Hearing Lao Fan ask about Chen Jun, Wen Changqing was stunned for a moment, only to realize that he really didn't seem to know Chen Jun's identity so well, but only knew that he was a very powerful special combat player.

Old Fan, what do you mean by this?

Wen Changqing thought for a moment and said, "Chen Jun has not been the captain for a long time, he has the ability, but I don't know how far it has been."

"However, he is already a major at his age, which is a bit scary, so he should be very hard in the background, right? "

Wen Ju doesn't know anything about Chen Jun's backstage, and what he said just now is also an old fan.

There are no three hundred taels of silver here, Lao Fan asked this, he must know something, as for the specific things, he can only look slowly.

Fan Tianlei met Wen Ju's gaze and shook his head directly, "You kid has been sitting in a high position for a long time, and everything is taken for granted, even the punishment, you forget to investigate, without investigation, you have no right to speak, this sentence makes sense."

"In the past, I thought the same way, and as a result, I planted a big somersault.

Speaking of this, Lao Fan hurriedly suppressed his voice, there was one thing, he didn't say, it was that he suffered a big loss from Chen Jun, and in the end, he still begged Chen Jun to have the opportunity to raise pigs in the hacker base.

At present, he, the captain of the transport brigade, is so busy that he has no time to answer the phone, so he can't find anyone else after calling for a long time.

These are all bitter tears, and I can't say them, no, he doesn't want to say them, so he takes them aside.

In the end, he looked at Lao Wen and said earnestly: "Wenju, in a word, Chen Jun is different now."

"Why is Chen Jun different?"

Wen Changqing's eyes lit up obviously, but he quickly frowned.

It's this Chen Jun that made him go down to the second line, and he had to pay for a meal.

Lao Fan glanced at Wen Ju and said solemnly: "Don't you know? "

Mr. Gao gave Chen Jun a position?" Wen Ju's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise, and he nodded slightly, "This is understandable, after all, Chen Jun is Mr. Gao's subordinate." "

When I was on a mission, the person who asked for Wen was Mr. Gao, and Mr. Gao gave Chen Jun a position, which was normal.

Lao Fan shook his head, "Not only that, but in the military department, Chen Jun also has people, as far as I know, at least there are generals of Ye Lao's level standing behind him." "

Ye Lao gave him a position, what is the concept?" Wen Ju exclaimed, looking at Lao Fan's eyes, as if he had only met Lao Fan for the first time.

This is a bit informative and difficult to digest.

After all, it is difficult for a newcomer to get the position of a military boss, unless it is a family.

Chen Jun is a backdoor soldier?

This thought immediately flashed through Wen Ju's mind, but thinking of Chen Jun's strength, this thought was only slightly weaker.

Chen Jun is not like a backdoor soldier, his strength is not pretended, a soldier is so powerful, he doesn't need to pretend.

Lao Fan nodded, put on the appearance of a person who had come over, and said solemnly: "You don't know about this, let me tell you, now the wolf's soldiers, even the wolf-headed He Zhijun can't call the shots, Chen Jun can take anyone away at any time and become a hacker, understand?"

Wen Ju listened to the brows that never stretched, and even felt that there was a thunderstorm in his head.

Chen Jun is in the special forces, he seems to be very popular, and his status is very high.

Suddenly, Wen Ju regretted a little that he didn't personally investigate Chen Jun's back.

Lao Fan continued: "Not only that, but Chen Jun's chess piece is still Enron, it is a flower of the Military Intelligence Bureau, and behind it is the network of the Military Intelligence Bureau, all of which are used by him..."


It's... Wen Ju's head was a little broken, and he couldn't put together all the information about Chen Jun for a while.

Mr. Gao, Mr. Ye, and the three important figures of the Military Intelligence Bureau all sided with Chen Jun, and even He Zhijun could not influence him, what do you mean

? Can Chen Jun walk sideways in the special forces

? In particular, in this way, Chen Jun treated me like that, was it polite?

Wen Ju once felt that he seemed to have a deep misunderstanding of Chen Jun, no, it should be that he did not have a deep understanding.

Lao Fan saw that Wen was in trouble, sighed, and said: "Since you still say that he is just an ordinary major, the leader of the team, you kid is a blind eye, and you can't see Mount Tai."

Hearing this, Wen Ju trembled, and inadvertently fought a cold war, "Is it really so serious?"

Lao Fan shook his head, "It's really serious, although I don't know how you offended him, but Lao Tzu told you that if Chen Jun suffers any grievances, Mr. Gao will definitely be the first to give him a head." Lao

Wen was a little confused, "Is it so exaggerated?"

As soon as the words came out, Lao Wen replied to himself, "No wonder the Tang Bureau of the Law Enforcement Corps and Director Zhao Tian spoke to him this time, and besides, this kid still said bad things about me in front of the leader, this is a backstage." Saying

that, Wen Ju seemed to think of something, and suddenly grabbed Lao Fan's hand, "Brother, you must help me, you understand, if you need help in the future, I will also help you."

"We grasshoppers with a rope, no one can leave anyone, can we?"

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