Yan Mofei walked out, called Bai Luo, and asked her about the cause and effect.

Bai Luo auditioned, and made the makeup early, took the makeup photos, everything went well, and he just had to wait for the group to officially shoot.

But just two days ago, the crew suddenly informed her that she was not suitable for this role, so that she did not have to join the group.

Bai Luo's heart was cold, and he immediately asked his agent to inquire about what he did wrong and why he was replaced.

She is obviously very careful in everything, and has been memorizing scripts and practicing acting at home during this time, so that she can become more integrated into the role of this villain.

There was not the slightest bit of bad news.

After some inquiries by the agent, I found out that a person was stuffed into it. The other party was originally going to play the heroine, but the heroine's role was decided. And it is personally designated by the largest investor of this show.

The person who wants to be stuffed in naturally has no way to replace the heroine, so she retreats to the second best thing, and falls in love with the role of the villain, thinking that it can make her more brilliant.

So under the operation of the other party, Bai Luo was pushed out.

"Can you find out who is being stuffed in?"

"I don't know, but I have a list of all the actors from before. "

Send me the list and I'll check it."

Yan Mofei hung up the phone, looked at the list sent by Bai Luo, looked around, and then his eyes gradually became cold.

"Xu Dingzhan. "

Good, she hit the muzzle of the gun again.

Yan Mofei walked in, and Xu Dingzhan was still there pointing at his makeup.

"Do you understand? Just put on this makeup for me? And this hair, what the hell did you make me look like?"

"No one used this hair ornament hundreds of years ago, right? This is a modern drama, it's the age of robots! You use something like this for me, is it appropriate?"

she raised her hand and removed the ornament from her hair and threw it on the ground.

The makeup artist looked at the discarded ornaments and was a little at a loss. She is just a makeup artist who has been invited, she will use whatever the crew gives, and she is qualified to decide what to use.

Moreover, although that jewelry is not the most popular nowadays, it is not like it was not used hundreds of years ago.

She has mixed with many crews, although this crew is filming online dramas, but the things used are already very particular, and the quality is not bad.

Coupled with Xu Dingzha's face, it is obviously very good with that jewelry, no matter how advanced it is, she can't hold it up at all.

Xu Dingzhan looked around, then saw the jewelry on a makeup table, stretched out his hand and pointed: "I think that one is good, just bring that one to me to use." The

makeup artist looked over, and she was a little surprised: "This, it's not appropriate, right? It was prepared by the crew for the heroine of this play." And the heroine has already set her makeup.

"Then according to that specification, I will also customize a new set! I'm not a small role, I'm a female villain, and I'm one of the heroines by rounding."

"With the same role and status, there is such a big difference in treatment, are you suppressing me?" The

makeup artist continued to be at a loss, she didn't move, she didn't move. I can only look at others for help.

But now the people present are only the crew of the crew, and they don't have any ability to make decisions.

"Otherwise, I'd better ask the director. The makeup artist decided to tell the people above about it and let them make the decision.

"What do you want to ask the director?" a voice walked in from outside.

When Gao Zhengchu came in, he turned his head to look at Yan Mofei who was standing outside the door, but he obviously regarded Yan Mofei as someone who came to see the excitement, and walked in directly.

"Why do you have a face?Who made my baby angry?

" "You ask them, I'm a heroine, that's it?"

Xu Dingzhan pulled Gao Zhengchu is grievance, and Gao Zhengchu still looked at her dotingly.

"Well, it's up to you, it's all up to you. "

Go over and bring that set of ornaments to the admonition." "

But......" the makeup artist hesitated.

"That set of accessories is not suitable for the heroine, and the other styles are enough for her. Let's give this set a reminder. I'll go talk to the props, and you just do what I tell you to do.

With Gao Zhengchu's promise, the makeup artist could only listen to the order: "Yes, Gao Production."

Yan Mofei walked in and looked at the two of them.

It turned out that the producer stuffed his own people in, and then Bai Luo was pushed out.

He chuckled and turned to his dressing booth.

Xu Dingzhan saw Yan Mofei's existence in the mirror, and immediately exclaimed: "Why are you here? Who let you in?"

Yang Xiaoli couldn't look at it: "What the hell is your name? Of course my boss is here to take makeup photos." All the fuss, your ears are deafened by you. If

it weren't for Yan Mofei's lack of special requests, he would have put on makeup in the single lounge now, instead of running to squeeze with everyone.

This is all because of the kindness of his own boss, who never asks the crew to give special treatment.

"Just him, what role is he playing, and he still came here to set his makeup?" Yan

Mo is a nouveau riche, won't he spend money to donate a role again?

As soon as the makeup artist in charge of putting Yan Mofei on makeup saw Yan Mofei sitting in his seat, he immediately guessed his identity.

He's not as easy to bully as the other female makeup artist, and as the male makeup artist, he should be tougher.

"He's the male lead, he doesn't set his makeup here, where is it?, go to your position?"

is really blind, and even the male protagonist can't recognize it.

Look, this male protagonist is so handsome.

"What? he's the

male lead?" Xu Dingzhan was so shocked that he didn't know what to say, isn't this a drama invested by this nouveau riche? In order to let himself play the male lead, he threw money into a drama.

If this is the case, wouldn't she have to live by looking at Yan Mofei's face.

She immediately pulled Gao Zhengchu aside and asked about the investment in the show.

"Baby, don't worry, the biggest investor in this drama is the Yan family, and that is the person on the rich list. The person you are talking about is not a nouveau riche, naturally different.

"What's more, I've seen the investor, not him.

Xu Dingzhan put his heart down and continued to sneer: "What kind of taste, it's really sick to find such a person to be the male lead."

Gao Zhengchu also muttered in his heart, he knew that the script had been revised again after it was determined, from the original male protagonist to the robot who charged for the male protagonist.

Even the female protagonist has been changed to the setting of a robot.,Just to match the male owner.。

Could it be that it was changed for this person?

Soon he blasted the idea out of his head again.

How is it possible, if he is really so capable, I am afraid that he would have flaunted his power in front of them a long time ago, and he can still be so low-key?

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