Wang Ling'er was about to cry to death, why wasn't her mouth on the same line as her brain?"

"You're the boss here, aren't you?

Wang Linger shut up, and Chi Mingfei picked it up again.

When he saw Yan Zhen and Song Yun, it was like seeing a savior.

Especially Song Yun, although he is a little older, his weak and intellectual appearance and beautiful face are no worse than Yang Xiaoli.

Even because he is older, he has a little more flavor than Yang Xiaoli.

He had never seen such a good-looking woman in the village.

said, the more beautiful a woman is, the easier it is to bully. Because as long as you say a few casual words and give the other party a crime, you can make the other party want to die of shame.

On the contrary, she is ugly, even if you make 800 yellow rumors for her, others will not believe it.

She used this to control the Yang family, and wanted Yang Xiaoli to be her daughter-in-law.

Ji Mingfei's words were said to Yan Zhen, but his eyes looked at Song Yun without blinking.

Song Yun's sportswear can't hide her perfect figure and all-over temperament, beautiful, it's so beautiful, she looks better than his yellow-faced mother-in-law, I don't know how many times.

It's a pity that such a woman can only provide for it, not work.

Seeing a black dwarf staring at his wife like this, Yan Zhen's anger rose and quickly came to Song Yun to block her.

I regret it, I knew that I should have brought my wife here when no one was around.

"Who is he?" Yan

Mofei kindly explained for his father: "The people in Xiaoli Village." "

Nonsense, I'm Xiao Li's fiancé, and I'm here to marry her. "

Hurry up and let me go! I'm going to get the certificate with Xiao Li." If you delay the major events in my life, you can't afford to pay for it!" Although

Chi Mingfei has been arrested, he still does not change, after all, the money in Yang Xiaoli's family is really fragrant. He must marry Yang Xiaoli back and make everyone in the village envious.

It's good for the woman outside to take a look, and his favorite is Yang Xiaoli.

"Smack!" A slap slapped Chi Mingfei's face, which was Yan Mofei.

Yang Xiaoli immediately ran over and grabbed Yan Mofei's hand in pain: "Boss, did it hurt?"

Everyone present had a question mark on their faces, only Yan Zhen and Song Yun were full of relief.

is worthy of being his optimistic daughter-in-law, who cares so much about his son, and their little life will be very good in the future.

"The person he hit was me, how could he be in pain? Little carp, you should come and care about me. My face hurts.

"Chi Mingfei is crying, he is the worst one, okay?

This woman really doesn't abide by women's morals at all, and in front of herself, she actually cares about other men.

After marrying her home, if she really loses her body to this so-called boss, Chi Mingfei will definitely let her go around without eating!

As her own doll, she must learn to clean herself.

If she is willing to keep all the money for herself and earn more money for herself in the future. Chi Mingfei can think about it and not be so careful.

Yang Xiaoli didn't even pay attention to it, carefully checked Yan Mofei's hand, and after making sure that it was not red, he took out a paper paste to help him wipe it clean, and then he was relieved.

"The boss can let me come next time he wants to beat someone, I ate two bowls of rice today, but I have the strength!" said

and showed off his small body, his little arms were exposed, obviously looking slender and long, I don't know why the strength is so great.

Yan Mofei raised his eyebrows

: "Reluctant?" Yang Xiaoli shook his head: "Reluctant."

But just when Yan Mofei's face was about to sink, she continued: "The boss wants to film well, if there is negative news about beatings, it will be hotly searched."

"I'm your assistant, I'll just call, I won't be on the hot search."

Yang Xiaoli smiled, look, how smart she is, how much she thinks about the boss.

Yan Mofei's face slowly turned into a smile, and he reached out again and rubbed her balls. Just for a moment, he silently prepared to withdraw his hand.

Yang Xiaoli raised her eyes and looked at it, put Yan Mofei's hand back again, and continued to rub it, she could enjoy it.

"Drive people down, and don't disturb everyone's play. Yan

Mo gave the final order.

Chi Mingfei and Wang Ling'er screamed and cursed. In the end, he was covered and dragged down.

Originally, Wang Linger was supposed to be sent to the police station, but Wang Yiyun, who was driven back halfway, cut off her beard.

The other party bailed Wang Linger on the grounds of business concessions. Although Wang Linger's status in the Wang family is not high, she can only be regarded as a young lady, but she is also an idol and is quite famous.

If there is negative news about entering the police station and it is known by people with intentions, it will inevitably damage the Wang family, the stock price will plummet, and even affect the credibility of the Wang family's business.

This time, it was the head of the Wang family who came to intercede, and in the matter of cooperation, he gave the Yan family 80% of the profits of the two projects, which is equivalent to allowing the Yan family to earn an extra 100 million.

Yan Zhen originally wanted to refuse, after all, because of Wang Ling'er, his own wife was misunderstood.

It was Song Yun who knocked him on the head, and almost didn't knock him out of a concussion, so he accepted it.

"Of course, if you have money, you have to earn it, and my son can't let go of the family business that he has earned for us.

Yan Zhen covered the bag on his head and nodded hurriedly: "What my wife said is right, then put that thing and let them discipline it strictly in their own homes." If he appears in front of me again and makes my wife unhappy, it doesn't matter if he doesn't make 100 million or anything, my Yan family doesn't lack this money. "

If this makes those small and medium-sized enterprises cry like dogs when they hear it, 100 million, you say that there is no shortage, there is no shortage, can you not be so Versailles!

The other party hurriedly responded, and strictly guarded Wang Linger like a mad dog.

After a few days of playing, they left their footprints on both mountains.

Father Yang and Mother Yang are still in the excitement, and they have never had such a fun and relaxing time.

"Boss of Little Carp, thank you very much for giving us this opportunity to come out and play. "

They have experienced a lot of things here that they couldn't even think of before, after all, those things cost a lot of money, and as farmers guarding one acre and three points of land, they can't bear to play even if they want to.

It's good now, I experienced it all without spending a penny, and I was treated very well.

Even Yan Zhen and Song Yun treated them very kindly, as if they were their own relatives.

Song Yun opened his mouth and said: "You're welcome, you can tell Xiao Carp if you have anything you want to play, just let Xiao Carp arrange it directly, and we will cover all the expenses." A

great shock appeared on the faces of the two, is the in-laws what they think?

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