Chapter 1 Friends of middle-aged and elderly women in Beining District!

Longming City – Beining District – Beining Branch.

“Aunt Li, Aunt Wang, Aunt Zhao, walk slowly!”

“Officer Xiaolin, thank you very much this time.”

“Thanks to Sergeant Kobayashi!”

“Officer Xiaolin, you don’t need to send it. Next time, I’ll introduce you to my niece!”

“Hey, look at what the aunties said, if there is difficulty, call the police. This is what we should do.”

Lin Nan stood at the door of the Beining branch, smiled and said goodbye to Aunt Li, and relieved her slightly tired body at will.

Turn around and go back to the house, and sit back on your desk seat.

He raised his hand to pick up the thermos cup on the table and took a sip of wolfberry health tea.



[Help Auntie Li to resolve neighbor disputes and gain 1 point of justice]

Listening to the prompt sound in his head, Lin Nan felt even better.

The justice value finally reached 100 points.

It’s not easy, it’s been a year, a whole year.

It took a full year to finally get it all together.

Although there are usually too many such trivial disputes.

But I don’t know how the system judges it.

After some disputes are resolved, 1 point of justice will be obtained.

In some disputes, even justice is not given.

Because of this, every time a dispute is resolved, it is like opening a blind box. I don’t know if there will be any justice reward!

Lin Nan happily clicked on the mysterious page in his mind.

[The justice value has reached 100 points and has been promoted to the primary justice star. Do you want to receive the primary justice star spree? 】

【Yes! 】


[Get trace inspection (expert level), on-site investigation (expert level), criminal psychology (expert level), psychological profile drawing (expert level), forensic science (expert level)][Turn on the lottery mode, spend 1000 points of justice, you can perform random lottery, and the first 10% discount. 】

in an instant.

Countless knowledge poured into his mind, making Lin Nan sluggish for a while.

After half an hour.

Lin Nan took another sip of wolfberry tea and felt even happier.

This expert-level skill is really different, and it is not comparable to the ordinary-level skill that he has taught himself.

Some knowledge, which is not taught in books at all, can only be accumulated slowly by participating in the understanding of real cases.

An introductory gift package that saves me the accumulation of decades of related work experience, which is really amazing.

The skill level is divided into five levels: ordinary level, expert level, master level, palace level, and handed down level.

The expert level alone is so powerful, and I don’t know how powerful the master level, palace level, and inheritance level above it will be?


It’s not over yet!

Reaching 100 Justice Points is only a condition for receiving the Starter Pack, but this does not mean that the 100 Justice Points have been consumed.

The 100 points of justice can also be used to draw prizes.

First time off?

100 is just right!

Is it cheaper to have it?



[Obtaining Heirloom Skills ~Thinking Memory Palace][Thinking Memory Palace]: Build a thinking memory palace in the mind, insight into Qiuhao, super memory.

Lin Nan’s eyes lit up instantly.

Thinking memory palace?

Still a legendary skill!

This is awesome!

Lin Nan looked around the office and closed his eyes to test the handed down skill he had just acquired–Thinking Memory Palace.

in an instant.

Everything you just saw is shown in your mind, like a movie, you can adjust, zoom in, zoom out, move forward, and back in your mind at will.

All the nuances are in the mind.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps.

step, step, step


As the office door was pushed open.

A tall figure like a wild bear walked into the office.

Lin Nan glanced at it, it turned out to be him!

This person’s name is Xiong Zhuangshi, 30 years old this year, a veteran turned policeman, just like his name, 1.9 meters tall and as strong as a bear. He is Lin Feng’s team leader and his predecessor.

As soon as Xiong Zhuangshi entered the door, he immediately praised with a thumbs up:

“Xiao Lin, you’re amazing. You deserve to be the good-looking person of our Beining branch and a friend of middle-aged and elderly women in Beining District.”

“In such a short period of time, you can take care of the most difficult aunties and give you a 666.”

Lin Nan rolled his eyes and replied, “It’s not because of you, Brother Xiong?”

“Every time you encounter this kind of thing, run away immediately!”

“Do you think I want to be a friend of middle-aged and elderly women?”

“There are more than 30 aunties who have said they want to introduce people to me. It’s too much trouble!”

Xiong Zhuangshi rolled his eyes, and said meanly:

“Tell me about it, make trouble, Versailles is not recommended!”

“If it wasn’t for your good looks, you thought you could meet such a good thing?”

“Actually, you can also learn from those aunts and lay a solid mass foundation, which will be of great benefit to your future work!”

