At the foot of the mountain, you can see both mountains at the same time.

It can only be described in two words: shock.

On one of the mountains, you can see all kinds of amusement facilities, as well as various buildings, at a glance you know that they are artificially created, each decoration style is different, but it looks so unified and harmonious, and there is a master design at a glance.

But what attracted them more was another mountain, with its trees and the occasional flower. It may seem small here, but judging from the trees at the foot of the mountain, it can only be said that it is affected by the distance.

You can even hear the sound of water coming down from the mountain from a waterfall. There was a mist drifting in front of you, and not far before entering there was a waterhole, which diverted into a number of small rivers and almost surrounded half of the mountain.

Only when you are in it can you feel small.

The sun leaned obliquely on the mountain, dyeing the top of the mountain with an orange glow.

Yang Xiaoli felt that he couldn't wait.

"Boss, let's go up the hill, I want to play."

She danced happily, but it was nearly evening when they arrived, and it was impossible to go to another hill to play. I can only take a tour here.

Parents won't be there until tomorrow, so let her be a pioneer today.

Lao Song drove up, and there were still a lot of people who came today, and it seemed that there were hundreds of people.

These people are still here because they sent out invitations, and when it officially opens, I don't know how many people will come.

On the other side of the road, you can only see the car winding into a curve. Yan Mofei pointed directly to the road on the other side: "Let's go up from this side."

Lao Song opened the past to take a look, only to see a road hidden in the woods. His model is just passable.

Compared with the main road over there, the road on this side looks a little narrower, and there are special guards, and a special door is installed, which should be a special passage.

The car drove over, Yan Mofei simply showed a sign, and the staff immediately respectfully let him go, the door opened, and the car drove in smoothly.

What they didn't expect was that behind them, a car was following.

Seeing that Yan Mofei and their car had entered, the car was about to follow in, but was stopped by the staff and closed the door in front of them.

"What's going on? Hurry up and open the door. The

driver in front of him was full of displeasure and commanded the staff.

The staff said solemnly: "Sorry, please take the main road over there, the small road on this side is closed to traffic." The

driver pointed to the car in front of them: "What is the prohibition of traffic, I came with that car." There are so many people over there, and they have to queue up to get in the car. You have a road here, and you can pass by the car, so why don't you let us in?"

the staff explained: "That's our boss, this is the boss's special passage, and no one else is allowed to walk from here." The

driver was still complaining: "Your boss can drive, why can't we be accommodating? It's too wasteful to let him go alone even though the road has been built."

"My young lady is a guest of honor you invited, do you still want her to queue up for such a long time?"

The staff was still serious and did not give an inch, and when this path was built, it was the boss himself who made the decision. He said it was to surprise his wife.

Before he actually brought his wife over to see it, the road should be closed to no one.

But the small boss is different, it was licensed by the boss, and the others now want to take this path, but there is no way.

So the staff is confident, and they are all acting on orders.

"I'm sorry, but it's not allowed here. The roads over there are all normal traffic and there is no delay. The distance traveled by the two roads is the same, no shorter on this side than on the other.

"If necessary, I can have someone in front of you to clear the way, what do you think?"

the driver still looked indignant, and the person behind him also had a straight face, looking very unpleasant.

After the man had said a few words, the driver said again, "What if I prefer to go this way?" The

staff's face also sank: "Then I can only say sorry to you." "

The staff under their Yan family are really not afraid of things. As long as they obediently obey the instructions and do what they say, they do not violate the rules. Then there will be the Yan family to help support them, and they will definitely not be wronged.

Therefore, many people like to work under the Yan family, and the welfare is one thing, and the confidence is another.

The driver was about to say something, but another person who had been sitting in the car had not spoken.

After saying a few words, he finally convinced the people in the car.

The driver left a sentence: "You wait, if I see your boss, I will definitely sue you." "

The staff politely made a gesture of invitation and wanted to offer to lead the way for them in front. But the other party ignored them at all and drove back to the original road on his own.

At this time, everyone went up almost completely, and it can be said that the road was unimpeded.

Yan Mofei didn't find out about these things, because he had been blocked by Yang Xiaoli's screams all the way.

This road was specially arranged by Yan Zhen according to what Song Wan liked.

Flowers and vegetables are intertwined on both sides of the road, leaving romantic traces in every place behind, which can be said to become a check-in destination for Internet celebrities at every step.

"Boss, is this really what my uncle repaired for my aunt? Uncle is too romantic!"

Yan Mofei laughed and threw her a tissue: "Come on, wipe your saliva."

Yang Xiaoli smiled embarrassedly: "It's really too good and romantic here."

"Boss, is that place specially prepared for camping?Can we also go to play when we arrive?"

Yan Mofei nodded: "Well, next time, let's not spoil the surprise that my dad prepared for my mother."

Yang Xiaoli nodded sensibly, looking at Yan Zhen even more highly in his heart, and he was also envious of Song Yun.

"Happiness, Auntie is so happy. has such a romantic husband and such an excellent son. "

A huge family business, endless money. There is nothing happier in this world, right?

Lao Song was also a little envious of this, he once wanted to give his wife such a romantic life, but unfortunately his ability was limited and his aesthetics were also limited.

Every time he goes home, the flowers he gives to his wife are the same red roses, but fortunately, his wife has a sweet voice, although she receives the same flowers, she is happy every time.

In order to let Yang Xiaoli see those scenery better, Lao Song deliberately drove the car very slowly and went up leisurely.

Until you come to the largest building on the top of the hill.

Just as they parked the car and were about to open the door, a car suddenly flew behind them and stopped directly beside them.

"Bang", the door opened and collided with the other party's body.

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