In the afternoon, the two girls walked out of the door together. Qiao Qiao's body was still a little sore, and it took her a long time to recover.

It seems that she will really have to be more leisurely in the future, and she blames herself, the first time it was not light or heavy. It's all about finding the guilt yourself.

Fortunately, she watched it, and there was no scene to be filmed today, otherwise she would have been miserable.

When she saw Bai Luo, she immediately stretched out her hand to greet Bai Luo: "Sister Bai, it's early, have you eaten?" I ordered a sandwich and put it downstairs, why don't you eat it with me."

When Bai Luo thought of the storm with Qiao Qiao last night, his face turned red unconsciously, and his mood in the face of Qiao Qiao was even more mixed, and he didn't know what to say.

I could only smile awkwardly: "Okay." "

Why, Qiao Qiao and Yan Mofei are like this, and she can still greet herself so naturally and calmly?

When Qiao Qiao walked, there was something wrong and it was very awkward. It took a long time for her to get used to it, and from time to time she helped her waist and rubbed it.

Bai Luo wanted to help her, but he was embarrassed to reach out. I can only stand aside awkwardly as if I didn't see it.

Qiao Qiao was in a good mood and happily talked to her. Even if Bai Luo didn't respond a few words, she was still excited, and she didn't notice Bai Luo's abnormality at all.

Two sandwiches, she and Bai Luo shared together, and by the way, she rubbed Bai Luo's car to go to the crew.

I have rubbed it before, Bai Luo feels very normal, and even specially called Qiao Qiao when they went together.

But now she couldn't help but look at Qiao Qiao's body to see if there were any other marks.

Fortunately, Yan Mofei is a measured person, knowing that he wants to film, and he will not show his mark in obvious places.

When Qiao Qiao got up and looked in the mirror, her face was a lot red.

"Sister Bai, I really envy you, you are so quiet and so good-looking, there must be a lot of people who pursue you. Unlike

her, she is always very aggressive, and many people who pursued her before were directly scared away by her violence after getting acquainted with her.

Fortunately, Yan Mofei was not scared away, but they returned.

Qiao Qiao thought about it, and suddenly covered her face and laughed. After laughing, he realized that Bai Luo was beside him, and immediately put down his hand and returned to his previous appearance.

Bai Luo's heart was bitter, she had nothing to envy.

What she envies is Qiao Qiao, she is so generous and brave. Facing Yan Mofei, she could climb up directly. She is beautiful and lively. What men like should be like Qiao Qiao.

"No, there are no suitors around me. Everyone

who pursued her was directly rejected by her. Because none of those are to her liking.

When it comes to rejecting people, she is simply neat. But when faced with the person she likes, she flinched. Now that Yan Mofei and Qiao Qiao are together, she has no chance.

Bai Luo's heart became even more bitter. I can only lower my eyes and eat the sandwich in my hand, which is bitter and not delicious.

"Really? Those people must be blind. If I were a boy, I would like you like this. "

Except for Yan Mofei, Bai Luo's is her favorite.

Listening to Qiao Qiao's chirping all the way, Bai Luo still only occasionally responded with a few words.

I ate the sandwich in my hand all the way, but I only bit a little skin on it.

After coming to the crew, Qiao Qiao went straight to Yan Mofei, and then because she ran too fast, she pulled the injury, and the pain at that moment made her stagnant and her body did not stop, and she fell directly into Yan Mofei's arms.

The moment she came into contact with Yan Mofei, her nose was filled with his breath, which was exactly the same as last night, which made her face flush instantly.

"Be careful, are you better?"

Hearing Yan Mofei's question, Qiao Qiao's face turned even redder. She also glanced around, and when she was sure that everyone's eyes in the crew were not on them, she glanced at Yan Mofei with disgust.

"The ointment worked great, it's already much better.

"Well, if you're not feeling well, take a leave of absence and go back, and it's okay to have a day off.

Qiao Qiao immediately raised her head with a serious expression: "That's not good, I'm a newcomer, and I have to love and dedicate myself to my job." It's no longer time to take half a day off. If you invite it again, it will make a bad impression.

"I'll go get ready first. After speaking, she blushed and glanced at Yan Mofei again, and then slowly walked towards the dressing room.

On the way, Yang Xiaoli blocked her, holding a bowl of black things in her hand, and there was a smell of medicine.

"Sister Joe, hehe, this is what I made for you.

Qiao Qiao blinked her eyes and said curiously: "What is this?"

Yang Xiaoli quietly approached Qiao Qiao's ear: "This is to replenish the body, I also made a bowl for the boss, and he drank it all." This bowl is for you.

Qiao Qiao immediately wanted to cover her face in shame: "You, you know everything?"

"Alas, this is a common thing." It's almost drink, make up for it, look at your face, your face is whiter than before.

"Really?" Qiao Qiao touched her face, she was white enough, if she was white, it would not be good.

After speaking, he immediately took the bowl and drank it in one gulp. This taste, very good, she can remember it for a lifetime.

"Thank you, little carp.

"You're welcome, if you like it, I'll cook it for you next time."

Qiao Qiao's face turned slightly pale and red, next time, she didn't want to drink it. But whether there is a next time, it depends on Yan Mofei.

Yang Xiaoli walked to Yan Mofei's side, looked at Bai Luo with a lost face, and said with some sympathy

: "Boss, don't you like Sister Bai?" Yan Mofei almost didn't squirt out of the water he drank just now because of her words, and then directly gave her a brain meltdown: "You are a little child, what do you know about liking or not?"

Yang Xiaoli covered her head pitifully: "I see that Sister Bai likes you very much, the first time I saw you, I was very affectionate, and now it is still unabated."

Then she straightened her chest and said confidently: "I'm not small, I'm just a little small, but it's actually not small at all."

Then she glanced at her upright breasts, well, she admitted, compared to those beauties with Yan Mofei, it was a little smaller.

But she's big.

"Auntie said, if I was my age, I would be the mother of two children.

Yan Mofei glanced at her: "Don't contact my mother in the future."

Yang Xiaoli immediately clutched her mobile phone, that's not good, her aunt is the one who cares about her the most.

"Boss, you haven't answered my words yet, don't you like Sister Bai? That Sister Bai is so pitiful, why don't I ask my aunt to introduce her to a boyfriend." Auntie said that the sons of her friends are all successful in their careers and handsome.

"It's a little worse than the boss, but it's okay to get by."

Yan Mofei's eyes narrowed, what his mother said, isn't it his own nest of fox friends and dog friends.

He had a successful career, was handsome, and made do?

His hand instantly stretched out: "Bring the mobile phone." "

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