As soon as the cafeteria was set up, soldiers from the hacker base poured into the door.

Looking at the bright red patches inside, everyone's eyes lit up, and a smile suddenly appeared.

"It's finally a New Year's flavor.

"It wasn't until I came here that I felt the New Year, and I didn't expect that I could also spend the New Year here. "

The comrades of the cooking class, this time they are very attentive, the decoration is very festive

, and the whole canteen is like a happy event..." Seeing that the canteen has a new look, and the New Year's decorations are posted everywhere, everyone's emotions have also been rendered a lot, and suddenly, there is more laughter in the canteen, and the flavor of the New Year has become stronger.

After everyone was in place, Lao Fan commanded the cooking class and brought the dishes one by one.

This time, the cafeteria was not set up with a single table, but three long tables combined into one large long table, so that it was easy to serve food, and many people could sit together, and the atmosphere was relatively strong.

Several cooks who serve food are each responsible for two tables, each table is the same type of dish, and each dish is served, Lao Fan reports the name of the dish there.

"The first course, Dazhan Hong Rabbit Quanfu Chicken.

As Lao Fan's voice fell, a plate of crispy and tender chicken was served.

"The second course, six or six Shun golden shrimp. "

The third way, the rabbit is flying forward, and there is Mi Bao.


total of twenty dishes were sent to the table under the roar of Lao Fan, and the hacker team members sitting around the table were directly stunned.

"It's so rich, it's not just an extra meal, it's a hotel meal.

"Nima, I haven't seen any of these dishes, are they customized by the hotel?"

"It turns out that our logistics also hides a big chef..."

Chen Jun nodded, held the orange juice, stood up and said loudly: "Brothers from the hacker base, in fact, as your instructor, I am not very old, and I still have to call many veterans as big brothers, I am here to wish you good health, happy holidays, and early improvement."

"Okay. The

crowd roared, and when they heard Tigan, they were excited.

Everyone picked up the orange juice and drank it as if they were drinking, and in the hacker base, Chen Jun didn't let them drink, but many of them drank too much, and as soon as they sat down, they began to cough, burp or something.

This made many people can't help laughing, among which Li Erniu's hiccups are very exaggerated, just like farting, but this is put with his mouth, which makes Wang Yanbing on the side have a disgusted expression.

"Brother Niu, when you drink, can you restrain yourself, I haven't eaten yet, if you burp like this again, this table of dishes will be smoked by you.

Li Erniu smiled, "I'll just eat some food." As

he spoke, he directly picked up his chopsticks and sandwiched a piece of his favorite braised pork, before taking a bite, and the next moment, he opened his eyes wide and exclaimed, ", this taste, how does it look like my mother is burning."

"It's my favorite taste, abalone isn't that good."

Li Erniu said, took another large piece, and put it directly into his mouth.

"Nima, it's so much like the braised pork cooked by my mother, can't it be

my mother?" As soon as Li Erniu's voice fell, on the other side, Lao Pao also exclaimed, "This piece of cola chicken wings is really my mother's taste, and I suddenly miss my mother a little."

And at this moment, not only them, but also other tables were exclaimed, some said that the scrambled eggs had the taste of Dad, and some said that steamed fish was his grandmother's exclusive craft.

"It's strange, why are these dishes so strange today, those beautiful, basically reaching the level of a five-star hotel, and the ordinary ones actually eat the taste of the family, is it like this for the New Year

?" "Are we not home for too long, too homesick and have an illusion?" "

Yes, yes, how can there be such a feeling, I have eaten my father's scrambled eggs for more than ten years, the taste must not be wrong, what's going on?".

After the meal, the expressions on everyone's faces became a little complicated, as the flavors reminded them of their loved ones.

Seeing that these people began to wonder and felt that the atmosphere was almost over, Chen Jun stood up again, looked at everyone and asked solemnly, "How do these dishes feel?"

Everyone replied one after another, saying that they felt the taste of home.

Li Erniu stood up first, "Report, I can taste the taste of my mother's boiled braised pork."

Chen Jun nodded, "Today is special, there is no need to shout a report, who else has a different feeling."

"I have, I feel that this fish is my grandfather's craft, the taste is so familiar, I will never forget it for the rest of my life."

"And I, too, eat the taste of home, and I'm a little homesick.

Hearing these answers, Chen Jun nodded slightly, "These dishes are made by special masters, and it is not strange that you eat them to taste home."

"Now, stand up collectively.

All of a sudden, everyone stood up and looked at Chen Jun seriously.

Chen Jun said solemnly: "You should look at the door, don't look at me." "

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