I have to say that Kun Sha really panicked.

The special forces of Yanguo don't give face to anyone, and falling into the hands of these people is worse than falling into the hands of bandits.

Kun Sha naturally wanted to live, and he immediately added: "I have a lot of money, and I... I am willing to give you country, and I have an identity and status, and I can compensate you for the interests of the Yan country. "

The special forces of Yanguo don't love money, Kun Sha naturally knows, not only that, but he also knows that these soldiers only have the country in their hearts, and if the money is given to them to the country, they should have a way to live.

Kun Sha changed a way to persuade Chen Jun and the others, and then said: "Also, if you kill me, there will be no controller on the Jinshan side, and it will also harm your country."

Hearing this, Chen Jun deliberately paused, looked back at the person behind him and asked, "Does it make sense?"

The old cannon was very involved in the play, and immediately nodded one after another.

"So, it seems to make sense, in fact, it doesn't matter if you have money or not, you just want a feasible road, but is he really that good?"

"Do you really have that much power? Can you do that, if you let him go, then you can't do anything, it's not a waste."

"I think it's really possible, I can't just let him go, this person can't be trusted, boss, kill him directly."

As soon as he heard someone say that he wanted to do it, Kun Sha immediately panicked, and immediately raised his hand and swore, "I swear, I will never lie, I can do what I say, really." "

I'm really a cow, just because of my special identity, to put it bluntly, my behind-the-scenes boss, after my death, will definitely change people to harm your country.

"It's useless for you to kill me alone, the key is how to control this line, this is the fundamental, you can understand it when you think about it, I really want to cooperate with you, so I said that." Hearing

this, the old cannon looked at Chen Jun, and he also had some considerations for Kun Sha's sincerity.

After a moment, the old cannon asked tentatively: "Do you have a way, let the newcomer not send drugs to the Yan country."

Hearing this, Kun Sha immediately nodded and promised, "Surely, if he dares to mess around, Lao Tzu will kill his whole family."

Hearing this, Chen Jun's eyelids jumped, this is a ruthless person.

If you are not ruthless, you can't sit in this position, and Chen Jun doesn't have much of a good evaluation of Kunsha.

Of course, he wouldn't take Kunsha's proposal seriously, but he kept silent.

At this time, Qiangzi touched his chin, looked at Kun Sha, and asked: "If you can do it, our pressure is indeed a lot less, and it is easy to explain when we go back, that is, we have received an order to kill you." Hearing

this, Kun Sha was about to cry, and said urgently: "If you don't kill me, you will be more beneficial, really, after I cooperate with you, you will no longer have such task pressure in the future."

"Besides, if you kill me, it will be difficult for you to get out, and someone will know. Hearing

this, Chen Jun's face turned cold, "You threaten me?"

In the face of the murderous Chen Jun, Kun Sha didn't have any confidence, he didn't even dare to look directly, and knelt on the ground and kowtowed.


floor was banged by Kunsha, and after a while, his forehead was bleeding.

"No, I didn't mean that, I just told the truth, for you.

"Really, I'm sincere, and I want to help you, and I will kowtow to you.

Kun Sha knocked his head dozens of times in a row, and the moment he looked up, his forehead was already bloody.

Chen Jun ignored Kun Sha and said indifferently: "Even if you say it, you will regret it in the future, what do you say, or kill it, in order to prevent future troubles, such a politician leader, speaking like a fart, for his own interests, he can do anything."

"Ah, no..."

Kun Sha still wanted to beg for mercy, but before he could speak, he was suppressed by the voice of the old cannon several protracted voices.

"It makes sense, this person can't be trusted, he can't let the tiger go back to the mountain, once he is released, he will definitely take revenge on us. "

Kill, I also agree with killing, and we must not be soft on the enemy.

In the coaxing of the old artillery, Chen Jun slowly raised his hand and lifted the dagger.

Seeing this scene, Kun Sha's face turned pale, and he immediately worshiped the Buddha with both hands and shouted, "I can write a letter of guarantee, guarantee what I said today, really, I can write." "

Really?" Chen Jun squinted his murderous eyes and stared at Kun Sha fiercely, the dagger in his hand still falling.

The cold dagger was first to fall, and Kunsha's neck was about to move in an instant.

Seeing that dagger, Kunsha's soul flew.

He nodded again and again, "Yes, I can write, and I can also write other internal responses, their evidence is in your hands, and they will not transport poison to Yanguo, and you will leave a sign to deter them, indicating that Yanguo has the ability to kill them." "

They must obey you, and they will do whatever you want to do in the future, what do you think?"

Chen Jun was convinced, and the dagger stopped instantly.

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