"Okay, just 1 minute, let's talk.

Chen Jun didn't refuse Lao Fan, and also wanted to see how Lao Fan, who was good at fooling people, made good use of this 1 minute.

Seeing Chen Jun nodding, Lao Fan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and seemed to have seen the dawn of hope.

is very confident that with his eloquence, as long as Chen Jun does not leave, there will be a chance.

However, he didn't want to fool Chen Jun, no, not that he didn't want to, but he didn't dare.

Although this Chen Jun is only in his 20s and looks harmless to humans and animals, he is more shrewd than anyone else, and fooling him is only a dead end.

Lao Fan, who has suffered losses in front of Chen Jun, will naturally not repeat the mistakes of the past and follow the old path.

Since you can't fool around, you can only play the emotional card, use the most real things to touch the warmest place in Chen Jun's heart, or find the topic that Chen Jun needs to pay the most attention to.

Chen Jun eats soft or hard, no one wants to be him, and it is not a bad thing to be soft on him.

Quickly organized the language in his mind, Lao Fan suddenly sighed and said: "Those things you said, in fact, I know that Lao Wen is indeed not big, and many things, just looking at the present, are not suitable to stay in his current position."

"I can understand that you didn't let him stay where he was.

After serving, Lao Fan looked at Chen Jun's face, fortunately, Chen Jun looked calm, there was no sign of anger, and then, he immediately changed his tone, "However, it can't be said that he is not a good comrade, with his ability, he thinks about doing things every minute, and everyone can see his loyalty to the country."

"The reason why he wants to compensate you so strongly is to save, he can't adapt to the lack of opportunity to fight for the country, he is not suitable to be a leader, he can be a patrol law enforcer."

"In this way, he can't decide anything, everything must be agreed with others, he has no power, he has no chance to cheat people, no, he has no opportunity to arrange others, even undercover agents." "

Look, isn't this a waste of Lao Wen's talent, isn't it?"

Chen Jun was stunned for a moment, and had to admit that Lao Fan's statement was indeed very novel.

Lao Wen is not suitable to be a leader, but he can enforce the law and continue to shine for the country.

Moreover, Lao Wen's ability is not bad, but his ideas are a little deviated, and if he is given a suitable position, he can indeed play a greater role.

It is not easy for Yanguo to cultivate a law enforcer who has both strength and experience like Lao Wen.

And the patrol law enforcer, this position, is generally pushed down by the previous leader, and the role he holds has no real power, just to carry out tasks, but the level and treatment are good.

It is indeed suitable for veterans like Lao Wen, I didn't expect Lao Fan to have such a vision, and it is no wonder that he can always find some good soldiers, such as college student He Chenguang, gangster Wang Yanbing, and Li Erniu, who holds a second-level chef certificate...

Being able to speak well, coupled with a unique vision, is also an ability.

Chen Jun glanced at Lao Fan appreciatively and nodded slightly, "Go on."

Seeing Chen Jun accepting his point of view, Lao Fan was a little excited in his heart, and immediately said: "I know, Team Chen, you are principled, and you have a clear distinction between public and private, and it is impossible to speak for him, I am sure of this."

"But Lao Wen, he always finds a lot of tasks to carry out in times of peace, and these tasks are indeed necessary, this is his ability.

Chen Jun did not speak, nor did he deny it, and nodded slightly.

When Lao Fan spoke, he kept observing Chen Jun's face, and seeing that the other party was not disgusted, he hurriedly said: "So, if he is stayed, I can let him find a task in the future, and then cooperate with the hacker base, there are more tasks, and we will also have more comrades to get the opportunity to be promoted. "

Send Lao Wen to find the task, and then cooperate with the hacker base to complete the task, and the comrades will be able to get the opportunity to be promoted...

After digesting these novel statements, Chen Jun's eyes suddenly lit up, it makes sense, soldiers can only be promoted if they make meritorious contributions, and the premise of meritorious service is to perform tasks.

Lao Wen is looking for a task, and he does have an advantage, the last ten places for promotion, and the occupation that the base can officially implement for life, are also from the tasks provided by Lao Wen.

Although Lao Wen is a trick, he will indeed find a task, and if he can do something, why not open up to him, and then benefit the hacker base? Benefit the country?

Sure enough, he is a staff officer Fan who can speak well, and his ideas are not the same as others... Chen Jun analyzed it in his mind, preliminarily accepted Lao Fan's proposal, and nodded directly, "That's right, continue." In

fact, Lao Fan is really right, although hacking is a lifelong profession now, it does need more tasks to have more opportunities for personnel to work.

That's right....

It's a good thing

to say! It's good to say that Chen Jun said "that's right", even if it is a sentence with just 4 words, it is enough to make Lao Fan excited.

Team Chen's words mean acceptance, as long as Chen Jun is willing to help, Lao Wen has hope.

"What's more, Lao Wen's money is not easy to spend, it's too stressful. I

have to say that when facing Chen Jun, Lao Fan Te felt pressure, it can be said that this is the only person he feels is the most difficult to fool, even in the face of Mr. Gao, he does not have so much pressure.

Chen Jun is not easy to fool, but once he is recognized, it is the beginning of success.

Lao Fan immediately seized the opportunity and continued to fan the flames, "We can use Lao Wen's ability to let him get more tasks, and he also has the ability to give us benefits." "

Can you still engage in welfare?" Chen Jun looked at Lao Fan in surprise, feeling that the other party was a little off-topic.

"What benefits can he give to the soldiers, continue to send money?" In the

face of Chen Jun's questioning, Lao Fan knew it in his heart, and he was not in a hurry, and the next second, he explained directly, "It's not money, how can Lao Wen have so much money, spending so much money this time, it's like plucking hair on him, but it hurts, I'm talking about welfare."

"For example, for example, it is difficult to buy a house now, unless it is a house developed by the government itself, and Lao Wen has this power, which can solve the house problem for the soldiers of our hacker base, so that they can worry about the future, which is a welfare."

"This can also allow the soldiers to fight with peace of mind, otherwise, they will struggle all their lives, work hard every day, and they will not be able to buy a house, which is not easy." "

Buy a house??buy

a house for the soldiers?"

Chen Jun looked at Lao Fan in surprise, "Is this okay?".

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