After speaking, Kun Sha looked at Chen Jun with expectant and pleading eyes.

At this moment, he has no boss temperament at all, but is as humble as a lost dog.

There is no way, he is really afraid of this young man, and now he is like an ant that can be pinched to death at any time in the eyes of others, without the slightest resistance.

If this guy is not happy, if he really dies and does not save him, he really has no way to live, because offending those generals is equivalent to putting a butcher's knife on his neck, and those guys can kill him with a raised hand.

Even if he cooperated with Chen Jun, Kun Sha didn't want to offend those generals, those people's hearts were too dark, and in normal times, everyone had competition, and they wanted to kill each other.

Kun Sha was helpless, and begged bitterly, "Sir, really, I am also doing this so that your plan can be carried out, if you don't warn those guys, when they come to their senses, there will be all kinds of moths immediately, these are not ordinary people, they have the ability to reach the sky with hands and eyes, to control them, it's best..."

Chen Jun listened impatiently, and waved his hand, "Okay, I don't need you to teach me, and besides, I'm not threatening you, I'm just telling you about it." "

You're doing well."

Well done!

Hearing the last sentence, Kun Sha exhaled a heavy breath of turbidity, and then breathed a small sigh of relief.

In particular, dealing with the people of Yanguo is like thin ice, and if you are not careful, you will fall into the ice cellar.

Be careful, you can't make a mistake!

Kun Sha nodded silently, raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, and still had palpitations.

It's not that he hasn't experienced dealing with the soldiers of Yanguo before, at most he protests, and he hasn't actually taken action once, but he didn't expect that he would encounter such a difficult one today.

In a word, a decision, but life or death!

Kun Sha was full of pressure, and he didn't dare to make a casual sound anymore and waited on the side.

He is just taking one step at a time now, and the pace can't be too big or too fast, because he knows that the other party has calculated his own every step, and he has been cornered and can only cooperate.

Chen Jun suddenly approached and looked at Kun Sha coldly, "Yes, next, you can help and do another thing." "


Kun Sha nodded immediately, but when he listened to Chen Jun's plan, his big face instantly looked like a June day, and immediately dark clouds covered his face, and there was more on his face, and a look of embarrassment could be seen.

If such a plan is carried out, he will really go all the way to the dark.


If it was before, Kun Sha would definitely not wait for Chen Jun's tail to hear it, and immediately refused, but now, as soon as the words of rejection came to his lips, he couldn't bear to say it.

He didn't dare to refuse, because to refuse would mean that he was worthless.

If there is no value, there is no chance of survival.

He didn't want to die yet!

Forget it, it's already been a road to the dark, what else do you want?

Kun Sha thought for a while, his heart was crossed, he bit his lip, and nodded silently.

He really didn't have any way back anymore, he could only nod...

At four o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, Mbale, General Musk and others entered a basement for a meeting.

Bang bang....

As soon as these men walked in, without saying a word, they shot and killed all the guards who followed.

Those guards who drank bullets and fell didn't know until they died, how they had offended these bigwigs, how did they know, and now these generals don't believe anyone except himself and those teammates.

There was no way, I was scared by Chen Jun.

Mbale put away his pistol, looked at the other generals, and said solemnly: "Everyone, we have no way out, they have the ability to kill us at any time, and even, we can't find where the target is, so next, any information we have to keep it even more confidential."

In the team, Kun Sha, who came to the meeting, pretended to be angry, "General Mbale, you are too weak, why are you afraid of the Yanguo people, we are the home field here, we have more than 100,000 troops, and the top level here can't do anything to us, afraid of the Yanguo people, they are a fart."

Hearing this, the four generals on the side also nodded, expressing their support for Kun Sha's point of view, after all, they were also angry.

Someone immediately said: "That's right, there's no need to worry about anything, change the guards, strengthen precautions, there is no need to be afraid of the other party, we have the strength to win back this game."

"We just didn't know it before, we were just surprised by them, there is really no need to be so afraid of them, besides, if we cut off the Yanguo market, our income will be reduced by at least half, and it will be a huge market."

"Yanguo is a piece of fat, we don't eat it, naturally someone is targeting, we also have people in our hands, as long as we are vigilant, we should be able to turn defeat into victory, those guys are old, and they still want to control us..."

And Musk supported General Mbale, looked at the guys who had just been published, and said coldly: "You have all seen each other's methods, let me ask you, the infiltration of special operations personnel, how to defend against it?" In

the face of Musk's questioning, the guys who were still very tough just now all bowed up, after all, this is a fact, they have seen each other infiltrate twice, and the result is really terrifying.

The real gods don't know it, those guys seem to be right next to you, but they can't find anyone, and in this case, they don't know when their heads are moved.

This is really the hardest point for them to solve.

Musk said again: "No matter how much money you make, what's the use of losing your life, someone will replace us." Hearing

this, the guys who wanted to resist were silent.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Kun Sha suddenly became furious, slapped the table with his thug, and said angrily: "Are you still afraid of death if you do what we do?"

"That is, if we only protest, we can't do anything, and it's not a good time to be held by the neck like this."

"However, if we are not sure, we will die faster if we turn against them."

"I am not willing to be held by them like this, I must find a way to get rid of..."

So, the two factions led by Kunsha and Musk and General Mbale quarreled violently.

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