At this moment, Wen Changqing was really stunned, he looked at the document in his hand, his eyes were blank, his whole body was trembling, and the document was almost shaken off.

"Demotion to three levels, cancel power, and have a major demerit

!" "What's the matter, what a heavy three punches!" These three heavy

punches made Wen Changqing almost gasp, and his breath was blocked in his chest, his face was flushed, and after a while, he felt that his chest was smoother, but his face was as white as a dead man, and his whole body was still trembling.

"Do you really want to be punished so severely

?" "Why, just because of a small mistake?" "

As for it? Didn't it also cause casualties? Also, haven't I always paid..."

Wen Changqing kept asking himself, still unable to find out where he was wrong, and he couldn't accept that he would be planted in the execution of the task.

Performing tasks, but the soldier feels that it is the most honorable thing, and he also likes to go out to perform tasks, but this time he was in the middle of the mission and got off his post.

This is the most difficult thing for him to accept.

Wen Changqing was so angry that he almost bit his lip, the gums on his lips were clearly visible, and his whole face was almost bloodless except for his lips.

It's over

! This time I planted a big heel, and it was difficult to stand up!

Wen Changqing sighed, slowly closed his eyes, tears oozing from the corners of his eyes.

Historically, he has never regretted it so much.

He spent most of his life, from the place to the Donghai Hall, in the position of the hall, it was only three or five years, but now a document told him that all his efforts were gone

? Go directly to the second-level city next door?

Accept it?"


Wen Changqing roared in his heart, the hand holding the document trembled violently, and the green tendons floated and were clearly visible.

This punishment was really heavy, so heavy that he didn't want to accept it even when he thought of dying.

In fact, this is not just a matter of bad luck, but his pursuit, development undercover, just wanted to avenge his son, and now that he is laid off, everything has to be scrapped.

All, all hope has come to naught!

"Son, dad is useless..."Wen

Changqing thought of his son's hatred, and two lines of tears slipped down his face.

This is a tear of remorse!

He already regretted provoking Chen Jun and regretting finding the other party to carry out the mission.

I didn't expect that just because of a small captain of the special forces, he would be punished so heavily.

"Yes, it must be Chen Jun, because of this kid, Lao Tzu's efforts for half his life are gone. "

This guy looks harmless to humans and animals, why would he play

such a trick?" "No, haven't I already apologized to him?" "

Specially, what's the difference between such a punishment and taking a back seat, if so, it won't be long before he retires..."

At least, he was unselfish, and he was deprived of all power like this, why?


Wen Ju's heart turned upside down, he thought a lot, thought for a long time, didn't move, and never left the office.

During this period, many people came to the office, but those who had read the documents knew that the Wen Bureau was coming down, so they didn't dare to ask more, and they didn't know how to comfort them, and then they all sighed silently and left.

Seeing an old manager being demoted, everyone felt a little uncomfortable in their hearts, but the army is about obedience, since it is an order from above, no one can refuse, sigh to sigh.

In the office, Wen Ju sat quietly like this, not eating, drinking or leaving, until the next morning, he really thought of a way, that is, to find his good friend, Fan Tianlei.

"Yes, you should discuss it with Lao Fan.

"Lao Fan is in the special forces, and his path is very wild, maybe there is still room for maneuver.

Thinking of Fan Tianlei, a bright light flashed in Wen Ju's mind, as if he had grabbed the last straw, and he was even a little excited and expectant.

At this moment, he swept away some of his previous distrustful views on Lao Fan, in fact, in private, he looked down on Lao Fan to some extent, and always felt that the other party was a sinkhole.

Once, several joint exercises between heaven and earth, this old fan never used his strength to practice well, but was thinking about how to trap his people, for example, in the exercise, attacking the military network, this approach is actually very risky, if this opportunity is used by hackers, a lot of information in the East China Sea Department will be leaked.

Because of this, he didn't like Lao Fan and kept his distance.

Having said that, I have to admit that Lao Fan is really smart and can always let the ending develop according to his wishes.

Lao Fan made the same mistakes a few times, but he was not punished much, on the contrary, he was promoted.

This is Lao Fan's ability, he is very good at mixing in the field of special forces, even if he kills his comrades-in-arms, he can still be promoted to chief of staff.

Historically, no one has been so good at mixing.

"Yes, there may still be a trace of life in looking for him, Lao Fan, Lao Fan, I didn't expect that at the critical moment, he still has a little effect..."

Thinking of this, Wen Changqing threw the document in his hand on the desktop, then took out his mobile phone, found Fan Tianlei's phone, and immediately dialed it.

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