
applause rang out at the scene, and the soldiers present began to applaud Chen Jun's parents.

"Welcome uncle, auntie.

"Uncle, auntie, Happy New Year!" Some

cheerful soldiers greeted Chen Jun's parents one after another, and in a blink of an eye, the scene became hot, and this place immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Looking at Chen Jun's parents, the eyes of all the soldiers became hot.

Facing a pair of eager eyes, Father Chen suddenly became serious, followed the upright, and saluted everyone.

He is also a soldier, and when he returned to the army, the feeling of being a soldier naturally came from his heart, and Chen's mother, who had seen the world, was not embarrassed or anything at all, looking at everyone and nodding generously, and greeting with a smile.

Seeing Chen's father saluting, the soldiers also saluted back.

Because of the respect for the captain, the soldiers also respected Chen Jun's parents.

After greeting everyone, Chen's father and Chen's mother walked to Chen Jun together.

Chen's father, who was still serious just now, immediately became a kind father when he saw Chen Jun, he looked Chen Jun up and down carefully, "Son, I haven't seen you for a few months, you have lost weight and become dark." Hearing

his cheap father's concern, Chen Jun didn't know what to say, while Chen's mother was smiling beside him, and then walked to An Ran.

Mother Chen took An Ran's hand, "It's been five months and three days, you've worked hard, how is it, how is your appetite lately?"

My mother-in-law really has a heart.

An Ran smiled and nodded, "Very good, I can eat now, and I have gained a lot of weight."

"Don't be fat, where is fat, you are still so slim, eat more, your body is better, and your condition is better."

"Also, as time goes by and the child grows up, you have to be careful when you train and try not to make big movements. "

Okay, I'll pay attention, you have worked hard from afar

, Happy New Year!" "Happy New Year!" Chen's mother smiled and congratulated An Ran, and then chattered again, "I see that Chen Jun is too busy, and he definitely doesn't have time to take care of you, otherwise, you ask for leave and come back to the villa, I will take care of you personally, and the troops, I can't get in." "

Mother Chen has always wanted to take care of An Ran, but the army is not an ordinary place, and she can't go in and out casually, which makes her a mother-in-law, and she looks anxious.

She was really anxious, since she knew that An Ran was pregnant, she was anxious about the due date, counting the days every day, and she also made a phone call every other day to care about An Ran.

If she could, she really wanted to accompany An Ran every day.

An Ran smiled and said, "I'm working in the hacker base now, and I'm tired of looking at him every day." "


Chen's mother was amused by An Ran, and then pretended to be angry and looked at Chen Jun and complained, "Son, don't make An Ran angry, it's easy to get angry when you're angry, it's very dangerous."

Chen Jun nodded awkwardly, "Got it, Mom, you guys should sit down first, An Ran can't stand for too long." "

Yes, I know that I love my daughter-in-law.

Seeing that Chen Jun cared about An Ran, Chen's mother was not jealous like other ignorant mothers-in-law, but praised Chen Jun, which made Chen Jun uncomfortable, and hurriedly invited his parents to the table.

Seeing his uncle and aunt coming, the people next to him, including Chu Yunfei, hurriedly stood up and gave up their seats.

"Uncle, aunt, please take a seat.

Father Chen looked at them with a smile, "Don't be nervous, sit down, let's not be special, I am also a soldier, I am here to experience the life of the army, and by the way, I will have a New Year with you." "

Uncle, aunt, you sit first.

Seeing that Chen Jun's parents hadn't sat down yet, Chu Yunfei and those people dared to sit and stood stunned all the time.

Seeing this scene, Chen Jun shook his head helplessly, and immediately commanded the old artillery to them, "Sit down, your own people, no need to be special."

"Yes, yes.

Under Chen Jun's order, the soldiers sat down cautiously.

Father Chen looked at everyone and smiled, "It's all your own people, don't be special, we came here temporarily, and we didn't make special preparations, so we can only take some spot from home, don't be ugly." So

saying, he took out several cigarettes from a large bag, and handed them out when he saw anyone.

"Happy New Year, a small greeting gift, not a tribute. "

Happy New Year, ah, uncle, we don't smoke, thank you for your kindness.

"We don't have a rule that you can't smoke, so you don't have to be so polite, just meet and have a meal."

"Uncle, I really don't need

it, I have good intentions..." The soldier who was enthusiastically stuffed with cigarettes by Father Chen was so excited that his whole body trembled, and he didn't dare to take it, but he didn't know how to refuse.

After all, this is the captain's father, in case of offense, it's not good, the key is that people are really enthusiastic, and they are not too embarrassed to refuse.

"You're welcome, I've brought it all, take it quickly, I know that the troops can't smoke, just give you a break from your usual vacation, relax occasionally, and don't affect your training." Father

Chen knew the rules of the army, explained, and forced the soldiers to stuff cigarettes, and in the end, those people had to take them.

In this regard, Chen Jun didn't say much, the army is not allowed to smoke, but it is a father's kindness, it is okay to be a small gift, and it does not have to be smoked together.

When his father smoked, Chen Jun turned his face to look into the distance, pretending not to see and not to participate.

In this way, it is not easy for those soldiers to refuse, this is a human sophistication, everyone understands.

On the one hand, the vibrator who was stuffed with a cigarette by Chen's father waited until Chen's father walked away before he dared to take a look, and this glance directly made him doubt his life.

", Huazi, good thing, what kind of family

is the instructor?" Next to him, He Chenguang lowered his voice, "His father, the richest man in Donghai City

, didn't I say it just now?" "What you said is true?" The vibrator looked surprised, "I did hear you say a little just now, but I didn't expect it to be true." "

Boy, when did I tell a lie, the instructor is a proper rich second generation, subvert your understanding. "

Nima, the son of the richest man still came to serve as a soldier, what a high ideological consciousness. The

vibrator was frightened, and looking at Chen Jun's gaze, the respect became even stronger.

He had seen Chen Jun fighting for his life, and it was what he saw that made him even more unable to believe that Chen Jun was from a rich family.

On the side, Wang Yanbing spoke: "It is said that my sister-in-law is also a rich family, hehe, Lei Zhan also had a crush on her." Hearing

this, Lei Zhan jumped over suddenly and covered Wang Yanbing's mouth with his hand, "It's the year of the ox, don't talk nonsense, I only love one person now..."


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