
Qiao was happily holding the script to play against Yan Mofei, and she pointed to one place: "We'll shoot this next time, let's do it first."

Yan Mofei nodded, and was about to stand up to speak to her, when he saw the security personnel running over.

"Miss Qiao, someone is looking for you outside. The other party

said that his surname was Yan, and it was your ......" The security officer glanced at Yan Mofei, and saw that both of them were waiting for his next step, so he said: "Say it's yours, the hero." "

My own actor is here, and there is a male protagonist here, this is not right.

As soon as Qiao Qiao heard this surname and this self-title, she immediately knew who it was.

She smiled and grabbed Yan Mofei's hand: "Mofei, can you do me a little favor?"

Can you refuse? I'm afraid that she will make another indecent request.

"That person is very annoying, he has been pestering me since school, but I didn't expect to be entangled with the crew. I'm going to have to make him die, or he'll keep pestering.

Qiao Qiao's words were earnest, blinking her light dark green eyes, full of sincerity.

"Don't worry, I'll never get drunk again. "

Yan Mofei: ......

Do you believe it yourself? I don't know how many times those eyes have looked at him just by talking skills.

But as if he was taking care of the same crew, he asked, "What do you need my help with?"

and "Be my boyfriend." "

It's a good request, and he shouldn't have agreed.

But he couldn't stand Qiao Qiao and pulled him out, Yan Mofei was like a marionette, mechanically following behind.

Yang Xiaoli couldn't help but continue to praise: "The boss is so amazing, you look at this acting skills, even when you are not acting, it seems to be acting." "

Come on, boss, boss is the best.

Yan Mofei rarely turned his head and glared at Yang Xiaoli, and said with his mouth: "You can shut up." "

What's there to cheer on here! Don't you see that you are being held hostage?

As an assistant, if you don't come to rescue him in time, forget it, and cheer him up.

It's good to consider changing assistants.

As if he understood the meaning in Yan Mofei's eyes, Yang Xiaoli immediately reached out to cover his small mouth, shook his head, and said that he would not say any more.

Obediently went to eat, the boss has to shoot so many scenes, but he is easy to get hungry, so he has to replenish his energy at any time, and he will always be in good health.

When making these things, Yang Xiaoli even specially added some powder made from ground Chinese medicinal materials.

The reason why Yan Mofei had a nosebleed was because he added too much and made up too much. Now she added a small amount and asked Yan Mofei to eat more, so that she wouldn't make up too much.

Yang Xiaoli shook her little head excitedly, she was too clever.

Qiao Qiao held Yan Mofei's hand and came to Yan Miao's face with a delicate smile.

Yan Miao was very happy when she saw her, and when she saw Yan Mofei, she performed what it means to change her face in a second.

"Who is he?"

Yan Miao looked Yan Mofei up and down, full of hostility, and his heart kept coming into Yan Mofei's ears.

[Why is this person's nose stronger

than mine?] These eyes are deeper than mine, how can the eyebrows be drawn? How can they be drawn so thick and distinct?] [And this mouth, it is even more accurate than mine!] [

The face shape is obviously different from mine, how can it be so good-looking. Yan

Miao even began to raise his head, bow his head, and tilt his head...... I look at it in various postures. It's just that he doesn't seem to notice it himself, and he looks very attentively.

[It turned out to be 360 degrees without dead ends

!] [Which hospital is he doing it in, how can he look better than mine?]

Yan Mofei: Shut up, Lao Tzu, this original!

No wonder Yan Mofei felt that Yan Miao's face was a little strange, looking at the coordination everywhere, but he felt that it was not coordinated anywhere. It turned out to be a whole thing.

Qiao Qiao leaned on Yan Mofei's shoulder with a happy face: "He is my male protagonist." "

Much more handsome than you. This

sentence is simply a crit, and Yan Miao can't see anyone say that others are more handsome than him.

Qiao Qiao is still here to deliberately say this, it is simply revealing his scars

! Damn, I can't bear it!

He covered his heart that was shattered, looked back at his assistant, and found that the assistant's eyes were also nailed to Yan Mofei's face, full of amazement.

He coughed twice before the assistant came to his senses.

Damn! Is this man really more beautiful than him, a beautiful man who is rare in 80,000 years?

No way! Newspapers don't write nonsense, only his beauty is the real beauty, and the one in front of him is just a good doctor who has given him a good treatment.

"I know he's your hero, but he's not going to be anymore soon.

Yan Miao confidently took out the script on his side: "This is my next play, and I specially invite you to be my heroine."

"Only your looks can match me. As long as we star in this drama together, this drama will explode. At that time, you and I can become top stars.

"How is it?"

Qiao Qiao was puzzled: "No, I've already taken over this drama, and I'm already filming." How can I pick up your play again. I'm a newcomer, if there are rumors of rolling dramas, my reputation will be ruined, and I won't be able to mix in the entertainment industry in my life.

Yan Miao shook his hair confidently, these movements were carefully choreographed by him, and every second could captivate thousands of viewers.

His female fans are obsessed.

"How could I ruin your future. Naturally, you withdrew from this play and came to participate in my play.

"Mine is a drama that is going to be on the stars, and it is going to be broadcast on major TV stations. Every time my drama is contested by major platforms, it is much more valuable than a small online drama.

Yan Mofei didn't speak, and continued to watch Qiao Qiao's performance.

At this time, she was delicate and weak, and she couldn't connect with the person who kicked someone two meters away with one kick, acted as naturally as eating and drinking, and brutally wanted to touch his abdominal muscles.

"That's even worse, I'm the heroine of this show, and I signed a contract. If the contract is broken, I, a student, can afford to pay liquidated damages. "

Besides, Yan Miao's figure is not thin. How can it be compared with Yan Mofei, who is thin in clothes and has meat in his clothes. Especially the pecs and abs, it's really just right, it's addictive.

Qiao Qiao almost wanted to stretch out his sinful hand at this time, but he couldn't stop halfway through, and didn't dare to go any further.

"Isn't it just a contract to ruin a small online drama? How much is the liquidated damages? As long as you are willing to be my girlfriend, I will help you compensate!"

"Thirty million." "

It's hard to speak.

Yan Miao was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: "Grab money! The liquidated damages for a small web drama cost 30 million?"

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