The person who came looked six points alike to Wang Ling'er, but the face shape was different from her, not the pointed chin, but a slightly rounded arc, a goose egg face.

The eyes are pitch black, and they don't wear contact lenses, but they are born.

The nose and mouth are slightly larger than Wang Ling'er's, but they are more harmonious with the whole face and eyes.

She smiled slightly, and her skin was a degree whiter than Wang Ling'er.

Wang Ling'er snorted angrily: "Sister, you can't be so used to these people.

Wang Yiyun smiled and shook her head: "It's okay, anyway, the car belongs to my family, and it makes sense for me to pay for it." I've already transferred the money you just spent to you.

Wang Linger looked at the transfer information in her mobile phone and was still unhappy: "Sister, you can't be so kind-hearted." It's time for him to have a long memory.

Wang Yiyun still smiled: "Okay, it was indeed you who you said you were going to bump into just now, and he is measured enough."

"Don't be stunned here, let's go fix the car first." The

driver expressed his gratitude to Wang Yiyun: "Thank you, Miss."

After speaking, he was afraid that Wang Linger would say anything more to make him lose money, so he immediately got into the car and slipped away with one foot on the accelerator.

He was obviously loyal to his own young lady, but the young lady treated him like this.

It's still the eldest lady, the family has money, and the temperament is good.

But why is he Wang Linger's driver, not Wang Yiyun's driver?

He remembered just a day ago.

He drove Wang Ling'er's car to a villa, and that was the first time he saw Wang Yiyun.

The eldest lady of the Wang family, although she is not at the helm of the Wang family, has heard that she has been smart since she was a child, and she often attends various social occasions for her father, which is very handy.

Wang Linger is Wang Yiyun's cousin and the daughter of Wang Yiyun's third uncle. entered the entertainment industry half a year ago, and after two months in the group, the group disbanded.

Later, he flew solo, relying on the support of the Wang family and a lot of publicity, and now he is a very famous idol. He even released an album on his own.

It is estimated that Wang Linger's development is too smooth, she feels that just an idol can no longer satisfy her, and she decided to enter the showbiz and become an actor.

We are currently looking for a suitable script, but the specific ones have not yet been finalized.

Wang Ling'er was on the sofa at the time and pulled Wang Yiyun's sleeve with a smile: "Sister, just let me go with you." That's the Yan family.

"I heard that now the head of the Yan family has invested in several dramas, if I can play the heroine of the drama invested by the Yan family from the beginning, I will be able to completely gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry." "

The Wang family is powerful, but the strength of the Wang family can't be spent entirely on her.

Now the money that holds her is all her own father, and compared with the big family of the Wang family, she is not worth mentioning at all.

But the Yan family is different, the Yan family is a monopoly and has no semicolon.

The boss of the Yan family said that he was alone in all the decisions, and outsiders couldn't even intervene.

And the Yan family is very reluctant, I heard that in the last small online drama, tens of millions of dollars were invested at the beginning. The costumes are all exquisite and abnormal, and they are also willing to spend money on special effects.

Not to mention the big IP dramas that the boss of the Yan family watches, they definitely have to spend a lot of money to support.

"Ling'er, an actor has to lay a good foundation. You have no previous experience in acting, and you are an idol, so I'm afraid it will be a little difficult.

Wang Ling'er snorted: "How come, I'm very talented." You see, I've become a top idol in just half a year.

"I have 10 million followers. As

she spoke, she flipped out her bib and showed it to Wang Yiyun.

Wang Yiyun is only responsible for the Wang family's social interaction on the surface, but in fact she knows much more.

How many of these fans are true, and how many of them were bought by her third uncle, she knows in her heart.

Just to not hit her sister, she didn't say it explicitly. It's not bad to be a happy star.

"Sister, just let me go. I believe that as long as the boss of the Yan family sees me, he will definitely think that I am suitable to play those heroines.

"It's a great opportunity. "

The boss of the Yan family, how mysterious he is, he doesn't appear in front of people easily.

She only heard about the other party's legends, but she had never seen a real person, so she was very curious.

Wang Yiyun couldn't resist her entanglement, so she could only respond with a smile.

"Okay, I'll take you.

"Really? If you go this time, you have to be the main one. In this way, the boss of the Yan family can pay more attention to me.

Wang Yiyun just smiled and didn't speak.

She can be casual in small things, but there are some big things that she can't help herself.

At Wang Ling'er's request, Wang Yiyun picked a car worth several million from home. And Wang Linger insisted on using her own driver, so as to avoid not revealing the stuffing.

Wang Yiyun was also a little worried at that time, worried that Wang Linger would get into trouble. But thinking about having yourself by your side, it shouldn't be a big mistake.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she came, Wang Linger caused trouble for her twice.

For the first time, she insisted that it was an insult to her as a big star to share the same road with so many cars, and it was tainted with snobbish business. insisted on asking his driver to find another way to go up, so he followed behind Yan Mofei's car.

The second time, when she saw Yan Mofei's car again, Wang Linger's eyes lit up. It was the car of the boss of the Yan family, and the person sitting in it must be the person in charge of the Yan family.

So in order to make an impression, she instructed her driver to rush straight up, causing the two cars to collide.

Wang Linger deliberately got out of the car alone and showed her face, but she was really impressed.

The driver sighed. How can he be a good person, after following Wang Ling'er for a long time, he has unconsciously become domineering.

At the top of the mountain, the sun has completely set, and the lights are on, forming a unique light scenery for the mountain.

Wang Yiyun shook her head helplessly, and pulled Wang Linger into the holiday villa.

The Wang family developed earlier than the Yan family, and by her generation, there were already four generations. It's just that the Yan family is not as powerful as the Yan family in making money, and he was overtaken by the Yan family.

Now the two companies also have several important cooperation projects, and the prospects are very impressive.

However, the resort project was contracted by the Yan family alone, and it can be developed like this in a short period of time, which is enough to see the strength of the Yan family.

Wang Yiyun looked at the lights and expressed great admiration.

She took out the invitation card, and immediately a waiter followed and personally showed them the way.

Wang Linger took the opportunity to inquire about Yan Mofei's situation: "Your boss is also here, how many floors does he live on?"

The waiter smiled slightly: "This guest is sorry, we have always paid great attention to the privacy of our customers, and we will not disclose it privately, please forgive me."

Wang Linger was not happy, rolled her eyes and snorted: "I'm not asking about the customer, it's your boss." The

waiter replied politely again.

Wang Linger wanted to say something, but was stopped by Wang Yiyun.

At that time, Yan Mofei was on the top floor, looking at the scenery outside through the glass.

Yang Xiaoli even lay on the glass, staring at his eyes wide, and made a sound of admiration.

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