It seemed that someone heard Yan Zhen's shout, the elevator opened, and two staff members walked out of it.

"Boss, do you need help?" the

two of them hesitated for a moment when they saw the scene in the house.

Hearing the unfamiliar male voice, Wang Linger immediately became ashamed again. The way she is now, why has she been looked at again?

[Close the door, close the door!] She screamed wildly in her heart.

As soon as Yan Zhen saw someone coming, his panicked appearance just now immediately became calm.

His son said that he was the head of the Yan family, and he couldn't be ashamed outside.

With this calm appearance, he can do things a lot more smoothly.

"Why don't you get someone out of here. Yan Zhen said majestically.

The two staff members immediately ran in and raised their hands to drag Wang Ling'er.

At this time, Wang Ling'er was still pretending to be drunk, and she didn't want to be exposed in front of Yan Zhen.

She hugged Yan Zhen's leg in horror, and then climbed all the way up, Yan Zhen was calm on the surface, but panicked in her heart.

Where is this thing crawling? The goosebumps are up.

At first she looked like a rat spirit, then like a hairless caterpillar, and now like a snake in the gutter, spitting letters around her legs.

Either way, it terrified him to the extreme.

Yan Zhen's eyes widened: "Why don't you pull her away for me!" He couldn't

wait to shake his legs.

[Damn thing, let go of me!Wife, come and save me, I'm entangled in something disgusting...... Yan

Zhen howled in his heart, but fortunately the staff was fast. Seeing that his boss was angry, the speed was twice as fast.

Wang Ling'er climbed to Yan Zhen's thigh, and was restrained by the two of them left and right.

Then he dragged her back.

Who knew that Wang Ling'er hugged Yan Zhen's thigh even more: "Sister, someone wants to harm me." Sister, help!

" She's still going crazy with "drinking".

Yan Zhen wanted to pump Wang Ling'er's heart, he tried hard to pump his leg forward, the staff pulled Wang Ling'er back, and Wang Ling'er held on to it.

There is a limit pull between the three parties.

Wang Ling'er's clothes are thin and transparent, the coat has completely rolled to the waist, and the skirt inside is backless, and now you can see a white flower behind her.

As soon as she forced, two obvious bones were squeezed out of her back, plus the pull between the three parties.

Now she looks like a praying mantis.

Yan Zhen was still calm and serious on the surface, and his heart was about to collapse.

[Wife, help, help

!] [Son, come and save me, your father's chastity is not guaranteed

!] [What kind of spirit has changed, doesn't it mean that you are not allowed to become a spirit now?

] [Oh my God, her jaw is going to poke me to death!]

Wang Ling'er is pulled by both parties, and her strength is still limited after all. Just when the shoulder strap on top of her fell off and the scenery in front of her was unobstructed. Her hand finally broke away from Yan Zhen's leg.

The two staff members worked really hard, and they pulled their legs when they couldn't pull their hands, causing Wang Ling'er to be in a suspended state, and now the front was loose, and the back was not loosened, so that she fell down directly.

The two dumplings in front of them were instantly crushed into cakes, and the person also let out a sigh, and his jaw poked to the ground.

It hurts, it hurts to the heart.

Yan Zhen didn't even look back, and walked out of the door without looking. Looking at the sky and the earth is not looking at Wang Ling'er.

Wang Ling'er, who was still going crazy, was dragged away by two staff members without dignity.

It wasn't until the elevator closed and Wang Ling'er's voice was no longer heard that Yan Zhen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, my chastity was preserved.

Just as he was about to return to his room, the door on the opposite side slammed open.

Yan Zhen and Yan Mofei looked at each other, their eyes wide-eyed.

After a while, Yan Zhen smiled awkwardly and pretended to have just arrived.

"Alas, son, what a coincidence, why are you here

?" Yan Mofei: "Didn't you ask me to come over first instead of you?"

Yan Zhen suddenly realized: "Oh, that's the case." You see, I'm old, and I don't have a good memory. There are so many things to deal with that I forget about it for a while.

Yan Mofei smiled and said, "Dad, how can you be old." Didn't a young girl come to you just now?

Yan Zhen jumped up suddenly as if he had been burned, and covered Yan Mofei's mouth.

Then he looked around like a thief.

Yan Mofei took his hand away: "Don't worry, my mother is not here, she was still at home with me before."

Yan Zhen glared at him angrily: "Don't talk nonsense, what young girl, there is no such thing."

Yan Mofei pointed to the surveillance in the corridor: "Dad, you can see everything there."

"Also, guess why someone happened to come up just when you needed help

?" Yan Zhen reacted instantly, yes, he hadn't called anyone yet, why did they come so quickly?"

Of course, his dear dad needs someone to save him. As a good son, he naturally wants to help his father shake people when he needs it most.

Yan Zhen's eyes suddenly widened: "You know that your father and I are entangled by such a person, and if you don't come over to help, you even let two staff members come to see my jokes!

As he spoke, he took out his phone and clicked on the video he had taken.

As early as when he closed the door, he felt that Wang Ling'er was wrong, so he quietly used the barrier-free melon-eating ability.

No, I saw his dear at a glance, and today he said that he would not appear in this villa, so he asked himself to help experience it, and his father actually appeared opposite him.

And Wang Ling'er, who had been doing heaven and earth in front of him again and again, actually became interested in his father and performed a beautiful drunken performance in front of him.

It's a pity that the falling flowers are intentional, and the flowing water is ruthless.

His incomprehensible father rejected Wang Ling'er's kindness.

In the video, Wang Linger is holding Yan Zhen's legs, rubbing her face against his legs, and her expression is very tempting.

Yan Zhen raised his hand and was about to grab the phone, but Yan Mofei took the lead and put it behind him.

Yan Zhen immediately changed his smile and said flatteringly: "Son, my son, you can't bear to treat your father like this, right?" "

I have been in love with your mother for so many years, but I have never had any scandals." You must swear to protect your father's innocence. "

Well, delete this paragraph, it's not good-looking, it's spicy."

Yan Mofei said softly: "No way, who made me uneasy and kind."

"How, you are my son, the best.

"In the future, your father will support you in whatever you do, do you want to marry that Yang Xiaoli to pass the door? Dad will immediately go to help you prepare a bride price of one billion yuan, and we will use the money to smash her through the door."

Behind him

, Yang Xiaoli appeared in front of the door at some point, rubbing his sleepy eyes: "Boss, who are you going to smash through the door? I'll help you." "

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