
? Directly provide Chen Jun with 10 places!

Even the military academy study was saved? Gao

Shiwei had been a manager for so long, and it was the first time he heard such news, and his eyes were frightened off the spot.

People all over the world say that the physical examination requirements of the army are high, but as everyone knows, in the army, the most difficult thing is to be promoted or promoted.

Because promotion and promotion are based on military merits, and soldiers want to build military merits, but so many soldiers, and how many soldiers, can be promoted to a military merit once? There are

almost no in history, and Ye Lao actually made an exception to give Chen Jun ten places to be directly promoted, and he didn't even need to go to a military school.

If it was in the past, such a thing, probably it would be very good if the guy could give you a place to do it directly.

", give ten directly this time, exaggerated, exaggerated, but I like it..."

Gao Shiwei swallowed his saliva with excitement, but he still felt that his throat was dry, and he took two deep breaths in a row to suppress his excitement a little, and hurriedly thanked him, "Thank you, chief, I really want to do a good job this time, I will tell Chen Jun to let them do a good job, and they can't live up to the chief's expectations."

Ye Lao: "Now is just the beginning for them, but as long as they are excellent, they will have a chance, there is no shortage of soldiers in the army, but there is a shortage of soldiers with strength and brains."

"In this mission, Chen Jun is not to kill and kill, but to control the entire channel of drugs, he can think of such a depth, he is a person with ideas, he deserves a bigger stage.

"The world in the future will belong to these young people after all, since you have the strength, don't restrain them, give them enough power and freedom to do a big job." "

Go ahead, give them a reward as soon as possible, and don't keep these adventurous warriors waiting. "

Yes, yes, I'll go over in person. Gao Siwei nodded again and again, and the palm holding the phone was slightly sweaty because of excitement.

After speaking, he asked tentatively: "Chief, there is one more thing, that is, the matter of lifelong career that I submitted before, is it completely finalized?"

Pilot units and formal units are two concepts.

Now Chen Jun is in the eyes of the military bosses, and it would be a great thing if he could finalize his lifelong career at this critical moment.

Hearing Gao Shiwei's request, Ye Lao kept smiling, "In this way, you tell Chen Jun that we will all watch the next exercise, and if he performs well, we will end the pilot unit ahead of schedule and set him this lifelong career." "

It's... Gao Shiwei immediately had a smug smile on his face, "Thank you, leader, Chen Jun is his blessing to meet you..."

In the end, he chatted with Ye Lao for a while before he finished passing, but until the end, Ye Lao had one thing in his heart, which he didn't say, that is, to transfer Chen Jun to the military headquarters.

He felt that now was not the time, and he needed to go through the process, first give Chen Jun power, let him cultivate his own power, and exercise his ability, and wait until the right time to start changing.

This is also a final investigation for Chen Jun, although Chen Jun is very powerful and talented, but he will be in that position in the future, and he will have higher requirements for people.

Chen Jun must be a comprehensive and outstanding talent in order to truly sit firmly.

As Ye Lao said, as long as Chen Jun has the strength, there will definitely be a big stage for him to perform...

And at this moment, the hacker base and the training ground are in full swing and extremely lively.

Everyone is training for hackers, including the team members that Chen Jun has just brought back.

The team members who did not follow Chen Jun out this time also heard that Chen Jun and others had made meritorious contributions again, and they were immediately envious and deeply stimulated, but they were not jealous, because as a member of the hacker commando, they all knew absolute obedience.

I also know that with enough preparation, the next time I go out may be myself.

With the return of the old guns, the training of the hacker commandos has become more intense, and everyone is very engaged.


Not long after, the military headquarters of the headquarters came in in a car.

At the gate, the guard saw that it was the car of the military department, and immediately walked over and saluted, "Hello chief."

On the training ground, as soon as Chen Jun heard the sound of the car engine, he knew that it was Mr. Gao who was coming, and immediately led people to line up.

"Assemble and get ready to greet the chief. "

Kick and kick...

After Chen Jun's order, the figures on the training ground shook one by one, and everyone began to act.

In less than two minutes, the line was lined up, straight and horizontal.

"Stand upright.

Chen Jun walked to the front of the team, roared, and followed, and everyone straightened their waists, all with serious faces.

Not long after, Mr. Gao got out of the car, and in front of everyone's respectful eyes, he came to the team to return the salute.

"It's hard work, I don't have to gather this time, I have something to announce right away, it's a good thing. "

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