Since he can't get rid of the other party, then at least he has to ensure his own safety!

This is Kun Sha's bottom line, and in the face of Chen Jun, he only dares to make such a request.

After all, taking a step further is life and death, and apart from death, he can't come up with anything that can threaten the other party.

Seeing Kun Sha's sincere statement, Chen Jun thought for a moment and nodded slightly, "This is no problem, we have the responsibility to protect our intelligence officers." Hearing

this, Kun Sha felt a sense of grievance in his heart, and he was almost so angry that he vomited blood.

In particular, if you want to kill at every turn, if it is also called protection, then the whole world is your own people.

Kun Sha was bitter in his heart, but he also understood that he really had no choice.

This is the last self-help!

Kun Sha sighed, so he told all the big people in his own line.

"These are some powerful generals, all of whom have been dealing with for many years, and they are also very familiar with various channels of drugs, Jinshan Big Boss, talking about these ten people. "

They usually have any big things, they all discuss and make decisions together, their names and addresses are..."

There was no way, he really didn't dare to play tricks in front of Chen Jun, whose expression was as cold as a killing weapon.

Just now, when his little caution was broken by the other party, he almost lost his life.

After speaking, Kun Sha smiled bitterly: "I have said everything that should be said, now you are satisfied." It

is worth saying that at this moment, Kun Sha's whole person looked at Chen Jun like a resentful woman, and those who didn't know thought that Chen Jun had deceived his feelings.

In addition to helplessness, there is also hatred in his eyes.

Kun Sha hated Chen Jun for letting him lose everything, and all his glory appeared from this demonic soldier and was completely ruined.

Now, he just wants to save his own life, and nothing else matters.

Facing Kun Sha's resentful eyes, Chen Jun didn't care at all, and nodded directly, "Yes, but I still need your cooperation." After

saying that, he asked the old cannon and the strong son to come over, and the force dragged him away. "

Why?" As soon as he heard that he was going to be dragged away, Kun Sha Soul was about to fly away, and cried out in panic, "I told the truth, everything was given to you, and you still want to kill me." "

No, you don't talk about martial arts, you can't do this, is this to kill your mouth?"

"Let go of me, you can't be so conscienceless..."

Kun Sha's miserable voice gradually spread far away with the pace of the old cannon and the strong son walking out.

At the scene, not only Chen Jun, but also hackers, everyone ignored Kunsha.

For such drug lords, they can only kill them as soon as possible, and as for sympathy, favors,

and nothing!

Because such a drug lord does not deserve the respect of those who deserve to die.

I didn't know how many lives were hanging on this guy's hands.

To let him go is to be cruel to the people.

Chen Jun naturally wouldn't let Kun Sha go like this, but he wouldn't kill him immediately, because the other party still had value.

When Kun Sha was dragged away, Chen Jun picked up the list provided by Kun Sha and looked at it, his eyes gradually turned cold.

"Good guys, all of them are very good, and they are so well hidden.

Chen Jun snorted coldly, he had already made a decision in his heart, and decided to cut the grass and eradicate the roots.

"Anyway, it's coming, it's coming, it's

going to be big, crazy..."Thirty minutes later, the intelligence officer suddenly came in a helicopter.

When he saw Chen Jun, the intelligence officer's face was not very good, and he asked directly: "Why did you let me come here, it's not good to be exposed."

Chen Jun: "Don't do two things, solve the problem at one time." "

Solve the problem at once?"

The intelligence officer was stunned and didn't react.

Chen Jun took out the list and said, "There are also 9 generals recorded here, and we plan to solve it at once, do you dare to go?"

There are still 9 generals? The

intelligence officer was obviously stunned, but the next second he came back to his senses, immediately took over the list, and exclaimed

, "Are you sure?" "Are these people really all involved?"

The intelligence officer opened the list and looked at it, but the more he looked at it, the more solemn his expression became.

Because, he saw several big guys with a very high status and no suspicion at all.

Such people are all drug lords? The

intelligence officers couldn't figure it out, and their eyes were full of incredulity.

Chen Jun nodded directly without hesitation, "Fuck, why don't you dare, these bastards, I don't know how many people have been harmed, and I will kill them if I have the chance." The

intelligence officer digested it, and finally nodded, "Okay, let's do it together." "

Let's go.

After speaking, Chen Jun waved his hand and directly took all the team members to the plane.

The helicopter finally flew towards the first character according to the address given by Kunsha.

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