"Hello Chief!"

Chen Jun shouted loudly at the screen.

It's not easy to carry out the task, but he can't bear to face the big guy every day.

This kind of pressure is no less than performing tasks, the key is that I am not used to it, because I don't like to be so popular, unlike those anchors, who wish there were many fans and would like to be watched.

Zhao Tian kept smiling, looked at Chen Jun and said enthusiastically: "Chen Jun, I finally see you alive." "

Is this a compliment or a joke... Chen Jun didn't think to say anything, and the next second he heard the other party praise again. "Boy, you are really amazing, the last time you assisted Gao Gang's operation, it was completed very beautifully, I have always wanted to find an opportunity to thank you, but unfortunately the time was not right."

"Haha, I didn't expect that your action this time was even more perfect, compared to last time, you saved a lot of law enforcers this time, and the families behind them."

"I want to thank you for them."

There is no concealment of respect in the words.

Zhao Tian was greatly shocked by Chen Jun's achievements this time.

I never thought that Chen Jun, a young soldier, would have such a strong sense of action, and in one mission, he could directly cut off the channel for the circulation of drugs into Yanguo.

There is no such achievement in a single way, and there may be no one to come.

It was because of seeing Chen Jun's achievements this time that Zhao Tian couldn't sit still and wanted to see Chen Jun, but unfortunately he didn't have time, so he could only meet through video.

Hearing this, Chen Jun hurriedly said modestly: "This is what our soldiers should do, no need to thank you."

Zhao Tian looked at Chen Jun without being arrogant or impatient, and liked it even more, "Originally, I was going to see you in person, but because this matter has a big impact, I have to rush to the meeting, and I can only meet you through video and thank you."

After speaking, he suddenly turned his eyes seriously and saluted solemnly to Chen Jun, and at the same time, the big guy standing next to him, and three others, also saluted Chen Jun.

This is the highest boss of the Law Enforcement Department, and he actually salutes in person?

Chen Jun's face was serious, and he let out a low roar, "Salute." Then, he took the hacker team to return the salute.

The old cannon and the others behind him were all with the same serious faces, and their eyes were full of excitement and excitement.

That's the right way to communicate!

They give, they are respected, they are recognized.

No matter how much honor it is, at least there is positive recognition.

At this moment, the hearts of each member of the hacker team were full of emotion and pride, which was completely different from the mood that had just returned.

Everyone has just been born in Jinshan and has experienced a battle to the death, and as soon as they come, they will be held accountable indiscriminately by the Wen Bureau, even if they have no selfish intentions, they have some thoughts in their hearts.

That's disrespect, not even basic respect.

It is also because of this that everyone was unmoved when they saw Wen Ju being sent off for a management position.

They are all soldiers, but not cold soldiers, but will only spend their strength and hearts on those who deserve it.

went to Jinshan to kill the enemy, just to save people, to help the country resist drugs, and to help the people, but after coming back, he couldn't get the respect of the Wen Bureau, and he was questioned, who didn't feel cold?

Not to mention Chen Jun, and everyone in the hacker commando team felt cold, and now that they see their achievements respected, they feel that all the efforts are worth it.

It's not sensationalism, it's respect.

At least for the respect they give, as soldiers, they have the responsibility to kill the enemy, but they also risk their lives, and if they are not careful, they may end their lives.

For such a dedication, they do not pursue much honor, but a thank-you and a salute is respect.

After a moment, Zhao Tian put down his saluting hand, looked at Chen Jun and the others, and said seriously: "You are all heroes of the nation, everything you do, we have calculated everything at present, and in the next few years, the drugs coming in from the channels will be reduced. "


Hearing this, Chen Jun's eyes flashed with excitement, I don't know how much benefit this name can bring to them, it's not critical.

The key is that this historical event, which will definitely write the ban on drugs in the Yan Country, has been branded as a hacker, and the hacker commando team has begun to have its own brilliant achievements.

However, this is only the beginning of the Matrix, and there will only be more in the future.

At the same time, Lao Pao and others are also excited and excited, it doesn't matter whether there is honor or not, the important thing is that someone knows their efforts, which also proves that they are also growing.

What the? Chen Jun and them are actually praised by the superiors as the founders of the country's elimination of all drug channels?

Hearing these words, Wen Ju was beside him, and his heart was about to break, and even the top leader personally came to praise Chen Jun?

Chen Jun is now a celebrity in everyone's eyes, everyone sees it, everyone praises it, and he is good, he actually offended others at the first time.

I knew this was the case, why did I have to do it in the first place...

The more Chen Jun is praised by others, the more worried Wen Ju is in his heart, the better Chen Jun is, and he is afraid of his fate...

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