"Hehe, less contact with the sinkhole..."

Chen Jun secretly slandered the situation, without saying a word, and directly accelerated to board the helicopter.

Behind him, Lao Pao and the others saw Chen Jun boarding the plane, and hurriedly followed, but they kept muttering.

"I knew this was the case, why bother at the beginning, someone looked up to himself too much, first slapped others, and then used candy to coax, when we were three-year-old children."

"That can be said, what about the face? It's too damaging to the soldier's face.

"Working with such a person, I really don't know when I will be pitted, sure enough, there is a sinkhole, I really worry about his subordinates, it's not worth it..."

Seeing that Chen Jun was still holding the shelf, and then hearing the yin and yang strange words of the old cannon, Wen Ju almost held back his internal injuries, and the smile on his face slowly disappeared, and he was embarrassed to stick to Chen Jun again for a while, and followed.


It's a very awkward situation!

It's not that he doesn't work hard to redeem it, it's that the other party doesn't give him a chance!

Seeing Wen Ji frozen there, the law enforcers who followed up had ugly faces, and they didn't know whether to leave or stop for a while.

They also felt embarrassed, after all, they did take out the handcuffs just now and prepared to torture people, and now they want to change their words and thank others, it is too against their will.

I can't do it.

After a moment, Wen Ju sighed and boarded the helicopter with his head down, and behind him, several law enforcers also silently followed.

In the helicopter, Wen Ju didn't have the courage to say anything more, so he simply closed his eyes to avoid his eyes touching Chen Jun and others, which would cause embarrassment.

It's all out of his control, let's take it one step at a time.

More than an hour later, the helicopter landed at the law enforcement headquarters, and before the helicopter landed, there was already a man with many medals standing there waiting.

The soldier is 1.83 meters tall, with a sturdy figure, with a national face full of official authority, and at first glance he is a big leader, this person is Tang Guoqiang, he said that he would personally come to thank Chen Jun.

As soon as Tang Guoqiang saw Chen Jun getting off the helicopter, he immediately came over to shake hands, "Hello, Comrade Chen Jun, I am Tang Guoqiang from the General Administration."

"Thank you, thank you so much, you are not only our hero, you are also the national hero of Yanguo."

Hearing such a compliment, behind them, the artillery and others grinned with laughter.

"That's what you should hear."

"Not to mention how much credit there is, at least everyone has paid it, or risking their lives, they can't get a word of thanks, chilling, someone should learn some."

"We don't care if we're thanked or not, at least respect, right? Finally heard the words.

Behind him, Wen Ju, who had just walked down, heard the low muttering of the old cannon, and suddenly, the corners of his mouth twitched.

These words were as sharp as a knife, and the knife cut his heart, but this was not what hurt him the most, and what made him feel the most pain and pressure was the attitude of the Tang Bureau towards Chen Jun.

Mr. Tang is really thanking Chen Jun, this is to put down the leadership shelf and sincerely thank you.

"Nima, I really sinned that kid this time."

Wen Ju was embarrassed again, feeling that his hands and feet were not placed, and he didn't even feel right where to stand.

As everyone knows, this is the beginning, and the next sentence of Chen Jun sent him directly to the ice cellar.

Hearing Mr. Tang's praise, Chen Jun looked indifferent, without the slightest joy, held the other party's hand, and said seriously: "Tang Bureau, I know this operation, I decided the plan myself, it's me who is wrong, but just now Wen Ju has already asked me, I need to discuss the matter of arresting and closing up, can you not arrest me, I'm very tired."

"To be honest, it's not easy to come back alive from a mission, isn't it?"

A bolt from the blue!

Hearing this, Wen Ju was like being struck by lightning, and his whole body trembled suddenly, and the whole person froze directly.

This kid has sued...

Before Wen Ju could react, he immediately met the sharp and angry gaze of Shang Tang Ju.

Tang Guoqiang glared at Wen Ju, "What do you mean?" Wen Ju, you still arrested Chen Jun for questioning? "

Nima, sinkhole!"

Tang Ju exclaimed in surprise, almost scolding.

Wen Ju's spirit was cold, his face was red, and he didn't have time to explain, and Chen Jun said again: "Tang Ju, I really know that I was wrong, can I not be locked up and ask for the guilt, after all, I am also the captain of a base, there are many things to solve, I can't be confined."

Chen Jun's attitude was so sincere, like an apologetic good child, after speaking, he paused and thought for a while, and then spoke: "In this way, go back, I will write a review book for you, is it okay, please let it go." "

How so... Tang Ju's mind was blank, and then he heard it again, Chen Jun looked at Wen Ju, who was stunned, and said, "Wen Ju, you have a lot of adults, don't worry about a little person like me." "

What you said, I'm just a squad leader, you can definitely cure me, I believe it, but for the sake of the elements who have no merit and hard work, help me say a few good words to the Tang Bureau."


Wen Ju's head exploded directly, as if he had been sniped, his eyes were red, and his head was red.

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