When Bai Luo woke up the next day, she and her assistant were the only ones in the room, and the two of them slept in the same bed, but her clothes were changed.

Bai Luo was shocked, could it be that she ...... with Yan Mofei last night

But what's the matter with the assistant lying next to her? The assistant is in good clothes, and she is sleeping soundly at this time, it seems that nothing has happened, could it be that she is making sandwich biscuits?

Just thinking about that scene, Bai Luo can't stand it.

The smell of alcohol mixed with the unknown taste, making her feel like her stomach was churning, and she was extremely uncomfortable. She could only force herself to get up and move her legs, as if nothing was unusual.

Could it be that nothing happened?

His brain was a little buzzing, Bai Luo patted his head, and the buzzing became even stronger. She wanted to recall, but she couldn't recall anything, except for the buzz, everything else was blank.

Is this the after-effect of drinking?

Her stomach churned even more, and she couldn't wait for a moment, so she hurriedly ran into the bathroom and vomited loudly, as if she wanted to empty her entire stomach.

I don't know how long it took before she staggered to her feet again, smelling the smell of her body, she couldn't stand it.

"It turns out that after getting drunk, did I have it yesterday?" she wanted to remember again, but this time there was a little picture, as if she was singing,

how could she sing?

After cleaning the smell of his body, Bai Luo still felt a little uncomfortable, and his brain was like a balloon, which was being blown by someone, and it would get bigger from time to time.

Glancing at her assistant, who was still asleep, she sighed and picked up her phone. found that there were several messages on it, which were sent to her by Yang Xiaoli, and the time was this morning.

"Sister Bai, seeing that you two are fine, I'll go back first. "

I changed your clothes for you, and you vomited so much last night that I could only simply clean it up for you.

"Sister Bai, you were really fierce last night, completely different from your usual you. I like it, hee-hee. "

It's over, I'm lost, I'll call the boss first." When you wake up, remember to tell me, I told the hotel to make warm porridge for you, you go directly to the waiter, and they will be delivered for you. "

The message came to an abrupt end here.

Although it is not long, from this information, Bai Luo also grasped several key points.

She smelled of wine last night and vomited, but Yang Xiaoli took care of her here for one night.

Yan Mofei doesn't know these things, she doesn't know, if she knows, she will lose face and lose her hair!"

"I have completely failed, I have no chance, I will never have a chance again."

Bai Luo squatted down, covered his face and cried.

It's so embarrassing, who said that when you get drunk, you will have the courage to confess? Obviously, when you are drunk, you will only do bad things, and you will vomit all over your body, which makes people disgusted.

Yan Mofei was woken up by Yang Xiaoli's phone, and she was crying outside: "Boss, I'm lost again."

"Next time, I'll put a positioning on you.

He yawned, shared a position with Yang Xiaoli, and went out in person to slip back to the hotel with Yang Xiaoli, who was only one house away from the hotel, but had not found the right direction for most of the day.

"Boss, I really didn't mean to, I remember it was in that direction. And this broken navigation, it said to let me go there.

Yan Mofei glanced at her screenshot of the navigation: "It tells you to go to the left, you go to the right, who can blame?"

Yang Xiaoli's eyes widened: "Ah? Is this left? This direction is obviously right."

Yan Mofei nodded: "Yes, it's all the fault of navigation."

Yang Xiaoli followed in with a smile: "Boss, I really didn't mean to. It's not right.

Yan Mofei sighed, he knew that Yang Xiaoli's lost problem could not be changed. If no one takes it, she can get lost if she follows the voice.

"It's better to tie a rope in the future.

Yang Xiaoli followed behind and yawned, she took care of people all night, and then lay on the sofa and fell asleep, this will still be sleepy.

But after listening to Yan Mofei's words, she immediately smiled: "Okay

, is it still on the waist on the bolt?" Yan Mofei entered the elevator, thought about it seriously and said, "Bolt on the neck." "

Yang Xiaoli: ......

In addition to being a little ugly, it's not impossible.

Yan Mofei saw that she really nodded, and a burst exploded on her head.

"It's a pet on the neck, you really want to.

"What's the matter with the boss, you won't treat me as a pet anyway." One

of the two educated, and the other responded with a smile, until after returning to the room, Yang Xiaoli couldn't hold it anymore, and fell asleep, not even having time to close the door.

Yan Mofei sighed, covered her with a quilt, and closed the door.

He went back to his room and stretched.

After such a long time, the sleepiness has been completely removed, and since there is nothing to do, let's break the news.

He opened the wai bo, but found that he had a lot of messages in the large number, and when he clicked in, it turned out that he was washed away by the navy.

At night, he didn't have the ability to turn on the ability and the eavesdropper, presumably because Yan Miao, even if he took the water army to brush himself up on the hot search, it didn't have much effect, and he was angry, so he let those water army rush his own siege, and wanted to take himself with him, so he could be fooled.

Yan Mofei smiled, not taking this seriously at all.

He doesn't have many fans in the first place, and he usually posts less. At most, I came to promote my new drama, or the variety shows and TV series I filmed before were released, so I ran to talk about it and remind fans to chase it.

The rest doesn't do much.

Now that he was rushed, Yan Mofei didn't even bother to take a look, and cut directly to his trumpet.

"What's so good about me as an eighteenth-tier star in the entertainment industry, the revelations of a second-tier star like you are enjoyable. There

was a bang on the keyboard, and then the recorded video was briefly processed, and then it was posted.

"The second-tier star is actually a plastic surgery monster, and there is no original one on the body. Others only changed heads, he directly changed people.

As soon as he saw his trumpet breaking the news, fans immediately rushed up.

When I saw the video below, I was instantly stunned. This video is filmed, there is skill, it seems to be shooting two people, but this person is blind.

This kind of shooting technique is quite explosive, and if you put it in other places, everyone will just think that it is making TV or movies. But put it in a breaking news account, that's a real revelation.

Fans were instantly excited.

At that time, Yan Miao was taking makeup photos, and after the shooting, there was a fan meeting.

said that it was a meeting, but in fact, it was a money meeting, and there were 500 fans who came in, and each of them spent money to get in.

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