I have to say that these 9 bigwigs are completely out of confidence.

seized this rare opportunity, and they were all begging Chen Jun.

That's right, it's a pleading.

This is to survive, regardless of the pleading of the face, at this moment, the arrogance and majesty that belong to the big guy no longer exists for them.

Who wants to die if they can live!

Chen Jun just grasped the weaknesses of those drug lords, so he abused the other party so well, and when the other party's plea reached the fire, he said indifferently: "I said, you nod." "

Okay, okay, we just nodded, and we didn't say a word."

"You say, we'll all listen."

Several drug lords immediately responded, but after saying a few words, seeing that Chen Jun had not spoken, everyone looked at each other, stopped, and waited quietly.

Seeing that those guys were quiet, Chen Jun continued: "Jinshan business, you can continue to do it, but those guys under your control, don't transport a little drug to Yanguo, otherwise, the next time it appears, I will directly take your life."

As soon as Chen Jun finished speaking, those guys immediately nodded again and again, like chickens pecking rice.

Of course, I didn't dare to say a word.

I'm afraid of offending this Yanguo soldier, it's good to be alive, not to mention that the other party promised to let them do business.

Chen Jun continued: "Second, starting today, you are the informant of our Yan Country, if it weren't for the forces you control to transport drugs, you need to inform and help clear it.

The nine nodded again and again, with a good attitude, as if they were facing his own superiors.

To be honest, even if Chen Jun didn't say it, with today's experience, they wouldn't dare to easily step into the social Yan country.

Otherwise, how they will die in the future, they don't know.

After Chen Jun finished speaking, he looked at those guys and added: "That's all, if you are sure that you can do it, write a letter of guarantee, as long as you don't hide, you can live, otherwise, my little friends and I can visit you at any time, it's useless to hide anywhere."

"We will infiltrate and camouflage, and when we come to you, I'm afraid you don't know, the internationally famous scorpions, black cats, all know it, right?"

"I took someone to kill it."

He...... Is it him who killed the scorpion, the black cat?

Hearing this, the eyes of the 9 drug lords were scared off, and they looked at Chen Jun with panic in their eyes.

When they first heard that they could regain their freedom, for a short time, they still thought that they could break away from these soldiers by secretly manipulating.

And now when he heard this, Xiao Jiujiu in his heart disappeared in an instant, and he didn't have the courage to think about how to get rid of these soldiers.

Think about it, the scorpion and the old cat are such means of people, no matter how many soldiers and troops in the world want to catch them, but recently, they have all been unexpectedly arrested.

It turned out that they were all killed by this soldier.

This guy can do the same as a scorpion and an old cat, and he can destroy himself.

Being targeted by such a soldier is like provoking death, and death is not far away.

In just a second or two, these big bosses experienced a complex transformation in their hearts, first shocked, then panicked and desperate, and finally everyone's faces became extremely ugly.



, as soon as they reacted, the nine people nodded their heads in reply.

Chen Jun nodded at the old cannon, who came over, directly pulled up a general, and then casually tied a parachute under the gaze of everyone.

"You... What are you doing? The

general, who was pulled up, trembled with fright.

The old cannon ignored the other party, dragged him directly to the door of the helicopter cabin, and pushed him directly out with sudden force.


The general was terrified and disappeared.


Behind him, the remaining 8 generals were frightened when they saw this scene.

What's more, jumping out like this is looking for death!

The generals were so frightened that their souls flew and they screamed.

"What are you doing, didn't you promise not to kill us?"

"At such a height, what's the difference between it and killing, you don't talk much, we have agreed to your request, what else to do, it's too inhuman."

No humanity?

Chen Jun said indifferently: "The destination has arrived, how to go back is your business." "

Leave you."

On one side, the old cannon came straight over, tied the first guy to speak to the parachute, and pushed it down.

"Noisy? Look at how noisy you are. "

Let's go

..." In this way, each general was given a parachute, and then the old cannon ignored the fact that these guys were scared and screamed, and they were thrown away.

Ten minutes later, everyone was gone, and it was dawn.

Chen Jun's approach is to teach them a lesson, after all, at such an altitude and with a parachute, they will definitely not be able to fall to their deaths.

And these guys don't know how many people and families they have harmed, and even if they die, they deserve it.

Originally, Chen Jun also wanted to kill them, but the wildfires could not be burned, and the spring breeze blew and reborn, as long as the kingdom here has not changed, without them, all other spokespersons will come out, which is the key to moving people's hearts.

At most, Chen Jun just wants to thunder and deter, which is also the meaning of this operation.

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