Lao Fan looked at Chen Jun with a look of certainty, "Why is it too much?"

"When soldiers buy a house, they buy it with their own strength, and it is not that they don't need money, but we have a special identity and need some process standardization, and we don't do things that violate laws and disciplines."

"That old man Wen has the ability to operate in this regard, you can rest assured that although he has a small pattern, he still has a sense of proportion.

"As long as he is given a direction and a principle, he will not mess around, turn around, I will give him another advice, ensure that the procedures are legal, do not abuse resources, we soldiers will never easily take a stitch from the people, this is the bottom line, I am also a soldier, I will not forget."

"Captain Chen, you have let the soldiers serve here for the rest of their lives, the house is a lifelong thing, and the basic living needs are not solved for them, will they be at ease?"

"I also saw that the hacker base had a spectacular future, so I took the risk of putting forward such an idea, you also know that the army is principled, and ordinary people dare not mention it like this, but I think you are not an ordinary captain, your vision is higher than anyone else, and you can see farther than anyone else, I believe in you, so I dare to mention it." "

Don't you still believe in my Lao Fan's personality?" Lao Fan's

three-inch incorruptible tongue is about to catch up with Zhuge Liang in the Three Kingdoms period, this persuasion is reasonable, from the basic needs of soldiers, to the advantages of the Wen Bureau, to his true thoughts, and finally to use his credit.

really deserves to have a good mouth, and in the end, under his good words, he still persuaded Chen Jun.

Chen Jun looked serious, pondered for a moment, nodded, and said, "Okay, if you can solve this problem, it will indeed be a great job, and the soldiers will remember you."

Lao Fan grinned, "I'll forget it, it's all your credit, and Wen Ju, Wen Ju is in this matter, you have to make a big effort, thank him if you want to thank him." "

People who can express themselves are different, Lao Fan's words brought the topic to Lao Wen's body.

Chen Jun didn't understand, and he didn't hesitate, "If he accomplishes this thing, he will naturally have merit, but you can tell the Wen Bureau to handle this matter first, and then talk about other things." "

It's meant to be cool... As soon as Lao Fan heard this, he became anxious, "Captain, if we want to contribute to the Wen Bureau, we also have to show some attitude, Lao Wen has already paid a lot, if you don't let go, Lao Wen is there, it's hard to say."

Chen Jun shook his head, "One yard is one yard, Lao Wen made a mistake of principle, but he just dealt with it according to the principle, especially the matter related to human life, and it cannot be ambiguous."

"What Lao Wen did for the soldiers, I will remember it, but the merit cannot be overcome, because that matter is related to other people's lives, human life is greater than the sky, but you can't gamble with your life, hacker warriors, even if they live in a dog hole, can't sacrifice the lives of others." "

You should understand this. Lao

Fan hesitated, but as soon as he met Chen Jun's firm gaze, he immediately nodded

, "I understand, just?" As he spoke, Lao Fan's expression became a little embarrassed, "It's not a big problem for me to bring a message to Wen Ju, but that's it, after all, it's not a matter of a meal, if I rely on me alone, a mouth is not enough to make Lao Wen believe."

"Personally, I think it's best for you to meet Lao Wen, you personally nodded, and he did his best to handle it, that old boy, I don't trust me much."

"I know you're busy, but you also have to understand me, after all, you're making a big fuss, and the house is a big deal, it's a big deal, and hackers have to show some integrity, Lao Wen only believes it, right?"

Chen Jun was speechless, and he didn't know what to say about Lao Fan.

But it's normal to think about it, after all, the person in Wen Bureau is really suspicious, and he won't trust others so easily, especially, he still can't return to his post, just for this, he won't believe Lao Fan.

However, if Lao Wen can really get a legal house for the soldiers, it will also be the best ending.

If Lao Wen wants to be a really good deck of cards, he must play it well.

Chen Jun thought for a while, and finally nodded in agreement, "Okay, I'll go and talk to him about this matter, but the house is the premise, and he must help the soldiers get the house."

Lao Fan immediately promised, "Don't worry, Lao Wen thinks he will agree."

Chen Jun nodded, he was satisfied, if he could get a house for the soldiers, it would be a great benefit, and this kind of benefit would be even more real than some people's work.

After all, such benefits are directly beneficial to their families, and it is far more real to improve the quality of life of military families than to improve one person.

Soldiers are already very ashamed of their families, and they usually receive very little compensation, like a house and such a benefit, it is a fantasy.

"Lao Fan, your idea is really good, I hope it can be implemented.

Chen Jun knew the special significance of the house to the soldiers, and once again told Lao Fan not to mess things up.

Although his father is the richest man, it is impossible to get his father to pay for the housing of all the soldiers, and besides, if he really proposes it, he may be able to solve it, but his father will definitely let him go back to inherit the family property.

Now, the Matrix has not yet been built, and he can't leave the hacker base, and it is not his original intention to go back and inherit tens of billions of family assets.

It is the original intention to continue to make the troops stronger and help more soldiers to become stronger.

Chen Jun really didn't want to use his family connections, and he also felt that to solve the problem of employee housing, he had to rely on Lao Wen.

And the person who pushes Lao Wen is Lao Fan.

Lao Fan was full of confidence and directly promised, "No problem, I will definitely handle this matter well."

Chen Jun nodded, "You set a time with him, and I will meet him." "

This kid is finally willing to let go of Lao Wen, it's a good thing that he is willing to meet... Lao Fan suddenly became excited, "No problem, I don't want him to stay in the position of the director, fool him to do things first, and when he gets used to that position, maybe he won't want to go back." "

Hey, the reason why Lao Wen is a pit is that he can't let go of his hatred and is eager for quick success, but he is definitely a person and will not come to nothing.

Chen Jun patted Lao Fan on the shoulder, "Your tricks can be used externally, don't use them in the hacker base, if I find out who you fooled and what you embezzled, don't blame me for being rude." "


Lao Fan was directly startled by Chen Jun's words, his eyes were full of anxiety, and he immediately shook his head, "No, I am absolutely loyal to the hacker base, can I fool anyone, fool a group of

pigs?" "I raise pigs every day..."

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