Yan Mofei wore a bathrobe and walked out tightly wrapped in himself.

It's Yang Xiaoli, wearing a suspender swim skirt.

She looks petite in front of Yan Mofei, but she is also one meter six or eight tall, with a thin waist and long legs.

The front and back are just right, but with the better figure of others, she just looks smaller.

Yang Xiaoli blinked his eyes and jumped happily in front of Yan Mofei: "Boss, why are you wearing so much? Aren't you going to soak in the hot springs? It will be hot if you wear so much."

Yan Mofei smiled, and then took a bathrobe and put it on Yang Xiaoli's body: "You are wearing too little, wear it."

Yang Xiaoli expressed dissatisfaction: "Boss, it will be hot if you wear so much." "

No, put it on. You go to the hot springs, and it's not appropriate to wear a swimsuit alone.

Yang Xiaoli resisted to no avail, oh twice, and put it on silently.

Because it was the first time the resort had opened, they were also among the first people to soak in the hot springs.

Each hot spring will be separated separately, and there are large and small ones, the large ones can soak dozens of people, and the small ones can also soak in five or six.

The hot springs are located a few below the hilltop villas.

At this point in time, people also came up to soak in the hot springs one after another.

Without being guided, Yan Mofei took Yang Xiaoli all the way around and finally came to the innermost hot spring entrance, which was specially reserved for him.

However, at this time, the door of the hot spring was open, and the sound of laughter could be faintly heard inside.

"Sister, this treatment is too good, isn't it? You see, not only do you have hot springs, but you also have so many delicacies prepared.

Wang Yiyun went to pull her: "Let's go, we are the No. 2 hot spring, this is the No. 1 hot spring, and everything here is given by someone." Naturally, these things are also for the guests of No. 1.

"Alas, you ......"

She didn't hold Wang Ling'er, but Wang Ling'er directly picked up a fruit and ate it.

"Well, it's quite sweet and tastes good. And it's fresh, I think it was just flown in.

"Sister, you can taste it too.

"This wine looks good, too. "


Wang Yiyun went to pull again, but Wang Linger went directly into the water, and deliberately took a handful of water up and poured it on Wang Yiyun's body.

"Sister, what does it matter, just change it with them. And these things, just give the other party a little money.

"We are the guests invited by the Yan family, if they snub us, we won't be able to eat and walk around."

"Sister, come on.

Wang Linger stretched out her hand to pull Wang Yiyun into the water.

At this time, Wang Yiyun already faintly regretted bringing Wang Ling'er.

It's really that this cousin is too indulged by her third uncle, and she is no longer afraid.

But these things have been trampled by Wang Ling'er, what else can I do? Wait for someone to apologize, let's make amends.

When Yan Mofei and Yang Xiaoli went in, it was just when Wang Linger pulled Wang Yiyun.

The bathrobe on her body had long since been taken off, and she wore a thin gauzy sundress, soaked in water, and almost everything was seen.

At this time, when she saw someone coming in, she screamed, but she didn't block herself, nor did she go underwater, but pointed at Yan Mofei.

blurted out: "Who let you in?"

Yang Xiaoli went in to take a look, no, it was an acquaintance again.

Wang Yiyun turned around a little embarrassed, and met Yan Mofei's gaze.

"This hot spring, is it yours?"

Yan Mofei nodded.

"I'm so sorry we accidentally broke in. Otherwise, I'll change it with you, we're at Hot Spring No. 2, just across the street.

Yan Mofei snorted lightly in his heart, the No. 1 hot spring was specially prepared for him, and the things in it were specially arranged by Yan Zhen.

She said sorry, she accidentally broke in and thought about changing her things, it was so relaxing.

Seeing Yan Mofei looking at those who were eating, Wang Yiyun's face couldn't help but turn red.

Her Wang family is not short of money, and she knows the approximate price of these things. Although the price is not expensive for the Wang family, it is expensive because these things are rare.

It's like that bottle of wine, it's priceless. Many people take a lot of money to collect, but they can't even touch the goods.

The fruits are also flown in from the best places abroad and kept in the freshest condition.

The fruit itself is not too expensive, but the cost in the middle, and the time it will take.

There are other things that take a lot of thought at first glance.

Now that they are so occupied, it is really unreasonable.

"We didn't move these, but my sister ate one of these cherries, why don't I buy this plate, and I'll send the rest to the No. 2

hot spring, right?" Yan Mofei didn't speak, but Wang Ling'er, who was wanton in the hot spring, took the lead.

She only knew that a man had walked in, which was why she was screaming and talking loudly, out of proportion.

But when she saw this person's face clearly, she instantly felt happy in her heart.

Isn't this the boss of the Yan family?

She didn't take a good look at it in a hurry before. Looking at it now, it was like a mist in front of him, and he couldn't see his face clearly.

I just feel like it should look good.

Wang Ling'er didn't doubt him at all, but pretended to be gentle and said: "This hot spring is so big, don't change it, why don't we go clubbing together?"

Look, how perfect her figure is. When the man saw it, he was absolutely shocked.

Plus her face, how beautiful it is.

She deliberately sharpened her chin, and it cost her a lot of money. If it weren't for the fact that the entertainment industry doesn't allow people who have plastic surgery too much, she would have to do it well.

But she's perfect enough, she only needs to shave her chin to be a complete beauty, but she doesn't need to do more.

As she spoke, she raised her head and winked at Yan Mofei.

Yan Mofei didn't even look at it: "You will pay as much as you eat, and this water is really dirty." I'll just have someone go back and change it.

"But you can't stay here, this is my place.

Yan Mofei said, gently pulled the bell next to him, and it didn't take long for a staff member to come.

"Help me rearrange a place, and all these things will be moved. As for the losses here, let these two young ladies compensate before leaving. The

staff immediately responded and quickly moved the things.

Wang Ling'er was so angry by Yan Mofei's words!

What did he mean? He was not happy to have two beautiful women accompany him to take a hot spring.

She is a big star, white and tender, where is it dirty?

"You stop me! Even if you are the boss of the Yan family, you can't bully people like this, right?"

"If you don't give us an explanation, I won't leave!" Wang

Ling'er was so angry that she simply didn't pretend, and said angrily.

Yan Mofei didn't bother to pay attention to her, but walked straight out.

Wang Linger was not happy and followed on the spot.

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