhang, didn’t you leave two colleagues at the crime scene? Take a photo for the colleagues in the trace department to check. The shoe print should not belong to any of the three victims, Liu Ming and other four people.”

“It should belong to a fifth person who doesn’t exist.”

“In addition, there are also some traces under the bed in the master bedroom and the side bedroom. Those traces should have been left by the murderer when he hid the victim’s family of three.”

Captain Zhang Hai of the criminal investigation team took out his mobile phone and sent a message out.

It is better to believe that there is, than to believe that it is not.

Seeing Lin Nan say it so definitively, he couldn’t help but believe it.

And some criminal policemen can’t help feeling a little scary when they think along this line of thought.

If these are true?

Doesn’t that mean that when Liu Ming was stealing, there were four people in the room, and one of them was the murderer?

This scene is creepy to think about.

“Actually, the murderer is not investigated. If there is no existence of Liu Ming, the scapegoat, the investigation will be carried out according to normal procedures.” Lin Nan did not continue to betray. “Our criminal investigation team has a high chance of finding him as a suspect, but with Liu Ming as a ready-made criminal suspect, the real culprit has a chance to escape from sanctions.”

“And this person is the master Liu Ming taught him to unlock locks a long time ago – Zhao Laifu!”

“Zhao Laifu? Is it him? Old Zhao Tou?” Captain Zhang Hai of the Criminal Investigation Team narrowed his eyes when he heard the name.

Lin Nan said that he was a little thirsty. After drinking a sip of wolfberry health tea, he continued:

“Not bad! It’s Zhao Laifu!”

“Captain Zhang should be more familiar with this name. A lock picker like this should have a record in the branch. He is familiar with the criminal police case handling process and should have participated in a lot of auxiliary work before.”

“Also, I asked someone to inquire about his information.”

“Zhao Laifu has a granddaughter named Zhao Ying’er and the victim’s family of three high school students who belonged to the same class. I heard that there was a major conflict, which caused a lot of trouble. Later, Zhao Ying’er suddenly had an accident and fell from the teaching building and died. The identification result given is suicide.”

“It’s even more coincidental that Zhao Laifu rented a house in Jingyuan Community, which is exactly Room 601, Unit 2, Building 3, facing the room of the victim, Li Yougui’s family of three.”

Finally, Lin Nan took a deep breath and said something faintly.

“All the people involved in that incident, except for Zhao Youfu, either disappeared or died!”

Everyone took a deep breath.

The power of this sentence is too powerful.

Seriously terrified!

“Xiao Lin, what do you mean?” Captain Zhang Hai of the Criminal Investigation Team trembled.

“Maybe it’s not as simple as the extermination case, but a serial extermination case?”

“Is it all related to Zhao Youfu?”

“Maybe! If I expected it to be good.” Lin Nan did not answer this question directly. “Those tongues that were cut off, as well as some criminal evidence, shouldn’t have had time to clean up.”

“There should be some clues in Room 601, Unit 2, Building 3, Jingyuan Community, or Room 102, Unit 3, Building 7, Kanghua Community. Captain Zhang can send colleagues to check.”

“Check!” Captain Zhang Hai of the Criminal Investigation Team took a deep breath and waved his hand. “The motive for the murder, the time of the crime, and Zhao Laifu are indeed very suspicious.”

“One group, Li Ming led the team to apply for a search warrant, searched Room 102, Unit 3, Building 7, Kanghua Community, looking for evidence, and found Zhao Laifu and brought him back to assist in the investigation.”

“The second group, Song Mingming led the team to transfer all the relevant information before.”

“In a while, I will contact Liu Feng and Zheng Hu who were left at the scene of the crime, and ask them to go to Room 601, Unit 2, Building 3, Jingyuan Community to search.”

“start to act!”*

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