Lin Nan was unable to complain, so he could only change the subject and said:

“Speak! What’s the matter?”

Xiong Zhuangshi was not fooled at all, and continued to tease and said:

“Hahaha… You’re shy? When the male is married, the female is married, and the lineage will not tremble.”

“Women, it will only affect the speed of my solving the case!” Lin Nan smacked his lips. “Okay! Brother Xiong, let’s get down to business! What kind of work do you have?”

Xiong Zhuangshi said sternly: “I just received a call from the police, claiming that there may be a thief breaking into the house, we are going to investigate and see the situation!”

“Okay! Call the police!” Lin Nan raised his eyebrows, brought his favorite thermos cup, and got up and left.

The two walked out of the precinct with resoluteness, got into the police car, and drove to their destination.

Xiong Zhuangshi was driving the car, while Lin Nan was sitting in the co-pilot, holding a thermos cup slightly dashingly.

Lin Nan: “Brother Xiong, which community?”

Xiong Zhuangshi: “Jingyuan Community.”

Lin Nan: “Oh! I see. It turned out to be an old community in the south of the city. It’s not easy to handle! The monitoring facilities installed in the property in that community are too broken, and the resolution of the shooting images is terribly low.”

Xiong Zhuangshi: “The eight characters are not a word! The reporter said that it was the resident next door, and it may have been stolen. Who knows if it is true or false, it may be an Oolong!”

Lin Nan: “Let’s wait until the scene to understand the situation! I haven’t called the police much this year! I’ve been doing civil dispute settlement.”

Xiong Zhuangshi: “Hahaha… This is not the best use of the goods! Who made you a friend of middle-aged and elderly women in Beining District! The director can’t wait to hand over all the civil disputes related to the aunt to you.”

Lin Nan: “…That’s not because I often dance square dance with the aunts in the park after get off work and get to know each other well. That’s why the aunts are so good at talking.”

Xiong Zhuangshi: “Cut! You boy, you have only graduated and worked for a year this year, and you are only in your 20s. How can you live a life like my old man?”

“Every day I don’t leave the wolfberry thermos cup in my hand. After get off work, I go to the square dance and play Tai Chi. There is no vitality at all.”

Lin Nan leisurely took a sip of wolfberry tea and replied, “You need to take care of yourself as early as possible, and your health will be better.”

Xiong Zhuangshi: “The more you exercise, the better your body will be.”

Lin Nan rolled his eyes: “Not everyone is 1.9 meters tall like you, Brother Xiong, and as strong as a bear.”

“Come on, we’re at the place, which building and which household called the police?”

Xiong Zhuangshi said in a naive voice: “The caller’s address is 501, Unit 2, Building 4, Jingyuan Community.”

“Good guy!” Lin Nan smacked his lips. “I said, Brother Xiong, why did you bring me to the police this time! It turned out that Aunt Song called the police.”

“Hey! There’s no way, Aunt Song is not easy to deal with, so I sacrificed your friend of middle-aged women.” Xiong Zhuangshi sighed. “Hopefully this can be resolved as soon as possible.”

“Whether it’s true or not, please calm down Aunt Song first.”

“Also, this time Aunt Song named her and hoped you would help her.”

Lin Nan said slowly, “I hope! I hope that Aunt Song didn’t deliberately trick us into coming here because she wanted to introduce his precious niece to me.”

“Huh? No… Can’t! It’s quite true from the record, but it’s not like calling a false police.” Xiong Zhuangshi raised his head in surprise.

“Then you don’t know how crazy those aunts are to be matchmakers!” Lin Nan was powerless to complain. “Forget it, looking at Brother Xiong’s appearance, no aunt has ever introduced someone to him.”

Xiong Zhuangshi: “…”


bang bang bang

“Who is it!”

“It’s me! Aunt Song, I’m Xiao Lin!”

The security door opened with a swipe, and an aunt in her fifties or sixties enthusiastically opened the door and welcomed Lin Nan and Xiong Zhuangshi into the house.

“Officer Xiaolin, you’ve come, come and sit at home.”

“Huh? There is another police officer? This police officer, please come in too.”

“No slippers, you sit on the sofa first, and I’ll make you a cup of tea.”

Aunt Song was very enthusiastic. After bringing the two into the house, she was busy preparing tea.

At this moment.

Aunt Song is not alone in her family.

At the other end of the sofa in the living room, there was also a slightly intellectual woman who looked in her twenties, youthful and beautiful, and had a good appearance.

Lin Nan had a bad premonition.

This… is not really here to introduce me to someone! *

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