"The host receives the Special Hero Medal and rewards 200 XP."


It's so high!

It has been a long time since he has been rewarded, even if Chen Jun has experienced the baptism of the battlefield and has a strong enough psychological quality, he can't help but feel a burst of joy in his heart when he sees such a reward.

Experience points are fragrant buns, and when you accumulate enough, you can level up, and then you have the opportunity to strengthen and integrate new skills.

I just don't know if this time I will reach the upgrade?

Chen Jun was stunned, and before he could confirm the information of the upgrade, he was interrupted by Tang Guoqiang's words.

"Comrade Chen Jun, please accept your medal, don't hesitate, this is your credit, your dedication is said."

"Yes." Chen Jun put away his thoughts, saluted, and took the medal with both hands, while Tang Guoqiang saluted him again, "Good job, keep up the good work."

After speaking, Tang Guoqiang asked the guards to take out other medals, and then sent them to the artillery and others one by one.

"This is an honor that belongs to each of you, and everyone has a medal..."Tang

Guoqiang said, personally wearing the medal to the old cannon.

Lao Pao and the others were flattered and immediately saluted.

"Thank you, Chief."

Tang Guoqiang nodded, "No thanks, you paid for it, but what you got was a first-class medal, but this is also the highest honor." "

The medal level of Lao Cannon and others is one level lower than Chen Jun, this is the first grade, not the special grade, after all, Chen Jun is the captain, and the honor will be higher.

Even if it was one level lower, Lao Pao and the others felt satisfied, and they were all excited.

"First-class medal, it feels a bit of a dream, really." The old cannon's small eyes narrowed slightly, his two eyes lit up, and he smiled in his mouth.

Qiangzi was also excited and excited, "It's not a dream, it's a dream come true, I never thought that we would also get a first-class medal one day." "

Yes, I usually watch others take medals, but today I get it myself, it's really cool..."

Winning medals is always the proudest thing for soldiers, and the faces of the hacker commandos are full of pride.

The old cannon looked back at Tang Guoqiang and joked: "With this medal, can you retire in the future and be transferred to become a law enforcer?"

Tang Guoqiang laughed, "Definitely, if you want to be a law enforcer, we will definitely welcome it and reuse it, this is a promise."

The old cannon suddenly seemed to think of something, and immediately saluted solemnly, "I'm sorry, leader, we are a lifelong career, and it is impossible to transfer, unless I make a mistake, do you want me to make a mistake?" "

It's... Tang Guoqiang was obviously stunned, not only joking about making mistakes for Lao Pao, but also talking about a lifelong career for Lao Pao.

He was not the first time he had heard about a lifelong career, but he was the first to hear someone say that the army could carry it out.

If the army can be retired, there will be no such thing as veterans retiring, veterans retiring is a cruel thing, and Chen Jun's team is so special that it can implement such a system.

It's something that needs to be taken very seriously, right?

It's normal to think about it, these soldiers are strong, if they retire normally, wouldn't it be a waste of resources.

These special forces are not simple, they are very spiritual, maybe they have such treatment because of their special needs.

No matter what he said, Tang Guoqiang still recognized the strength of Chen Jun's people, and when he came back to his senses, he laughed, "Yes, yes, you are right." "

I still say the same thing, the door of the enforcers has always been open for you, come directly if you want to."

The old cannon nodded and smiled: "It's easy to say."

At this time, a group of strong sons came up and hit the old cannon on the shoulder, "Boy, get carried away, which first-class merit medal, have you forgotten this?"

"That's it, what do you mean, old cannon, did you buy you with just this medal? What are you kidding, talking nonsense, how about letting the instructor fire you directly and let you follow this bastard?

Of course, this refers to Wen Changqing, who is standing aside and looking embarrassed.

Wen Changqing smiled helplessly, of course it was just a polite smile, and his heart was indeed extremely embarrassed, it stands to reason that these credits should also have his share, but unfortunately, the result was the opposite, not only did he not get a reward, but also because he had to leave the management position.

The loss is huge!

Seeing Chen Jun and the others leaving, Wen Changqing immediately ran to Tang Guoqiang, he blushed and explained: "Mr. Tang, I really misunderstood, I didn't know the situation at the time, and the other party didn't make it clear, if he made the plan clear, I would definitely support it, aren't I worried about chaos?"

"I also wanted to give them all kinds of plans because I was too worried about their safety, but after they went out on a mission, it was like losing contact, I couldn't contact anyone at all, I was worried that they would have an accident, you also know that the military takes obedience as their duty, and they are so young, if they are impulsive and have an accident, we don't want to see it, right?"

"I really did my best in this matter..."

Wen Changqing said with tears rolling in his eyes, but for these explanations, Tang Guoqiang did not waver, he just said coldly: "You go and explain to Minister Zhao Tian, I don't need it here." Hearing

this, Wen Changqing immediately became anxious, "This... You can't punish me like this, my son's revenge has not yet been avenged. "

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