The military headquarters, the conference room, and the big long table were full of people all around, and these were all military district bigwigs, major generals, because the matter of Jinshan was in a meeting.

In the middle of the long table, Ye Lao opened his mouth to look at Zhao Tian, who had just sat on the opposite side, and asked, "You said that this victory in Jinshan was the fuse laid by this little guy Chen Jun?"

Zhao Tian had just finished the video call with Chen Jun before he rushed here, and when he heard Ye Lao's words, his slightly serious face suddenly smiled, "Yes, it's Chen Jun's credit."

"How?" Ye Lao raised his eyebrows and stared at Zhao Tian closely, and the leaders of the military region around the long table all looked at Zhao Tian one after another.

For the young Chen Jun, some bigwigs are clear, some bigwigs are not very clear, I only heard that it is a young man, and a young man has made such a big achievement, which is where everyone is interested.

Facing everyone's blazing eyes, Zhao Tian said eloquently, "Chen Jun did play an important role in this mission, he decisively put aside Wen Changqing's plan, made a decisive decision, controlled several leaders of Jinshan, and made them our informants, otherwise, how could there be such an achievement." "

What? Which leaders can Chen Jun control in Jinshan?

"That's right, those big drug lords are so deep in Jinshan that they can be controlled by our military?"

"If you really control those people, it's too terrifying, how did he do it, did he really succeed?"

In the face of everyone's shock and questioning, Zhao Tian looked relaxed and smiled, "This is all news from the front, it is true, this operation is too successful, just now those intelligence officers also called to say that those drug lords are very cooperative, and we have no worries about drugs coming in for the time being."

"It's all Chen Jun's credit."

Hearing this, Ye Lao was also excited, and hurriedly said: "You said which leaders of Jinshan were controlled by Chen Jun, tell me in detail." "

Yes." Zhao Tian nodded and continued: "Originally, Wen Changqing's task was to capture Kun Sha and it was completed, but after Chen Jun captured Kun Sha, he also found that there was an opportunity, so he didn't come back, and he also raised the task and continued to arrest people. Hearing

this, the bigwigs present, including Ye Lao, were all frightened.

"What, Chen Jun didn't stop after catching Kun Sha, and he still wanted to go fishing for other big drug lords, is it possible?"

"It's not that simple, is it that simple?"

Zhao Tian looked at the two anxious comrades and nodded slightly, "Caught, guess how much you can catch?" Reveal a message, no less than 5?


The scene immediately sounded the sound of gasping, and all the bigwigs were full of horror.

"No less than 5 big drug lords? Just kidding, those big drug lords in Jinshan are not ordinary people, they are not so easy to take the bait, and it is difficult to control a single Kunsha. "

Yes, Lao Zhao, what you say sounds a bit scary, don't sell it, tell me who they arrested and how they caught it."

Zhao Tian nodded, "In the later operations, they captured a total of 9 generals, what is the concept?"

"9 big drug lord generals, before, we sent so many people, a big drug lord like this can't shake it, Chen Jun actually won 9 in one fell swoop, and forced these people to sign an agreement, I also think it's incredible, the unprecedented results, no one can beat it."

"I don't know what means he used, anyway, these people are already obedient, willing to cut off the channels for drugs to enter the Yan country, and cooperate with the arrest of people, this is in the past, we have not considered using the enemy to subdue the enemy, and we are also worried that once these guys return to the mountain, they will immediately rebel, and then it will be very difficult to deal with."

"Who knows, this time Chen Jun not only gave them their contact information, but also controlled them steadily

...", Zhao Tian's face flashed with a strange look, "I really thought that after these people went back, they were all obedient and fully cooperated with us, and they cooperated so much that all of us had doubts, but those people were so cooperative, and their attitude towards us was unimaginable, if it weren't for the cooperation of these people, we would not have been able to have such a big gain..."

"In short, Comrade Chen Jun's ability to adapt to changes, as well as courage and courage, is the most powerful special forces I have ever seen, we law enforcers, because of his plan, have been sheltered, I don't know how many anti-drug people have been behind, reducing sacrifices and protecting many families."

After Zhao Tian finished speaking, everyone on the scene instantly quieted down, and the bigwigs in the position looked at each other, and their eyes did not hide their shock at all.

Chen Jun actually arrested 9 big drug lord generals, and still held these people firmly in his hands?

Is this true?

At that moment, everyone even questioned that Zhao Tian was talking in a dream, but when they saw Zhao Tian with excitement on his face and a constant smile, they had a little bit of a real feeling.

There is no need for Zhao Tian to lie, after all, everyone's identities are there, and there is no point in fooling around.

On the seat, Ye Laoshu stood up directly at once, and said three good words in a row, "Good, good, good."

Zhao Tian continued: "There is one more thing that I must say, Comrade Chen Jun has been treated unfairly. "

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