I have to say that Kun Sha was really angry, just in that second, the urge to tear his face directly with these Yanguo soldiers had flashed in his mind thousands of times.

Historically, as a general, he has always threatened others, when has he been reduced to seeing other people's faces alive?


Kun Sha is very unacceptable, he has already suffocated his internal injuries, he is alive now, he has no dignity at all, his home is lived, and the snow-hid Lafite is also drunk in front of people, and the most important thing is that he is disgusted and smells his nose.


It's all heart-wrenching!

Kun Sha's heart had begun to drip blood, but at the last moment, he just glanced at Chen Jun and the others, and then turned around and rushed into the bathing room with hatred to take a bath.

Kun Sha rushed into the shower room to take off his clothes, spraying directly from head to toe, he also hated the smell on his body, but as soon as the wound on his body was scratched and touched the water, it was like the wound was sprinkled with salt, and he screamed in pain.


Kunsha's eyes were red, his face was full of water, and he didn't know if it was tears or water from the shower.


In addition to the pain of his wounds, his heart hurts even more!

But he could only hide in the toilet and cry, and he couldn't make a sound.


He is really wronged, but his life is in the hands of the other party, and he can't shout injustice.

Kun Sha, who was aggrieved in his heart, rubbed his body desperately, and wanted to wash away the smell on his body, but he couldn't delay it for too long, because Chen Jun and the others were still outside, and they couldn't let others wait too long.

But this kind of taste is really bad.

It's uncomfortable!

He hadn't experienced it in his life, but he had to endure it.

After 5 minutes, Kunsha changed into clean clothes and walked out to the living room.

Kun Sha had just come over, and Chen Jun immediately pointed at him and said coldly: "Don't, you just stand there, don't come over, just talk there." "

What the hell...

Kun Sha was aggrieved for a while, and he wanted to rush directly to drive these people away, but his subconscious still stood silently, and his face was red.

In the end, he had no choice but to swallow his voice and say: "The matter is done according to your wishes, we will not oppose you in the future, and this matter will end like this."

Under Kun Sha's gaze, Chen Jun shook the fragrant Lafite in the wine glass, and slowly took a small sip, his face full of intoxication.

After enjoying himself, Chen Jun turned his eyes to look at Kun Sha, "Tell me why you didn't do it right with us."

Kun Sha took a heavy breath, and after quickly spitting out, he said: "We have decided to support a new person to take over the business of Jinshan and Yanguo, we will not touch it, if you need it, we can send troops to help you encircle and suppress drug dealers."

"Also, we will also announce to the outside world that whoever dares to go to Yanguo to sell goods, we will kill his entire family."

When Kun Sha spoke, Chen Jun remained silent, and when the other party finished speaking, he stood up abruptly, looked behind him and asked, "Have you filmed it all?"

As soon as the words fell, the old gunkeeper stood up from the side, "It's filmed, the effect is very good, it's very clear, I filmed every word he said, as evidence, I'm not afraid that he will regret it." "



Kun Sha, who had just reacted, looked at the old cannon and the camera in the other party's hand, and the whole person was immediately emotionally driven, and in a blink of an eye, he was like a volcano about to erupt, and his eyes were churning with anger.

"What's the matter, Lao Tzu is born and died for you to seek skin with the tiger, you actually set Lao Tzu up, and you have to shoot!"

The words were full of anger, and at this moment, Kun Sha didn't plan to hold it anymore, because he felt that if he held it back any longer, he would be even more pressed by others.

What's more, he can't hold it back!

This group of Yanguo soldiers actually tricked him again and again, and when he had a meeting in the basement just now, he almost took his life.

Now, his tasks have been completed, and as a result, the other party still doesn't let him go and sets him up.

This has touched his limits.

Is it tolerable or unbearable!

Kun Sha was completely angry and didn't plan to endure it anymore.

Chen Jun looked indifferent, looked at Kun Sha calmly, and asked heavily, "What, are you unhappy?"

"How dare you say it's upset?"

Seeing that Kun Sha was going to be tough, Lao Pao squinted his eyes and deliberately shook the camera in his hand at him, his expression was to put pressure on Kun Sha, as if once the other party said that he was unhappy, he would announce it to the world.

If this video is released, Kunsha wants to mix in the industry, it will be difficult!

"It's really unpleasant, whoever did something, you have to look at other people's faces, Kun Sha, we took some small videos, it's okay, just say if you're unhappy."

"Yes, yes, we are all good talkers, and we will say anything unpleasant."

"Come, we'll give you a chance to speak."

Several hadrons who were drinking put down their wine glasses and looked at Kun Sha with a rather patient posture.

This is a chance, but as everyone knows, this is a stab in the face for Kunsha.


Can it break out?

Kun Sha, who was holding his chest bulging, hesitated for a moment, and finally took a deep breath before calming down, after all, the videos were all recorded, and he had no chance to refute.

If such a video were given to someone else, he would definitely die.

Now, this word "don't" can only be manipulated in the hands of Chen Jun.

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